Class ExpressionClauseSupport<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.camel.spi.ExpressionFactoryAware, org.apache.camel.spi.PredicateFactoryAware

public class ExpressionClauseSupport<T> extends Object implements org.apache.camel.spi.ExpressionFactoryAware, org.apache.camel.spi.PredicateFactoryAware
A support class for building expression clauses.
  • Constructor Details

    • ExpressionClauseSupport

      public ExpressionClauseSupport(T result)
  • Method Details

    • expression

      public T expression(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Specify an Expression instance
    • language

      public T language(org.apache.camel.ExpressionFactory expression)
      Specify an ExpressionFactory instance
    • constant

      public T constant(Object value)
      Specify the constant expression value. Important: this is a fixed constant value that is only set once during starting up the route, do not use this if you want dynamic values during routing.
    • constant

      public T constant(String value, Class<?> resultType)
      Specify the constant expression value. Important: this is a fixed constant value that is only set once during starting up the route, do not use this if you want dynamic values during routing.
    • constant

      public T constant(Object value, boolean trim)
      Specify the constant expression value. Important: this is a fixed constant value that is only set once during starting up the route, do not use this if you want dynamic values during routing.
    • exchange

      public T exchange()
      An expression of the exchange
    • inMessage

      public T inMessage()
      An expression of an inbound message
    • body

      public T body()
      An expression of an inbound message body
    • body

      public T body(Class<?> expectedType)
      An expression of an inbound message body converted to the expected type
    • header

      public T header(String name)
      An expression of an inbound message header of the given name
    • headers

      public T headers()
      An expression of the inbound headers
    • exchangePattern

      public T exchangePattern()
      An expression of the exchange pattern
    • exchangeProperty

      public T exchangeProperty(String name)
      An expression of an exchange property of the given name
    • exchangeProperties

      public T exchangeProperties()
      An expression of the exchange properties
    • method

      public T method(String ref)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.
      ref - the name (bean id) of the bean to lookup from the registry
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(Object instance)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.
      instance - the existing instance of the bean
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(Class<?> beanType)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.

      Will lookup in registry and if there is a single instance of the same type, then the existing bean is used, otherwise a new bean is created (requires a default no-arg constructor).

      beanType - the Class of the bean which we want to invoke
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(String ref, String method)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.
      ref - the name (bean id) of the bean to lookup from the registry
      method - the name of the method to invoke on the bean
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(String ref, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.
      ref - the name (bean id) of the bean to lookup from the registry
      scope - the scope of the bean
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(String ref, String method, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.
      ref - the name (bean id) of the bean to lookup from the registry
      method - the name of the method to invoke on the bean
      scope - the scope of the bean
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(Object instance, String method)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.
      instance - the existing instance of the bean
      method - the name of the method to invoke on the bean
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(Class<?> beanType, String method)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.

      Will lookup in registry and if there is a single instance of the same type, then the existing bean is used, otherwise a new bean is created (requires a default no-arg constructor).

      beanType - the Class of the bean which we want to invoke
      method - the name of the method to invoke on the bean
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(Class<?> beanType, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.

      Will lookup in registry and if there is a single instance of the same type, then the existing bean is used, otherwise a new bean is created (requires a default no-arg constructor).

      beanType - the Class of the bean which we want to invoke
      scope - the scope of the bean
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • method

      public T method(Class<?> beanType, String method, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Evaluates an expression using the <a href=">bean language which basically means the bean is invoked to determine the expression value.

      Will lookup in registry and if there is a single instance of the same type, then the existing bean is used, otherwise a new bean is created (requires a default no-arg constructor).

      beanType - the Class of the bean which we want to invoke
      method - the name of the method to invoke on the bean
      scope - the scope of the bean
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • groovy

      public T groovy(String text)
      Evaluates a Groovy expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • js

      public T js(String text)
      Evaluates a JavaScript expression.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • js

      public T js(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates an JavaScript expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • joor

      public T joor(String text)
      Evaluates an JOOR expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • joor

      public T joor(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates an JOOR expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jq

      public T jq(String text)
      Evaluates JQ expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jq

      public T jq(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates JQ expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jq

      public T jq(String text, String headerOrPropertyName)
      Evaluates JQ expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      headerOrPropertyName - the name of the header or the property to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jq

      public T jq(String text, String headerName, String propertyName)
      Evaluates JQ expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      propertyName - the name of the propertyName to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jq

      public T jq(String text, Class<?> resultType, String headerOrPropertyName)
      Evaluates JQ expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      headerOrPropertyName - the name of the header or the property to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jq

      public T jq(String text, Class<?> resultType, String headerName, String propertyName)
      Evaluates JQ expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      propertyName - the name of the propertyName to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • datasonnet

      public T datasonnet(String text)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpath

      public T jsonpath(String text)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpath

      public T jsonpath(String text, boolean suppressExceptions)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpath

      public T jsonpath(String text, boolean suppressExceptions, boolean allowSimple)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      allowSimple - whether to allow in inlined simple exceptions in the json path expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpath

      public T jsonpath(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpath

      public T jsonpath(String text, boolean suppressExceptions, Class<?> resultType)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpath

      public T jsonpath(String text, boolean suppressExceptions, boolean allowSimple, Class<?> resultType)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      allowSimple - whether to allow in inlined simple exceptions in the json path expression
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpath

