Class PredicateClause<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PredicateClause<T>
    extends Object
    implements org.apache.camel.Predicate
    • Constructor Detail

      • PredicateClause

        public PredicateClause​(T parent)
    • Method Detail

      • matches

        public boolean matches​(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
        Specified by:
        matches in interface org.apache.camel.Predicate
      • exchange

        public T exchange​(Predicate<org.apache.camel.Exchange> predicate)
        Define a Predicate which targets the Exchange.
      • message

        public T message​(Predicate<org.apache.camel.Message> predicate)
        Define a Predicate which targets the Exchange In Message.
                 .message(m -> m.getBody() != null)
                 .log("Received ${body}")
      • body

        public T body​(Predicate<Object> predicate)
        Define a Predicate which targets the Exchange In Body.
                 .body(b -> b != null)
                 .log("Received ${body}")
      • body

        public <B> T body​(Class<B> type,
                          Predicate<B> predicate)
        Define a Predicate which targets the typed Exchange In Body.
                 .body(Long.class, b -> (b & 1) == 0)
                 .log("Received even number ${body}")
      • body

        public T body​(BiPredicate<Object,​Map<String,​Object>> predicate)
        Define a Predicate which targets the Exchange In Body and its Headers.
                 .body((b, h) -> b != null || h.containsKy("ToProcess"))
                 .log("Received ${body}")
      • body

        public <B> T body​(Class<B> type,
                          BiPredicate<B,​Map<String,​Object>> predicate)
        Define a Predicate which targets the typed Exchange In Body and its Headers.
                 .body(String.class, (b, h) -> b != null && !b.isEmpty() || h.containsKy("ToProcess"))
                 .log("Received ${body}")