Class DataFormatClause<T extends ProcessorDefinition<?>>

  • public class DataFormatClause<T extends ProcessorDefinition<?>>
    extends Object
    An expression for constructing the different possible DataFormat options.
    • Method Detail

      • any23

        public T any23​(String baseuri)
        Uses the Any23 data format
      • avro

        public T avro()
        Uses the Avro data format
      • avro

        public T avro​(Object schema)
      • avro

        public T avro​(String instanceClassName)
      • avro

        public T avro​(AvroLibrary library)
        Uses Avro data format with library
      • avro

        public T avro​(Class<?> unmarshalType)
        Uses the Avro data format with given unmarshalType
      • avro

        public T avro​(AvroLibrary library,
                      Class<?> unmarshalType)
        Uses the Avro data format with given library and unmarshalType
      • avro

        public T avro​(AvroLibrary library,
                      Class<?> unmarshalType,
                      String schemaResolver)
        Uses the Avro data format with given library, unmarshalType and schemaResolver
      • base64

        public T base64()
        Uses the base64 data format
      • base64

        public T base64​(int lineLength,
                        String lineSeparator,
                        boolean urlSafe)
        Uses the base64 data format
      • bindy

        public T bindy​(BindyType type,
                       Class<?> classType)
        Uses the Bindy data format
        type - the type of bindy data format to use
        classType - the POJO class type
      • bindy

        public T bindy​(BindyType type,
                       Class<?> classType,
                       boolean unwrapSingleInstance)
        Uses the Bindy data format
        type - the type of bindy data format to use
        classType - the POJO class type
        unwrapSingleInstance - whether unmarshal should unwrap if there is a single instance in the result
      • cbor

        public T cbor()
        Uses the CBOR data format
      • cbor

        public T cbor​(Class<?> unmarshalType)
        Uses the CBOR data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for cbor type
      • csv

        public T csv()
        Uses the CSV data format
      • csvLazyLoad

        public T csvLazyLoad()
        Uses the CSV data format for a huge file. Sequential access through an iterator.
      • custom

        public T custom​(String ref)
        Uses the custom data format
      • grok

        public T grok​(String pattern)
        Uses the Grok data format
      • gzipDeflater

        public T gzipDeflater()
        Uses the GZIP deflater data format
      • hl7

        public T hl7()
        Uses the HL7 data format
      • hl7

        public T hl7​(boolean validate)
        Uses the HL7 data format
      • hl7

        public T hl7​(Object parser)
        Uses the HL7 data format
      • ical

        public T ical​(boolean validating)
        Uses the iCal data format
      • lzf

        public T lzf()
        Uses the LZF deflater data format
      • mimeMultipart

        public T mimeMultipart()
        Uses the MIME Multipart data format
      • mimeMultipart

        public T mimeMultipart​(String multipartSubType)
        Uses the MIME Multipart data format
        multipartSubType - Specifies the subtype of the MIME Multipart
      • mimeMultipart

        public T mimeMultipart​(String multipartSubType,
                               boolean multipartWithoutAttachment,
                               boolean headersInline,
                               boolean binaryContent)
        Uses the MIME Multipart data format
        multipartSubType - the subtype of the MIME Multipart
        multipartWithoutAttachment - defines whether a message without attachment is also marshaled into a MIME Multipart (with only one body part).
        headersInline - define the MIME Multipart headers as part of the message body or as Camel headers
        binaryContent - have binary encoding for binary content (true) or use Base-64 encoding for binary content (false)
      • mimeMultipart

        public T mimeMultipart​(String multipartSubType,
                               boolean multipartWithoutAttachment,
                               boolean headersInline,
                               String includeHeaders,
                               boolean binaryContent)
        Uses the MIME Multipart data format
        multipartSubType - the subtype of the MIME Multipart
        multipartWithoutAttachment - defines whether a message without attachment is also marshaled into a MIME Multipart (with only one body part).
        headersInline - define the MIME Multipart headers as part of the message body or as Camel headers
        includeHeaders - if headersInline is set to true all camel headers matching this regex are also stored as MIME headers on the Multipart
        binaryContent - have binary encoding for binary content (true) or use Base-64 encoding for binary content (false)
      • mimeMultipart

        public T mimeMultipart​(boolean multipartWithoutAttachment,
                               boolean headersInline,
                               boolean binaryContent)
        Uses the MIME Multipart data format
        multipartWithoutAttachment - defines whether a message without attachment is also marshaled into a MIME Multipart (with only one body part).
        headersInline - define the MIME Multipart headers as part of the message body or as Camel headers
        binaryContent - have binary encoding for binary content (true) or use Base-64 encoding for binary content (false)
      • pgp

        public T pgp​(String keyFileName,
                     String keyUserid)
        Uses the PGP data format
      • pgp

        public T pgp​(String keyFileName,
                     String keyUserid,
                     String password)
        Uses the PGP data format
      • pgp

        public T pgp​(String keyFileName,
                     String keyUserid,
                     String password,
                     boolean armored,
                     boolean integrity)
        Uses the PGP data format
      • jacksonXml

        public T jacksonXml()
        Uses the Jackson XML data format
      • jacksonXml

