Interface ExecutorServiceManager

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Service, ShutdownableService, StaticService

public interface ExecutorServiceManager extends ShutdownableService, StaticService
Strategy to create thread pools.

This manager is pluggable so you can plugin a custom provider, for example if you want to leverage the WorkManager for a JEE server.

You may want to just implement a custom ThreadPoolFactory and rely on the org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExecutorServiceManager, if that is sufficient. The ThreadPoolFactory is always used for creating the actual thread pools. You can implement a custom ThreadPoolFactory to leverage the WorkManager for a JEE server.

The ThreadPoolFactory has pure JDK API, where as this ExecutorServiceManager has Camel API concepts such as ThreadPoolProfile. Therefore it may be easier to only implement a custom ThreadPoolFactory.

This manager has fine grained methods for creating various thread pools, however custom strategies do not have to exactly create those kind of pools. Feel free to return a shared or different kind of pool.

If you use the newXXX methods to create thread pools, then Camel will by default take care of shutting down those created pools when CamelContext is shutting down.

For more information about shutting down thread pools see the shutdown(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) and shutdownNow(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService), and getShutdownAwaitTermination() methods. Notice the details about using a graceful shutdown at first, and then falling back to aggressive shutdown in case of await termination timeout occurred.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getThreadPoolFactory

      ThreadPoolFactory getThreadPoolFactory()
      Gets the ThreadPoolFactory to use for creating the thread pools.
      the thread pool factory
    • setThreadPoolFactory

      void setThreadPoolFactory(ThreadPoolFactory threadPoolFactory)
      Sets a custom ThreadPoolFactory to use
      threadPoolFactory - the thread pool factory
    • resolveThreadName

      String resolveThreadName(String name)
      Creates a full thread name
      name - name which is appended to the full thread name
      the full thread name
    • getThreadPoolProfile

      ThreadPoolProfile getThreadPoolProfile(String id)
      Gets the thread pool profile by the given id
      id - id of the thread pool profile to get
      the found profile, or null if not found
    • registerThreadPoolProfile

      void registerThreadPoolProfile(ThreadPoolProfile profile)
      Registers the given thread pool profile
      profile - the profile
    • setDefaultThreadPoolProfile

      void setDefaultThreadPoolProfile(ThreadPoolProfile defaultThreadPoolProfile)
      Sets the default thread pool profile
      defaultThreadPoolProfile - the new default thread pool profile
    • getDefaultThreadPoolProfile

      ThreadPoolProfile getDefaultThreadPoolProfile()
      Gets the default thread pool profile
      the default profile which are newer null
    • setThreadNamePattern

      void setThreadNamePattern(String pattern) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Sets the thread name pattern used for creating the full thread name.

      The default pattern is: Camel (#camelId#) thread ##counter# - #name#

      Where #camelId# is the name of the CamelContext
      and #counter# is a unique incrementing counter.
      and #name# is the regular thread name.
      You can also use #longName# is the long thread name which can include endpoint parameters etc.

      pattern - the pattern
      IllegalArgumentException - if the pattern is invalid.
    • getThreadNamePattern

      String getThreadNamePattern()
      Gets the thread name pattern to use
      the pattern
    • setShutdownAwaitTermination

      void setShutdownAwaitTermination(long timeInMillis)
      Sets the time to wait for thread pools to shutdown orderly, when invoking the ShutdownableService.shutdown() method.

      The default value is 10000 millis.

      timeInMillis - time in millis.
    • getShutdownAwaitTermination

      long getShutdownAwaitTermination()
      Gets the time to wait for thread pools to shutdown orderly, when invoking the ShutdownableService.shutdown() method.

      The default value is 10000 millis.

      the timeout value
    • newThread

      Thread newThread(String name, Runnable runnable)
      Creates a new daemon thread with the given name.
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      runnable - a runnable to be executed by new thread instance
      the created thread
    • newDefaultThreadPool

      ExecutorService newDefaultThreadPool(Object source, String name)
      Creates a new thread pool using the default thread pool profile.
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      the created thread pool
    • newDefaultScheduledThreadPool

      ScheduledExecutorService newDefaultScheduledThreadPool(Object source, String name)
      Creates a new scheduled thread pool using the default thread pool profile.
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      the created thread pool
    • newThreadPool

      ExecutorService newThreadPool(Object source, String name, ThreadPoolProfile profile)
      Creates a new thread pool using the given profile
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      profile - the profile with the thread pool settings to use
      the created thread pool
    • newThreadPool

      ExecutorService newThreadPool(Object source, String name, String profileId)
      Creates a new thread pool using using the given profile id
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      profileId - the id of the profile with the thread pool settings to use
      the created thread pool, or null if the thread pool profile could not be found
    • newThreadPool

      ExecutorService newThreadPool(Object source, String name, int poolSize, int maxPoolSize)
      Creates a new thread pool.

