Interface Message

  • public interface Message
    Implements the Message pattern and represents an inbound or outbound message as part of an Exchange.

    Headers is represented in Camel using a CaseInsensitiveMap. The implementation of the map can be configured by the HeadersMapFactory which can be set on the CamelContext. The default implementation uses the CaseInsensitiveMap.

    • Method Detail

      • getMessageId

        String getMessageId()
        Returns the id of the message.

        By default the message uses the same id as Exchange.getExchangeId() as messages are associated with the exchange and using different IDs does not offer much value. Another reason is to optimize for performance to avoid generating new IDs.

        A few Camel components do provide their own message IDs such as the JMS components.

        the message id
      • setMessageId

        void setMessageId​(String messageId)
        Sets the id of the message
        messageId - id of the message
      • getExchange

        Exchange getExchange()
        Returns the exchange this message is related to
        the exchange
      • getHeader

        Object getHeader​(String name)
        Accesses a specific header
        name - name of header
        the value of the given header or null if there is no header for the given name
      • getHeader

        Object getHeader​(String name,
                         Object defaultValue)
        Accesses a specific header
        name - name of header
        defaultValue - the default value to return if header was absent
        the value of the given header or defaultValue if there is no header for the given name
      • getHeader

        Object getHeader​(String name,
                         Supplier<Object> defaultValueSupplier)
        Accesses a specific header
        name - name of header
        defaultValueSupplier - the default value supplier used to generate the value to return if header was absent
        the value of the given header or he value generated by the defaultValueSupplier if there is no header for the given name
      • getHeader

        <T> T getHeader​(String name,
                        Class<T> type)
        Returns a header associated with this message by name and specifying the type required
        name - the name of the header
        type - the type of the header
        the value of the given header or null if there is no header for the given name
        TypeConversionException - is thrown if error during type conversion
      • getHeader

        <T> T getHeader​(String name,
                        Object defaultValue,
                        Class<T> type)
        Returns a header associated with this message by name and specifying the type required
        name - the name of the header
        defaultValue - the default value to return if header was absent
        type - the type of the header
        the value of the given header or defaultValue if there is no header for the given name or null if it cannot be converted to the given type
      • getHeader

        <T> T getHeader​(String name,
                        Supplier<Object> defaultValueSupplier,
                        Class<T> type)
        Returns a header associated with this message by name and specifying the type required
        name - the name of the header
        defaultValueSupplier - the default value supplier used to generate the value to return if header was absent
        type - the type of the header
        the value of the given header or he value generated by the defaultValueSupplier if there is no header for the given name or null if it cannot be converted to the given type
      • setHeader

        void setHeader​(String name,
                       Object value)
        Sets a header on the message
        name - of the header
        value - to associate with the name
      • removeHeader

        Object removeHeader​(String name)
        Removes the named header from this message
        name - name of the header
        the old value of the header
      • removeHeaders

        boolean removeHeaders​(String pattern)
        Removes the headers from this message
        pattern - pattern of names
        boolean whether any headers matched
      • removeHeaders

        boolean removeHeaders​(String pattern,
                              String... excludePatterns)
        Removes the headers from this message that match the given pattern, except for the ones matching one or more excludePatterns
        pattern - pattern of names that should be removed
        excludePatterns - one or more pattern of header names that should be excluded (= preserved)
        boolean whether any headers matched
      • getHeaders

        Map<String,​Object> getHeaders()
        Returns all of the headers associated with the message.

        Headers is represented in Camel using a CaseInsensitiveMap. The implementation of the map can be configured by the HeadersMapFactory which can be set on the CamelContext. The default implementation uses the CaseInsensitiveMap.

        Important: If you want to walk the returned Map and fetch all the keys and values, you should use the Map.entrySet() method, which ensure you get the keys in the original case.

        all the headers in a Map
      • setHeaders

        void setHeaders​(Map<String,​Object> headers)
        Set all the headers associated with this message

        Important: If you want to copy headers from another Message to this Message, then use getHeaders().putAll(other) to copy the headers, where other is the other headers.

        headers - headers to set
      • hasHeaders

        boolean hasHeaders()
        Returns whether has any headers has been set.
        true if any headers has been set
      • getBody

        Object getBody()
        Returns the body of the message as a POJO

        The body can be null if no body is set.

        Notice if the message body is stream based then calling this method multiple times may lead to the stream not being able to be re-read again. You can enable stream caching and call the StreamCache.reset() method to reset the stream to be able to re-read again (if possible). See more details about stream caching.

        the body, can be null
      • getMandatoryBody

        Object getMandatoryBody()
                         throws InvalidPayloadException
        Returns the body of the message as a POJO

        Notice if the message body is stream based then calling this method multiple times may lead to the stream not being able to be re-read again. See more details about stream caching.

        the body, is never null
        InvalidPayloadException - Is thrown if the body being null or wrong class type
      • getBody

        <T> T getBody​(Class<T> type)
        Returns the body as the specified type

        Notice if the message body is stream based then calling this method multiple times may lead to the stream not being able to be re-read again. You can enable stream caching and call the StreamCache.reset() method to reset the stream to be able to re-read again (if possible). See more details about stream caching.

        type - the type that the body
        the body of the message as the specified type, or null if no body exists
        TypeConversionException - is thrown if error during type conversion
      • getMandatoryBody

        <T> T getMandatoryBody​(Class<T> type)
                        throws InvalidPayloadException
        Returns the mandatory body as the specified type

        Notice if the message body is stream based then calling this method multiple times may lead to the stream not being able to be re-read again. You can enable stream caching and call the StreamCache.reset() method to reset the stream to be able to re-read again (if possible). See more details about stream caching.

        type - the type that the body
        the body of the message as the specified type, is never null.
        InvalidPayloadException - Is thrown if the body being null or wrong class type
      • setBody

        void setBody​(Object body)
        Sets the body of the message
        body - the body
      • setBody

        <T> void setBody​(Object body,
                         Class<T> type)
        Sets the body of the message as a specific type
        body - the body
        type - the type of the body
      • copy

        Message copy()
        Creates a copy of this message so that it can be used and possibly modified further in another exchange.

        The returned Message copy will have its Exchange set to the same Exchange instance as from the source.

        a new message instance copied from this message
      • copyFromWithNewBody

        void copyFromWithNewBody​(Message message,
                                 Object newBody)
        Copies the contents (except the body) of the other message into this message and uses the provided new body instead

        The returned Message copy will have its Exchange set to the same Exchange instance as from the source.

        message - the other message
        newBody - the new body to use