Class RestConfigurationDefinition

  • @Metadata(label="rest")
    public class RestConfigurationDefinition
    extends Object
    To configure rest
    • Constructor Detail

      • RestConfigurationDefinition

        public RestConfigurationDefinition()
    • Method Detail

      • getComponent

        public String getComponent()
      • setComponent

        public void setComponent​(String component)
        The Camel Rest component to use for the REST transport (consumer), such as netty-http, jetty, servlet, undertow. If no component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component that integrates with the Rest DSL, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used.
      • getApiComponent

        public String getApiComponent()
      • setApiComponent

        public void setApiComponent​(String apiComponent)
        The name of the Camel component to use as the REST API. If no API Component has been explicit configured, then Camel will lookup if there is a Camel component responsible for servicing and generating the REST API documentation, or if a org.apache.camel.spi.RestApiProcessorFactory is registered in the registry. If either one is found, then that is being used.
      • getProducerComponent

        public String getProducerComponent()
      • setProducerComponent

        public void setProducerComponent​(String producerComponent)
        Sets the name of the Camel component to use as the REST producer
      • getScheme

        public String getScheme()
      • setScheme

        public void setScheme​(String scheme)
        The scheme to use for exposing the REST service. Usually http or https is supported.

        The default value is http

      • getHost

        public String getHost()
      • setHost

        public void setHost​(String host)
        The hostname to use for exposing the REST service.
      • getApiHost

        public String getApiHost()
      • setApiHost

        public void setApiHost​(String apiHost)
        To use a specific hostname for the API documentation (such as swagger or openapi)

        This can be used to override the generated host with this configured hostname

      • getPort

        public String getPort()
      • setPort

        public void setPort​(String port)
        The port number to use for exposing the REST service. Notice if you use servlet component then the port number configured here does not apply, as the port number in use is the actual port number the servlet component is using. eg if using Apache Tomcat its the tomcat http port, if using Apache Karaf its the HTTP service in Karaf that uses port 8181 by default etc. Though in those situations setting the port number here, allows tooling and JMX to know the port number, so its recommended to set the port number to the number that the servlet engine uses.
      • getProducerApiDoc

        public String getProducerApiDoc()
      • setProducerApiDoc

        public void setProducerApiDoc​(String producerApiDoc)
        Sets the location of the api document the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document.

        The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url.

      • getContextPath

        public String getContextPath()
      • setContextPath

        public void setContextPath​(String contextPath)
        Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using.

        This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server.

      • getApiContextPath

        public String getApiContextPath()
      • setApiContextPath

        public void setApiContextPath​(String contextPath)
        Sets a leading API context-path the REST API services will be using.

        This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path.

        contextPath - the API context path
      • getApiContextRouteId

        public String getApiContextRouteId()
      • setApiContextRouteId

        public void setApiContextRouteId​(String apiContextRouteId)
        Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API.

        The route will by default use an auto assigned route id.

        apiContextRouteId - the route id
      • getApiVendorExtension

        public Boolean getApiVendorExtension()
      • setApiVendorExtension

        public void setApiVendorExtension​(Boolean apiVendorExtension)
        Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Not all 3rd party API gateways and tools supports vendor-extensions when importing your API docs.
      • setHostNameResolver

        public void setHostNameResolver​(RestHostNameResolver hostNameResolver)
        If no hostname has been explicit configured, then this resolver is used to compute the hostname the REST service will be using.
      • setBindingMode

        public void setBindingMode​(RestBindingMode bindingMode)
        Sets the binding mode to use.

