Interface RouteController

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, CamelContextAware, HasCamelContext, Service, StaticService
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface RouteController extends CamelContextAware, StaticService
Controller for managing the lifecycle of all the Route's.
  • Method Details

    • getLoggingLevel

      LoggingLevel getLoggingLevel()
      Gets the logging level used for logging route activity (such as starting and stopping routes). The default logging level is DEBUG.
    • setLoggingLevel

      void setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel loggingLevel)
      Sets the logging level used for logging route activity (such as starting and stopping routes). The default logging level is DEBUG.
    • isSupervising

      boolean isSupervising()
      Whether this route controller is a regular or supervising controller.
    • supervising

      Enables supervising RouteController.
    • adapt

      <T extends RouteController> T adapt(Class<T> type)
      Adapts this RouteController to the specialized type.

      For example to adapt to SupervisingRouteController.

      type - the type to adapt to
      this CamelContext adapted to the given type
    • getControlledRoutes

      Collection<Route> getControlledRoutes()
      Return the list of routes controlled by this controller.
      the list of controlled routes
    • startAllRoutes

      void startAllRoutes() throws Exception
      Starts all the routes which currently is not started.
      Exception - is thrown if a route could not be started for whatever reason
    • stopAllRoutes

      void stopAllRoutes() throws Exception
      Stops all the routes
      Exception - is thrown if a route could not be stopped for whatever reason
    • removeAllRoutes

      void removeAllRoutes() throws Exception
      Stops and removes all the routes
      Exception - is thrown if a route could not be stopped or removed for whatever reason
    • isStartingRoutes

      boolean isStartingRoutes()
      Indicates whether the route controller is doing initial starting of the routes.
    • hasUnhealthyRoutes

      boolean hasUnhealthyRoutes()
      Indicates if the route controller has routes that are currently unhealthy such as they have not yet been successfully started, and if being supervised then the route can either be pending restarts or failed all restart attempts and are exhausted.
    • reloadAllRoutes

      void reloadAllRoutes() throws Exception
      Reloads all the routes
      Exception - is thrown if a route could not be reloaded for whatever reason
    • isReloadingRoutes

      boolean isReloadingRoutes()
      Indicates whether current thread is reloading route(s).

      This can be useful to know by LifecycleStrategy or the likes, in case they need to react differently.

      true if current thread is reloading route(s), or false if not.
    • getRouteStatus

      ServiceStatus getRouteStatus(String routeId)
      Returns the current status of the given route
      routeId - the route id
      the status for the route
    • startRoute

      void startRoute(String routeId) throws Exception
      Starts the given route if it has been previously stopped
      routeId - the route id
      Exception - is thrown if the route could not be started for whatever reason
    • stopRoute

      void stopRoute(String routeId) throws Exception
      Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy.
      routeId - the route id
      Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason
      See Also:
    • stopRoute

      void stopRoute(String routeId, Throwable cause) throws Exception
      Stops and marks the given route as failed (health check is DOWN) due to a caused exception.
      routeId - the route id
      cause - the exception that is causing this route to be stopped and marked as failed
      Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason
      See Also:
    • stopRoute

      void stopRoute(String routeId, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws Exception
      Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout.
      routeId - the route id
      timeout - timeout
      timeUnit - the unit to use
      Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason
      See Also:
    • stopRoute

      boolean stopRoute(String routeId, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit, boolean abortAfterTimeout) throws Exception
      Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout and optional abortAfterTimeout mode.
      routeId - the route id
      timeout - timeout
      timeUnit - the unit to use
      abortAfterTimeout - should abort shutdown after timeout
      true if the route is stopped before the timeout
      Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason
      See Also:
    • suspendRoute

      void suspendRoute(String routeId) throws Exception
      Suspends the given route using ShutdownStrategy.

      Suspending a route is more gently than stopping, as the route consumers will be suspended (if they support) otherwise the consumers will be stopped.

      By suspending the route services will be kept running (if possible) and therefore its faster to resume the route.

      If the route does not support suspension the route will be stopped instead

      routeId - the route id
      Exception - is thrown if the route could not be suspended for whatever reason
    • suspendRoute

      void suspendRoute(String routeId, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws Exception
      Suspends the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout.

      Suspending a route is more gently than stopping, as the route consumers will be suspended (if they support) otherwise the consumers will be stopped.

      By suspending the route services will be kept running (if possible) and therefore its faster to resume the route.

      If the route does not support suspension the route will be stopped instead

      routeId - the route id
      timeout - timeout
      timeUnit - the unit to use
      Exception - is thrown if the route could not be suspended for whatever reason
    • resumeRoute

      void resumeRoute(String routeId) throws Exception
      Resumes the given route if it has been previously suspended

      If the route does not support suspension the route will be started instead

      routeId - the route id
      Exception - is thrown if the route could not be resumed for whatever reason