Class CaffeineLRUWeakCache<K,​V>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.RemovalListener<K,​V>, Serializable, Map<K,​V>,<K,​V>

    public class CaffeineLRUWeakCache<K,​V>
    extends CaffeineLRUCache<K,​V>
    A cache that uses a near optional LRU Cache using WeakReference.

    The Cache is implemented by Caffeine which provides an efficient cache.

    This implementation uses WeakReference for stored values in the cache, to support the JVM when it wants to reclaim objects for example during garbage collection. Therefore this implementation does not support all the Map methods.

    The following methods is only be be used:

    • containsKey - To determine if the key is in the cache and refers to a value
    • entrySet - To return a set of all the entries (as key/value paris)
    • get - To get a value from the cache
    • isEmpty - To determine if the cache contains any values
    • keySet - To return a set of the current keys which refers to a value
    • put - To add a value to the cache
    • putAll - To add values to the cache
    • remove - To remove a value from the cache by its key
    • size - To get the current size
    • values - To return a copy of all the value in a list

    The CaffeineLRUCache.containsValue(Object) method should not be used as it's not adjusted to check for the existence of a value without catering for the soft references.

    Notice that if the JVM reclaim memory the content of this cache may be garbage collected, without any eviction notifications.

    Use LRUCacheFactory to create a new instance (do not use the constructor).

    See Also:
    LRUCacheFactory, CaffeineLRUCache, CaffeineLRUSoftCache, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • CaffeineLRUWeakCache

        public CaffeineLRUWeakCache​(int maximumCacheSize)
      • CaffeineLRUWeakCache

        public CaffeineLRUWeakCache​(int initialCapacity,
                                    int maximumCacheSize)
      • CaffeineLRUWeakCache

        public CaffeineLRUWeakCache​(int initialCapacity,
                                    int maximumCacheSize,
                                    boolean stopOnEviction)