Interface ResumeStrategyConfigurationBuilder<T extends ResumeStrategyConfigurationBuilder,Y extends ResumeStrategyConfiguration>

Type Parameters:
T - The ResumeStrategyConfigurationBuilder providing the custom configuration
Y - The type of the ResumeStrategyConfiguration that will be built by the builder

public interface ResumeStrategyConfigurationBuilder<T extends ResumeStrategyConfigurationBuilder,Y extends ResumeStrategyConfiguration>
Provides a basic interface for implementing component-specific configuration builder
  • Method Details

    • withCacheFillPolicy

      T withCacheFillPolicy(Cacheable.FillPolicy cacheFillPolicy)
      Sets the Cacheable.FillPolicy for the cache used in the strategy
      cacheFillPolicy - the fill policy to use
      this instance
    • withResumeCache

      T withResumeCache(ResumeCache<?> resumeCache)
      Sets the local resume cache instance to use in the strategy
      resumeCache - the local resume cache instance to use in the strategy
      this instance
    • build

      Y build()
      Builds the resume strategy configuration
      a new instance of the resume strategy configuration