Class BindyDataFormat.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • locale

        public BindyDataFormat.Builder locale​(String locale)
        To configure a default locale to use, such as us for united states.

        To use the JVM platform default locale then use the name default

      • unwrapSingleInstance

        public BindyDataFormat.Builder unwrapSingleInstance​(String unwrapSingleInstance)
        When unmarshalling should a single instance be unwrapped and returned instead of wrapped in a java.util.List.
      • unwrapSingleInstance

        public BindyDataFormat.Builder unwrapSingleInstance​(boolean unwrapSingleInstance)
        When unmarshalling should a single instance be unwrapped and returned instead of wrapped in a java.util.List.
      • allowEmptyStream

        public BindyDataFormat.Builder allowEmptyStream​(String allowEmptyStream)
        Whether to allow empty streams in the unmarshal process. If true, no exception will be thrown when a body without records is provided.
      • allowEmptyStream

        public BindyDataFormat.Builder allowEmptyStream​(boolean allowEmptyStream)
        Whether to allow empty streams in the unmarshal process. If true, no exception will be thrown when a body without records is provided.