        public T jacksonXml​(Class<?> unmarshalType)
        Uses the Jackson XML data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for xml jackson type
      • jacksonXml

        public T jacksonXml​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                            Class<?> jsonView)
        Uses the Jackson XML data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for xml jackson type
        jsonView - the view type for xml jackson type
      • jacksonXml

        public T jacksonXml​(boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the Jackson XML data format using the Jackson library turning pretty printing on or off
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • jacksonXml

        public T jacksonXml​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                            boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the Jackson XML data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for xml jackson type
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • jacksonXml

        public T jacksonXml​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                            Class<?> jsonView,
                            boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the Jackson XML data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for xml jackson type
        jsonView - the view type for xml jackson type
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • jacksonXml

        public T jacksonXml​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                            Class<?> jsonView,
                            String include)
        Uses the Jackson XML data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for xml jackson type
        jsonView - the view type for xml jackson type
        include - include such as ALWAYS, NON_NULL, etc.
      • jacksonXml

        public T jacksonXml​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                            Class<?> jsonView,
                            String include,
                            boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the Jackson XML data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for xml jackson type
        jsonView - the view type for xml jackson type
        include - include such as ALWAYS, NON_NULL, etc.
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • jaxb

        public T jaxb()
        Uses the JAXB data format
      • jaxb

        public T jaxb​(String contextPath)
        Uses the JAXB data format with context path
      • jaxb

        public T jaxb​(boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the JAXB data format turning pretty printing on or off
      • json

        public T json()
        Uses the JSON data format using the Jackson library
      • json

        public T json​(boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the JSON data format using the Jackson library turning pretty printing on or off
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • json

        public T json​(JsonLibrary library)
        Uses the JSON data format
        library - the json library to use
      • json

        public T json​(JsonLibrary library,
                      boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the JSON data format
        library - the json library to use
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • json

        public T json​(JsonLibrary type,
                      Class<?> unmarshalType)
        Uses the JSON data format
        type - the json type to use
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for json jackson type
      • json

        public T json​(JsonLibrary type,
                      Class<?> unmarshalType,
                      boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the JSON data format
        type - the json type to use
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for json jackson type
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • json

        public T json​(Class<?> unmarshalType)
        Uses the Jackson JSON data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for json jackson type
      • json

        public T json​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                      Class<?> jsonView)
        Uses the Jackson JSON data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for json jackson type
        jsonView - the view type for json jackson type
      • json

        public T json​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                      Class<?> jsonView,
                      boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the Jackson JSON data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for json jackson type
        jsonView - the view type for json jackson type
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • json

        public T json​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                      Class<?> jsonView,
                      String include)
        Uses the Jackson JSON data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for json jackson type
        jsonView - the view type for json jackson type
        include - include such as ALWAYS, NON_NULL, etc.
      • json

        public T json​(Class<?> unmarshalType,
                      Class<?> jsonView,
                      String include,
                      boolean prettyPrint)
        Uses the Jackson JSON data format
        unmarshalType - unmarshal type for json jackson type
        jsonView - the view type for json jackson type
        include - include such as ALWAYS, NON_NULL, etc.
        prettyPrint - turn pretty printing on or off
      • jsonApi

        public T jsonApi()
        Uses the JSON API data format
      • protobuf

        public T protobuf()
        Uses the protobuf data format
      • protobuf

        public T protobuf​(Object defaultInstance)
      • protobuf

        public T protobuf​(Object defaultInstance,
                          String contentTypeFormat)
      • protobuf

        public T protobuf​(String instanceClassName)
      • protobuf

        public T protobuf​(String instanceClassName,
                          String contentTypeFormat)
      • protobuf

        public T protobuf​(ProtobufLibrary library)
        Uses the Protobuf data format with given library
      • protobuf

        public T protobuf​(ProtobufLibrary library,
                          Class<?> unmarshalType)
        Uses the Protobuf data format with given library and unmarshalType
      • protobuf

        public T protobuf​(ProtobufLibrary library,
                          Class<?> unmarshalType,
                          String schemaResolver)
        Uses the Protobuf data format with given library, unmarshalType and schemaResolver
      • rss

        public T rss()
        Uses the RSS data format
      • soap

        public T soap()
        Uses the Soap v1.1 data format
      • soap

        public T soap​(String contextPath)
        Uses the Soap v1.1 data format
      • soap

        public T soap​(String contextPath,
                      String elementNameStrategyRef)
        Uses the Soap v1.1 data format
      • soap

        public T soap​(String contextPath,
                      Object elementNameStrategy)
        Uses the Soap v1.1 data format
      • soap12

        public T soap12()
        Uses the Soap v1.2 data format
      • soap12

        public T soap12​(String contextPath)
        Uses the Soap v1.2 data format
      • soap12

        public T soap12​(String contextPath,
                        String elementNameStrategyRef)
        Uses the Soap v1.2 data format
      • soap12

        public T soap12​(String contextPath,
                        Object elementNameStrategy)
        Uses the Soap v1.2 data format
      • swiftMx

