Class Athena2Configuration

All Implemented Interfaces:

@UriParams public class Athena2Configuration extends Object implements Cloneable
  • Constructor Details

    • Athena2Configuration

      public Athena2Configuration()
  • Method Details

    • getAccessKey

      public String getAccessKey()
    • setAccessKey

      public void setAccessKey(String accessKey)
      Amazon AWS Access Key.
    • getSecretKey

      public String getSecretKey()
    • setSecretKey

      public void setSecretKey(String secretKey)
      Amazon AWS Secret Key.
    • getSessionToken

      public String getSessionToken()
    • setSessionToken

      public void setSessionToken(String sessionToken)
      Amazon AWS Session Token used when the user needs to assume an IAM role
    • getAmazonAthenaClient

      public getAmazonAthenaClient()
    • setAmazonAthenaClient

      public void setAmazonAthenaClient( amazonAthenaClient)
      The AmazonAthena instance to use as the client.
    • getProxyProtocol

      public getProxyProtocol()
    • setProxyProtocol

      public void setProxyProtocol( proxyProtocol)
      To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the Athena client.
    • getProxyHost

      public String getProxyHost()
    • setProxyHost

      public void setProxyHost(String proxyHost)
      To define a proxy host when instantiating the Athena client.
    • getProxyPort

      public Integer getProxyPort()
    • setProxyPort

      public void setProxyPort(Integer proxyPort)
      To define a proxy port when instantiating the Athena client.
    • getRegion

      public String getRegion()
    • setRegion

      public void setRegion(String region)
      The region in which the Athena client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example, ap-east-1). You'll need to use the name
    • getOutputLocation

      public String getOutputLocation()
    • setOutputLocation

      public void setOutputLocation(String outputLocation)
      The location in Amazon S3 where query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/. Ensure this value ends with a forward slash ('/').
    • getOutputType

      public Athena2OutputType getOutputType()
    • setOutputType

      public void setOutputType(Athena2OutputType outputType)
      How query results should be returned. One of StreamList (default - return a GetQueryResultsIterable that can page through all results), SelectList (returns at most 1,000 rows at a time, plus a NextToken value as a header than can be used for manual pagination of results), S3Pointer (return an S3 path pointing to the results).
    • getOperation

      public Athena2Operations getOperation()
    • setOperation

      public void setOperation(Athena2Operations operation)
      The Athena API function to call.
    • getDatabase

      public String getDatabase()
    • setDatabase

      public void setDatabase(String database)
      The Athena database to use.
    • getQueryExecutionId

      public String getQueryExecutionId()
    • setQueryExecutionId

      public void setQueryExecutionId(String queryExecutionId)
      The unique ID identifying the query execution.
    • getWorkGroup

      public String getWorkGroup()
    • setWorkGroup

      public void setWorkGroup(String workGroup)
      The workgroup to use for running the query.
    • getMaxResults

      public Integer getMaxResults()
    • setMaxResults

      public void setMaxResults(Integer maxResults)
      Max number of results to return for the given operation (if supported by the Athena API endpoint). If not set, will use the Athena API default for the given operation.
    • getNextToken

      public String getNextToken()
    • setNextToken

      public void setNextToken(String nextToken)
      Pagination token to use in the case where the response from the previous request was truncated.
    • getClientRequestToken

      public String getClientRequestToken()
    • setClientRequestToken

      public void setClientRequestToken(String clientRequestToken)
      A unique string to ensure issues queries are idempotent. It is unlikely you will need to set this.
    • getEncryptionOption

      public getEncryptionOption()
    • setEncryptionOption

      public void setEncryptionOption( encryptionOption)
      The encryption type to use when storing query results in S3. One of SSE_S3, SSE_KMS, or CSE_KMS.
    • getKmsKey

      public String getKmsKey()
    • setKmsKey

      public void setKmsKey(String kmsKey)
      For SSE-KMS and CSE-KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID.
    • getQueryString

      public String getQueryString()
    • setQueryString

      public void setQueryString(String queryString)
      The SQL query to run. Except for simple queries, prefer setting this as the body of the Exchange or as a header using Athena2Constants.QUERY_STRING to avoid having to deal with URL encoding issues.
    • getInitialDelay

      public long getInitialDelay()
    • setInitialDelay

      public void setInitialDelay(long initialDelay)
      Milliseconds before the first poll for query execution status. See the section 'Waiting for Query Completion and Retrying Failed Queries' to learn more.
    • getDelay

      public long getDelay()
    • setDelay

      public void setDelay(long delay)
      Milliseconds before the next poll for query execution status. See the section 'Waiting for Query Completion and Retrying Failed Queries' to learn more.
    • getWaitTimeout

      public long getWaitTimeout()
    • setWaitTimeout

      public void setWaitTimeout(long waitTimeout)
      Optional max wait time in millis to wait for a successful query completion. See the section 'Waiting for Query Completion and Retrying Failed Queries' to learn more.
    • getRetry

      public String getRetry()
    • setRetry

      public void setRetry(String retry)
      Optional comma separated list of error types to retry the query for. Use "retryable" to retry all retryable failure conditions (e.g. generic errors and resources exhausted), "generic" to retry "GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR" failures, "exhausted" to retry queries that have exhausted resource limits, "always" to always retry regardless of failure condition, or "never" or null to never retry (default). See the section 'Waiting for Query Completion and Retrying Failed Queries' to learn more.
    • getMaxAttempts

      public int getMaxAttempts()
    • setMaxAttempts

      public void setMaxAttempts(int maxAttempts)
      Maximum number of times to attempt a query. Set to 1 to disable retries. See the section 'Waiting for Query Completion and Retrying Failed Queries' to learn more.
    • isResetWaitTimeoutOnRetry

      public boolean isResetWaitTimeoutOnRetry()
    • setResetWaitTimeoutOnRetry

      public void setResetWaitTimeoutOnRetry(boolean resetWaitTimeoutOnRetry)
      Reset the waitTimeout countdown in the event of a query retry. If set to true, potential max time spent waiting for queries is equal to waitTimeout x maxAttempts. See the section 'Waiting for Query Completion and Retrying Failed Queries' to learn more.
    • isIncludeTrace

      public boolean isIncludeTrace()
    • setIncludeTrace

      public void setIncludeTrace(boolean includeTrace)
      Include useful trace information at the beginning of queries as an SQL comment (prefixed with "--").
    • setUseDefaultCredentialsProvider

      public void setUseDefaultCredentialsProvider(Boolean useDefaultCredentialsProvider)
      Set whether the Athena client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider or to expect static credentials to be passed in.
    • isUseDefaultCredentialsProvider

      public Boolean isUseDefaultCredentialsProvider()
    • isUseProfileCredentialsProvider

      public boolean isUseProfileCredentialsProvider()
    • setUseProfileCredentialsProvider

      public void setUseProfileCredentialsProvider(boolean useProfileCredentialsProvider)
      Set whether the Athena client should expect to load credentials through a profile credentials provider.
    • isUseSessionCredentials

      public boolean isUseSessionCredentials()
    • setUseSessionCredentials

      public void setUseSessionCredentials(boolean useSessionCredentials)
      Set whether the Athena client should expect to use Session Credentials. This is useful in a situation in which the user needs to assume a IAM role for doing operations in Athena.
    • getProfileCredentialsName

      public String getProfileCredentialsName()
    • setProfileCredentialsName

      public void setProfileCredentialsName(String profileCredentialsName)
      If using a profile credentials provider this parameter will set the profile name
    • copy

      public Athena2Configuration copy()