      Will fallback and use values from the default thread pool profile for keep alive time, rejection policy and other parameters which cannot be specified.

      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      poolSize - the core pool size
      maxPoolSize - the maximum pool size
      the created thread pool
    • newSingleThreadExecutor

      ExecutorService newSingleThreadExecutor(Object source, String name)
      Creates a new single-threaded thread pool. This is often used for background threads.

      Notice that there will always be a single thread in the pool. If you want the pool to be able to shrink to no threads, then use the newThreadPool method, and use 0 in core pool size, and 1 in max pool size.

      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      the created thread pool
    • newCachedThreadPool

      ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool(Object source, String name)
      Creates a new cached thread pool.

      Important: Using cached thread pool should be used by care as they have no upper bound on created threads, and have no task backlog, and can therefore overload the JVM.

      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      the created thread pool
    • newFixedThreadPool

      ExecutorService newFixedThreadPool(Object source, String name, int poolSize)
      Creates a new fixed thread pool (the pool will not grow or shrink but has a fixed number of threads constantly).
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      poolSize - the core pool size
      the created thread pool
    • newScheduledThreadPool

      ScheduledExecutorService newScheduledThreadPool(Object source, String name, int poolSize)
      Creates a new scheduled thread pool.
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      poolSize - the core pool size
      the created thread pool
    • newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor

      ScheduledExecutorService newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(Object source, String name)
      Creates a new single-threaded thread pool. This is often used for background threads.
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      the created thread pool
    • newScheduledThreadPool

      ScheduledExecutorService newScheduledThreadPool(Object source, String name, ThreadPoolProfile profile)
      Creates a new scheduled thread pool using a profile
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      profile - the profile with the thread pool settings to use
      created thread pool
    • newScheduledThreadPool

      ScheduledExecutorService newScheduledThreadPool(Object source, String name, String profileId)
      Creates a new scheduled thread pool using a profile id
      source - the source object, usually it should be this passed in as parameter
      name - name which is appended to the thread name
      profileId - the id of the profile with the thread pool settings to use
      created thread pool
    • shutdown

      void shutdown(ExecutorService executorService)
      Shutdown the given executor service (not graceful).

      This implementation will issue a regular shutdown of the executor service, ie calling ExecutorService.shutdown() and return.

      executorService - the executor service to shutdown
      See Also:
    • shutdownGraceful

      void shutdownGraceful(ExecutorService executorService)
      Shutdown the given executor service graceful at first, and then aggressively if the await termination timeout was hit.

      Will try to perform an orderly shutdown by giving the running threads time to complete tasks, before going more aggressively by doing a shutdownNow(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) which forces a shutdown. The getShutdownAwaitTermination() is used as timeout value waiting for orderly shutdown to complete normally, before going aggressively.

      executorService - the executor service to shutdown
      See Also:
    • shutdownGraceful

      void shutdownGraceful(ExecutorService executorService, long shutdownAwaitTermination)
      Shutdown the given executor service graceful at first, and then aggressively if the await termination timeout was hit.

      Will try to perform an orderly shutdown by giving the running threads time to complete tasks, before going more aggressively by doing a shutdownNow(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) which forces a shutdown. The parameter shutdownAwaitTermination is used as timeout value waiting for orderly shutdown to complete normally, before going aggressively.

      executorService - the executor service to shutdown
      shutdownAwaitTermination - timeout in millis to wait for orderly shutdown
      See Also:
    • shutdownNow

      List<Runnable> shutdownNow(ExecutorService executorService)
      Shutdown now the given executor service aggressively.

      This implementation will issues a regular shutdownNow of the executor service, ie calling ExecutorService.shutdownNow() and return.

      executorService - the executor service to shutdown now
      list of tasks that never commenced execution
      See Also:
    • awaitTermination

      boolean awaitTermination(ExecutorService executorService, long shutdownAwaitTermination) throws InterruptedException
      Awaits the termination of the thread pool.

      This implementation will log every 2nd second at INFO level that we are waiting, so the end user can see we are not hanging in case it takes longer time to terminate the pool.

      executorService - the thread pool
      shutdownAwaitTermination - time in millis to use as timeout
      true if the pool is terminated, or false if we timed out
      InterruptedException - is thrown if we are interrupted during waiting