Class BeanFactoryDefinition<T extends BeanFactoryDefinition<T,P>,P>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the bean factory.
P - the type of the parent node.
Direct Known Subclasses:
RouteTemplateBeanDefinition, TemplatedRouteBeanDefinition

@Metadata(label="configuration") public abstract class BeanFactoryDefinition<T extends BeanFactoryDefinition<T,P>,P> extends Object
Base class for nodes that define a bean factory.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    bean(Class<?> type)
    Calls a method on a bean for creating the local bean
    bean(Class<?> type, String method)
    Calls a method on a bean for creating the local bean
    beanType(Class<?> type)
    To set the return type of the script (fully qualified class name).
    To set the return type of the script (fully qualified class name).
    groovy(String script)
    Calls a groovy script for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
    joor(String script)
    Calls joor script (Java source that is runtime compiled to Java bytecode) for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
    language(String language, String script)
    Calls a custom language for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
    mvel(String script)
    Calls a MvEL script for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
    ognl(String script)
    Calls a OGNL script for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
    properties(Map<String,String> properties)
    Sets properties to set on the created local bean
    property(String key, String value)
    Sets a property to set on the created local bean
    setBeanSupplier(org.apache.camel.RouteTemplateContext.BeanSupplier<Object> beanSupplier)
    Bean supplier that uses lambda style to create the local bean
    setBeanType(Class<?> beanType)
    To set the type (fully qualified class name) of the returned bean created by the script.
    setBeanType(String beanType)
    To set the type (fully qualified class name) of the returned bean created by the script.
    Bean name
    Optional properties to set on the created local bean
    setScript(String script)
    The script to execute that creates the bean when using scripting languages.
    What type to use for creating the bean.
    type(String type)
    What type to use for creating the bean.
    type(String prefix, Class<?> type)
    What type to use for creating the bean.
    typeClass(Class<?> type)
    Creates the bean from the given class type
    Creates the bean from the given class type

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • BeanFactoryDefinition

      public BeanFactoryDefinition()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Bean name
    • getType

      public String getType()
    • setType

      public void setType(String type)
      What type to use for creating the bean. Can be one of: #class,#type,bean,groovy,joor,language,mvel,ognl. #class or #type then the bean is created via the fully qualified classname, such as The others are scripting languages that gives more power to create the bean with an inlined code in the script section, such as using groovy.
    • getBeanType

      public String getBeanType()
    • setBeanType

      public void setBeanType(String beanType)
      To set the type (fully qualified class name) of the returned bean created by the script. Knowing the type of the bean can be needed when dependency injection by type is in use, or when looking in registry via class type.
    • setBeanType

      public void setBeanType(Class<?> beanType)
      To set the type (fully qualified class name) of the returned bean created by the script. Knowing the type of the bean can be needed when dependency injection by type is in use, or when looking in registry via class type.
    • getBeanClass

      public Class<?> getBeanClass()
    • getProperties

      public List<PropertyDefinition> getProperties()
    • setProperties

      public void setProperties(List<PropertyDefinition> properties)
      Optional properties to set on the created local bean
    • getBeanSupplier

      public org.apache.camel.RouteTemplateContext.BeanSupplier<Object> getBeanSupplier()
    • setBeanSupplier

      public void setBeanSupplier(org.apache.camel.RouteTemplateContext.BeanSupplier<Object> beanSupplier)
      Bean supplier that uses lambda style to create the local bean
    • setScript

      public void setScript(String script)
      The script to execute that creates the bean when using scripting languages. If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
    • getScript

      public String getScript()
    • type

      public T type(String prefix, Class<?> type)
      What type to use for creating the bean. Can be one of: #class,#type,bean,groovy,joor,language,mvel,ognl. #class or #type then the bean is created via the fully qualified classname, such as The others are scripting languages that gives more power to create the bean with an inlined code in the script section, such as using groovy.
    • type

      public T type(String type)
      What type to use for creating the bean. Can be one of: #class,#type,bean,groovy,joor,language,mvel,ognl. #class or #type then the bean is created via the fully qualified classname, such as The others are scripting languages that gives more power to create the bean with an inlined code in the script section, such as using groovy.
    • typeClass

      public T typeClass(Class<?> type)
      Creates the bean from the given class type
      type - the type of the class to create as bean
    • typeClass

      public T typeClass(String type)
      Creates the bean from the given class type
      type - the type of the class to create as bean
    • beanType

      public T beanType(Class<?> type)
      To set the return type of the script (fully qualified class name). Knowing the type of the bean can be needed when dependency injection by type is in use, or when looking in registry via class type.
      type - the fully qualified type of the returned bean from the script
    • beanType

      public T beanType(String type)
      To set the return type of the script (fully qualified class name). Knowing the type of the bean can be needed when dependency injection by type is in use, or when looking in registry via class type.
      type - the fully qualified type of the returned bean from the script
    • bean

      public P bean(Class<?> type)
      Calls a method on a bean for creating the local bean
      type - the bean class to call
    • bean

      public P bean(Class<?> type, String method)
      Calls a method on a bean for creating the local bean
      type - the bean class to call
      method - the name of the method to call
    • groovy

      public P groovy(String script)
      Calls a groovy script for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
      script - the script
    • joor

      public P joor(String script)
      Calls joor script (Java source that is runtime compiled to Java bytecode) for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
      script - the script
    • language

      public P language(String language, String script)
      Calls a custom language for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
      language - the language
      script - the script
    • mvel

      public P mvel(String script)
      Calls a MvEL script for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
      script - the script
    • ognl

      public P ognl(String script)
      Calls a OGNL script for creating the local bean If the script use the prefix resource: such as resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy, resource:file:/var/myscript.groovy, then its loaded from the external resource.
      script - the script
    • property

      public T property(String key, String value)
      Sets a property to set on the created local bean
      key - the property name
      value - the property value
    • properties

      public T properties(Map<String,String> properties)
      Sets properties to set on the created local bean
    • end

      public P end()