Interface Condition

public interface Condition
A condition to define when a given Exchange matches when is being routed.

Is used by the Debugger to apply Conditions to Breakpoints to define rules when the breakpoints should match.

  • Method Details

    • matchProcess

      boolean matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, NamedNode definition, boolean before)
      Does the condition match
      exchange - the exchange
      processor - the Processor
      definition - the present location in the route where the Exchange is located at
      before - before or after processing
      true to match, false otherwise
    • matchEvent

      boolean matchEvent(Exchange exchange, CamelEvent.ExchangeEvent event)
      Does the condition match
      exchange - the exchange
      event - the event (instance of CamelEvent.ExchangeEvent
      true to match, false otherwise
      See Also: