Class XStreamDataFormat.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • driver

        public XStreamDataFormat.Builder driver​(String driver)
        To use a custom XStream driver. The instance must be of type
      • driverRef

        public XStreamDataFormat.Builder driverRef​(String driverRef)
        To refer to a custom XStream driver to lookup in the registry. The instance must be of type
      • mode

        public XStreamDataFormat.Builder mode​(String mode)
        Mode for dealing with duplicate references The possible values are:
      • omitFields

        public XStreamDataFormat.Builder omitFields​(List<PropertyDefinition> omitFields)
        Prevents a field from being serialized. To omit a field you must always provide the declaring type and not necessarily the type that is converted. Multiple values can be separated by comma.
      • implicitCollections

        public XStreamDataFormat.Builder implicitCollections​(List<PropertyDefinition> implicitCollections)
        Adds a default implicit collection which is used for any unmapped XML tag. Multiple values can be separated by comma.
      • permissions

        public XStreamDataFormat.Builder permissions​(String permissions)
        Adds permissions that controls which Java packages and classes XStream is allowed to use during unmarshal from xml/json to Java beans.

        A permission must be configured either here or globally using a JVM system property. The permission can be specified in a syntax where a plus sign is allow, and minus sign is deny.
        Wildcards is supported by using .* as prefix. For example to allow and all subpackages then specify*. Multiple permissions can be configured separated by comma, such as*,
        The following default permission is always included: "-*,java.lang.*,java.util.*" unless its overridden by specifying a JVM system property with they key org.apache.camel.xstream.permissions.