        The default value is off

      • getSkipBindingOnErrorCode

        public Boolean getSkipBindingOnErrorCode()
      • setSkipBindingOnErrorCode

        public void setSkipBindingOnErrorCode​(Boolean skipBindingOnErrorCode)
        Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do.
      • getClientRequestValidation

        public Boolean getClientRequestValidation()
      • setClientRequestValidation

        public void setClientRequestValidation​(Boolean clientRequestValidation)
        Whether to enable validation of the client request to check: 1) Content-Type header matches what the Rest DSL consumes; returns HTTP Status 415 if validation error. 2) Accept header matches what the Rest DSL produces; returns HTTP Status 406 if validation error. 3) Missing required data (query parameters, HTTP headers, body); returns HTTP Status 400 if validation error. 4) Parsing error of the message body (JSon, XML or Auto binding mode must be enabled); returns HTTP Status 400 if validation error.
      • getEnableCORS

        public Boolean getEnableCORS()
      • setEnableCORS

        public void setEnableCORS​(Boolean enableCORS)
        Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response.

        The default value is false.

      • getInlineRoutes

        public Boolean getInlineRoutes()
      • setInlineRoutes

        public void setInlineRoutes​(Boolean inlineRoutes)
        Inline routes in rest-dsl which are linked using direct endpoints. By default, each service in Rest DSL is an individual route, meaning that you would have at least two routes per service (rest-dsl, and the route linked from rest-dsl). Enabling this allows Camel to optimize and inline this as a single route, however this requires to use direct endpoints, which must be unique per service. This option is default false.
      • getJsonDataFormat

        public String getJsonDataFormat()
      • setJsonDataFormat

        public void setJsonDataFormat​(String jsonDataFormat)
        Name of specific json data format to use. By default jackson will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance.
      • getXmlDataFormat

        public String getXmlDataFormat()
      • setXmlDataFormat

        public void setXmlDataFormat​(String xmlDataFormat)
        Name of specific XML data format to use. By default jaxb will be used. Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance.
      • setComponentProperties

        public void setComponentProperties​(List<RestPropertyDefinition> componentProperties)
        Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest component in use.
      • setEndpointProperties

        public void setEndpointProperties​(List<RestPropertyDefinition> endpointProperties)
        Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest endpoint in use.
      • setConsumerProperties

        public void setConsumerProperties​(List<RestPropertyDefinition> consumerProperties)
        Allows to configure as many additional properties for the rest consumer in use.
      • setDataFormatProperties

        public void setDataFormatProperties​(List<RestPropertyDefinition> dataFormatProperties)
        Allows to configure as many additional properties for the data formats in use. For example set property prettyPrint to true to have json outputted in pretty mode. The properties can be prefixed to denote the option is only for either JSON or XML and for either the IN or the OUT. The prefixes are:
        • json.out.
        • xml.out.
        For example a key with value "xml.out.mustBeJAXBElement" is only for the XML data format for the outgoing. A key without a prefix is a common key for all situations.
      • setApiProperties

        public void setApiProperties​(List<RestPropertyDefinition> apiProperties)
        Allows to configure as many additional properties for the api documentation. For example set property api.title to my cool stuff
      • setCorsHeaders

        public void setCorsHeaders​(List<RestPropertyDefinition> corsHeaders)
        Allows to configure custom CORS headers.
      • getUseXForwardHeaders

        public Boolean getUseXForwardHeaders()
      • setUseXForwardHeaders

        public void setUseXForwardHeaders​(Boolean useXForwardHeaders)
        Whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting.

        The default value is true.

      • apiHost

        public RestConfigurationDefinition apiHost​(String host)
        To define a specific host to use for API documentation instead of using a generated API hostname that is relative to the REST service host.
      • producerApiDoc

        public RestConfigurationDefinition producerApiDoc​(String apiDoc)
        Sets the location of the api document the REST producer will use to validate the REST uri and query parameters are valid accordingly to the api document.

        The location of the api document is loaded from classpath by default, but you can use file: or http: to refer to resources to load from file or http url.

      • apiContextPath

        public RestConfigurationDefinition apiContextPath​(String contextPath)
        Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using.

        This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path. Or for components such as camel-jetty or camel-netty-http that includes a HTTP server.

      • apiContextRouteId

        public RestConfigurationDefinition apiContextRouteId​(String apiContextRouteId)
        Sets the route id to use for the route that services the REST API.