        public T swiftMx()
        Uses the SWIFT MX data format
      • swiftMx

        public T swiftMx​(boolean writeInJson)
        Uses the SWIFT MX data format.
      • swiftMx

        public T swiftMx​(boolean writeInJson,
                         String readMessageId,
                         Object readConfig)
        Uses the SWIFT MX data format.
      • swiftMx

        public T swiftMx​(boolean writeInJson,
                         String readMessageId,
                         String readConfigRef)
        Uses the SWIFT MX data format.
      • swiftMx

        public T swiftMx​(Object writeConfig,
                         String readMessageId,
                         Object readConfig)
        Uses the SWIFT MX data format.
      • swiftMx

        public T swiftMx​(String writeConfigRef,
                         String readMessageId,
                         String readConfigRef)
        Uses the SWIFT MX data format.
      • swiftMt

        public T swiftMt()
        Uses the SWIFT MT data format
      • swiftMt

        public T swiftMt​(boolean writeInJson)
        Uses the SWIFT MT data format.
      • syslog

        public T syslog()
        Uses the Syslog data format
      • thrift

        public T thrift()
        Uses the Thrift data format
      • thrift

        public T thrift​(Object defaultInstance)
      • thrift

        public T thrift​(Object defaultInstance,
                        String contentTypeFormat)
      • thrift

        public T thrift​(String instanceClassName)
      • thrift

        public T thrift​(String instanceClassName,
                        String contentTypeFormat)
      • tidyMarkup

        public T tidyMarkup​(Class<?> dataObjectType)
        Return WellFormed HTML (an XML Document) either String or Node
      • tidyMarkup

        public T tidyMarkup()
        Return TidyMarkup in the default format as Node
      • xstream

        public T xstream()
        Uses the XStream data format.

        Favor using xstream(String) to pass in a permission

      • xstream

        public T xstream​(String encodingOrPermission)
        Uses the xstream by setting the encoding or permission
        encodingOrPermission - is either an encoding or permission syntax
      • xstream

        public T xstream​(String encoding,
                         String permission)
        Uses the xstream by setting the encoding
      • xstream

        public T xstream​(Class<?> type)
        Uses the xstream by permitting the java type
        type - the pojo xstream should use as allowed permission
      • xstream

        public T xstream​(String encoding,
                         Class<?>... type)
        Uses the xstream by permitting the java type
        encoding - encoding to use
        type - the pojo class(es) xstream should use as allowed permission
      • yaml

        public T yaml​(YAMLLibrary library)
        Uses the YAML data format
        library - the yaml library to use
      • yaml

        public T yaml​(YAMLLibrary library,
                      Class<?> type)
        Uses the YAML data format
        library - the yaml type to use
        type - the type for json snakeyaml type
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(byte[] passPhraseByte)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String passPhrase)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String passPhrase)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String passPhrase,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String passPhrase,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             byte[] passPhraseByte)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             byte[] passPhraseByte)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             byte[] passPhraseByte,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             byte[] passPhraseByte,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyOrTrustStoreParametersId)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyOrTrustStoreParametersId,
                             String keyPassword)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyPassword)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyOrTrustStoreParametersId)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyOrTrustStoreParametersId,
                             String keyPassword)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyPassword)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • xmlSecurity

        public T xmlSecurity​(String secureTag,
                             Map<String,​String> namespaces,
                             boolean secureTagContents,
                             String recipientKeyAlias,
                             String xmlCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyCipherAlgorithm,
                             String keyPassword,
                             String digestAlgorithm)
        Uses the XML Security data format
      • tarFile

        public T tarFile()
        Uses the Tar file data format
      • zipDeflater

        public T zipDeflater()
        Uses the ZIP deflater data format
      • zipDeflater

        public T zipDeflater​(int compressionLevel)
        Uses the ZIP deflater data format
      • zipFile

        public T zipFile()
        Uses the ZIP file data format
      • asn1

        public T asn1()
        Uses the ASN.1 file data format
      • asn1

        public T asn1​(String unmarshalType)
        Uses the ASN.1 file data format
      • asn1

        public T asn1​(Class<?> unmarshalType)
        Uses the ASN.1 file data format
      • asn1

        public T asn1​(Boolean usingIterator)
        Uses the ASN.1 file data format
      • fhirJson

        public T fhirJson()
        Uses the FHIR JSON data format
      • fhirJson

        public T fhirJson​(String version)
      • fhirJson

        public T fhirJson​(boolean prettyPrint)
      • fhirJson

        public T fhirJson​(String version,
                          boolean prettyPrint)
      • fhirXml

        public T fhirXml()
        Uses the FHIR XML data format
      • fhirXml

        public T fhirXml​(String version)
      • fhirXml

        public T fhirXml​(boolean prettyPrint)
      • fhirXml

        public T fhirXml​(String version,
                         boolean prettyPrint)
      • allowNullBody

        public DataFormatClause<T> allowNullBody()
        Allows null as value of a body to unmarshall.
        the builder
      • allowNullBody

        public DataFormatClause<T> allowNullBody​(boolean allowNullBody)
        Indicates whether null is allowed as value of a body to unmarshall.
        allowNullBody - true if null is allowed as value of a body to unmarshall, false otherwise
        the builder