Class UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder extends Object
Builder is a specific builder for UniVocityTsvDataFormat.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • escapeChar

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder escapeChar(String escapeChar)
      The escape character.
    • end

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat end()
      Description copied from interface: DataFormatBuilder
      Ends the build of the data format.
      the data format fully built.
    • nullValue

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder nullValue(String nullValue)
      The string representation of a null value.

      The default value is null

    • skipEmptyLines

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder skipEmptyLines(String skipEmptyLines)
      Whether or not the empty lines must be ignored.

      The default value is true

    • skipEmptyLines

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder skipEmptyLines(boolean skipEmptyLines)
      Whether or not the empty lines must be ignored.

      The default value is true

    • ignoreTrailingWhitespaces

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder ignoreTrailingWhitespaces(String ignoreTrailingWhitespaces)
      Whether or not the trailing white spaces must be ignored.

      The default value is true

    • ignoreTrailingWhitespaces

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder ignoreTrailingWhitespaces(boolean ignoreTrailingWhitespaces)
      Whether or not the trailing white spaces must be ignored.

      The default value is true

    • ignoreLeadingWhitespaces

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder ignoreLeadingWhitespaces(String ignoreLeadingWhitespaces)
      Whether or not the leading white spaces must be ignored.

      The default value is true

    • ignoreLeadingWhitespaces

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder ignoreLeadingWhitespaces(boolean ignoreLeadingWhitespaces)
      Whether or not the leading white spaces must be ignored.

      The default value is true

    • headersDisabled

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder headersDisabled(String headersDisabled)
      Whether or not the headers are disabled. When defined, this option explicitly sets the headers as null which indicates that there is no header.

      The default value is false

    • headersDisabled

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder headersDisabled(boolean headersDisabled)
      Whether or not the headers are disabled. When defined, this option explicitly sets the headers as null which indicates that there is no header.

      The default value is false

    • headers

      The headers to use.
    • headerExtractionEnabled

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder headerExtractionEnabled(String headerExtractionEnabled)
      Whether or not the header must be read in the first line of the test document

      The default value is false

    • headerExtractionEnabled

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder headerExtractionEnabled(boolean headerExtractionEnabled)
      Whether or not the header must be read in the first line of the test document

      The default value is false

    • numberOfRecordsToRead

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder numberOfRecordsToRead(String numberOfRecordsToRead)
      The maximum number of record to read.
    • numberOfRecordsToRead

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder numberOfRecordsToRead(int numberOfRecordsToRead)
      The maximum number of record to read.
    • emptyValue

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder emptyValue(String emptyValue)
      The String representation of an empty value
    • lineSeparator

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder lineSeparator(String lineSeparator)
      The line separator of the files

      The default value is to use the JVM platform line separator

    • normalizedLineSeparator

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder normalizedLineSeparator(String normalizedLineSeparator)
      The normalized line separator of the files

      The default value is a new line character.

    • comment

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder comment(String comment)
      The comment symbol.

      The default value is #

    • lazyLoad

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder lazyLoad(String lazyLoad)
      Whether the unmarshalling should produce an iterator that reads the lines on the fly or if all the lines must be read at one.

      The default value is false

    • lazyLoad

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder lazyLoad(boolean lazyLoad)
      Whether the unmarshalling should produce an iterator that reads the lines on the fly or if all the lines must be read at one.

      The default value is false

    • asMap

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder asMap(String asMap)
      Whether the unmarshalling should produce maps for the lines values instead of lists. It requires to have header (either defined or collected).

      The default value is false

    • asMap

      public UniVocityTsvDataFormat.Builder asMap(boolean asMap)
      Whether the unmarshalling should produce maps for the lines values instead of lists. It requires to have header (either defined or collected).

      The default value is false