        The route will by default use an auto assigned route id.

      • apiVendorExtension

        public RestConfigurationDefinition apiVendorExtension​(boolean vendorExtension)
        Whether vendor extension is enabled in the Rest APIs. If enabled then Camel will include additional information as vendor extension (eg keys starting with x-) such as route ids, class names etc. Some API tooling may not support vendor extensions and this option can then be turned off.
      • contextPath

        public RestConfigurationDefinition contextPath​(String contextPath)
        Sets a leading context-path the REST services will be using.

        This can be used when using components such as camel-servlet where the deployed web application is deployed using a context-path.

      • skipBindingOnErrorCode

        public RestConfigurationDefinition skipBindingOnErrorCode​(boolean skipBindingOnErrorCode)
        To specify whether to skip binding output if there is a custom HTTP error code
      • clientRequestValidation

        public RestConfigurationDefinition clientRequestValidation​(boolean clientRequestValidation)
        Whether to enable validation of the client request to check: 1) Content-Type header matches what the Rest DSL consumes; returns HTTP Status 415 if validation error. 2) Accept header matches what the Rest DSL produces; returns HTTP Status 406 if validation error. 3) Missing required data (query parameters, HTTP headers, body); returns HTTP Status 400 if validation error. 4) Parsing error of the message body (JSon, XML or Auto binding mode must be enabled); returns HTTP Status 400 if validation error.
      • enableCORS

        public RestConfigurationDefinition enableCORS​(boolean enableCORS)
        To specify whether to enable CORS which means Camel will automatic include CORS in the HTTP headers in the response.
      • inlineRoutes

        public RestConfigurationDefinition inlineRoutes​(boolean inlineRoutes)
        Inline routes in rest-dsl which are linked using direct endpoints. By default, each service in Rest DSL is an individual route, meaning that you would have at least two routes per service (rest-dsl, and the route linked from rest-dsl). Enabling this allows Camel to optimize and inline this as a single route, however this requires to use direct endpoints, which must be unique per service. This option is default false.
      • jsonDataFormat

        public RestConfigurationDefinition jsonDataFormat​(String name)
        To use a specific json data format

        Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance.

        name - name of the data format to resolve
      • xmlDataFormat

        public RestConfigurationDefinition xmlDataFormat​(String name)
        To use a specific XML data format

        Important: This option is only for setting a custom name of the data format, not to refer to an existing data format instance.

        name - name of the data format to resolve
      • componentProperty

        public RestConfigurationDefinition componentProperty​(String key,
                                                             String value)
        For additional configuration options on component level

        The value can use # to refer to a bean to lookup in the registry.

      • endpointProperty

        public RestConfigurationDefinition endpointProperty​(String key,
                                                            String value)
        For additional configuration options on endpoint level

        The value can use # to refer to a bean to lookup in the registry.

      • consumerProperty

        public RestConfigurationDefinition consumerProperty​(String key,
                                                            String value)
        For additional configuration options on consumer level

        The value can use # to refer to a bean to lookup in the registry.

      • dataFormatProperty

        public RestConfigurationDefinition dataFormatProperty​(String key,
                                                              String value)
        For additional configuration options on data format level

        The value can use # to refer to a bean to lookup in the registry.

      • corsAllowCredentials

        public RestConfigurationDefinition corsAllowCredentials​(boolean corsAllowCredentials)
        Shortcut for setting the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
      • useXForwardHeaders

        public RestConfigurationDefinition useXForwardHeaders​(boolean useXForwardHeaders)
        To specify whether to use X-Forward headers for Host and related setting
      • asRestConfiguration

        public org.apache.camel.spi.RestConfiguration asRestConfiguration​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext context,
                                                                          org.apache.camel.spi.RestConfiguration target)
                                                                   throws Exception
        Configured an instance of a RestConfiguration instance based on the definition
        context - the camel context
        target - the RestConfiguration target
        the configuration
        Exception - is thrown if error creating the configuration