      public T jsonpath(String text, boolean suppressExceptions, boolean allowSimple, Class<?> resultType, String headerName)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      allowSimple - whether to allow in inlined simple exceptions in the json path expression
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpathWriteAsString

      public T jsonpathWriteAsString(String text)
      Evaluates a Json Path expression with writeAsString enabled.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpathWriteAsString

      public T jsonpathWriteAsString(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates a Json Path expression with writeAsString enabled.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpathWriteAsString

      public T jsonpathWriteAsString(String text, boolean suppressExceptions)
      Evaluates a Json Path expression with writeAsString enabled.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpathWriteAsString

      public T jsonpathWriteAsString(String text, boolean suppressExceptions, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates a Json Path expression with writeAsString enabled.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpathWriteAsString

      public T jsonpathWriteAsString(String text, boolean suppressExceptions, boolean allowSimple)
      Evaluates a Json Path expression with writeAsString enabled.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      allowSimple - whether to allow in inlined simple exceptions in the json path expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpathWriteAsString

      public T jsonpathWriteAsString(String text, boolean suppressExceptions, boolean allowSimple, String headerName)
      Evaluates a Json Path expression with writeAsString enabled.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      allowSimple - whether to allow in inlined simple exceptions in the json path expression
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpathWriteAsString

      public T jsonpathWriteAsString(String text, boolean suppressExceptions, boolean allowSimple, String headerName, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates a Json Path expression with writeAsString enabled.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      suppressExceptions - whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException
      allowSimple - whether to allow in inlined simple exceptions in the json path expression
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • jsonpathUnpack

      public T jsonpathUnpack(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates a Json Path expression with unpacking a single-element array into an object enabled.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • ognl

      public T ognl(String text)
      Evaluates an OGNL expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • python

      public T python(String text)
      Evaluates a Python expression.
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • python

      public T python(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates Python expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • mvel

      public T mvel(String text)
      Evaluates a MVEL expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • ref

      public T ref(String ref)
      Evaluates a Expression by looking up existing Expression from the Registry
      ref - refers to the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • spel

      public T spel(String text)
      Evaluates an SpEL expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • csimple

      public T csimple(String text)
      Evaluates a compiled simple expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • csimple

      public T csimple(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates a compiled simple expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • simple

      public T simple(String text)
      Evaluates a Simple expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • simple

      public T simple(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates a Simple expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the result type
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • hl7terser

      public T hl7terser(String text)
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token)
      Evaluates a token expression on the message body
      token - the token
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, int group)
      Evaluates a token expression on the message body
      token - the token
      group - to group by the given number
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, int group, boolean skipFirst)
      Evaluates a token expression on the message body
      token - the token
      group - to group by the given number
      skipFirst - whether to skip the very first element
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, boolean regex)
      Evaluates a token expression on the message body
      token - the token
      regex - whether the token is a regular expression or not
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, boolean regex, int group)
      Evaluates a token expression on the message body
      token - the token
      regex - whether the token is a regular expression or not
      group - to group by the given number
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, String headerName)
      Evaluates a token expression on the given header
      token - the token
      headerName - name of header to tokenize
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, String headerName, boolean regex)
      Evaluates a token expression on the given header
      token - the token
      headerName - name of header to tokenize
      regex - whether the token is a regular expression or not
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, String headerName, boolean regex, int group)
      Evaluates a token expression on the given header
      token - the token
      headerName - name of header to tokenize
      regex - whether the token is a regular expression or not
      group - to group by number of parts
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, String headerName, boolean regex, boolean skipFirst)
      Evaluates a token expression on the given header
      token - the token
      headerName - name of header to tokenize
      regex - whether the token is a regular expression or not
      skipFirst - whether to skip the very first element
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, String headerName, boolean regex, int group, boolean skipFirst)
      Evaluates a token expression on the given header
      token - the token
      headerName - name of header to tokenize
      regex - whether the token is a regular expression or not
      group - to group by number of parts
      skipFirst - whether to skip the very first element
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, String headerName, boolean regex, String group, boolean skipFirst)
      Evaluates a token expression on the given header
      token - the token
      headerName - name of header to tokenize
      regex - whether the token is a regular expression or not
      group - to group by number of parts
      skipFirst - whether to skip the very first element
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenize

      public T tokenize(String token, String headerName, boolean regex, String group, String groupDelimiter, boolean skipFirst)
      Evaluates a token expression on the given header
      token - the token
      headerName - name of header to tokenize
      regex - whether the token is a regular expression or not
      group - to group by number of parts
      groupDelimiter - delimiter to use when grouping
      skipFirst - whether to skip the very first element
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenizePair

      public T tokenizePair(String startToken, String endToken, boolean includeTokens)
      Evaluates a token pair expression on the message body
      startToken - the start token
      endToken - the end token
      includeTokens - whether to include tokens
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenizeXMLPair

      public T tokenizeXMLPair(String tagName, String inheritNamespaceTagName, int group)
      Evaluates a token pair expression on the message body with XML content
      tagName - the tag name of the child nodes to tokenize
      inheritNamespaceTagName - optional parent or root tag name that contains namespace(s) to inherit
      group - to group by the given number
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • tokenizeXMLPair

      public T tokenizeXMLPair(String tagName, String inheritNamespaceTagName, String group)
      Evaluates a token pair expression on the message body with XML content
      tagName - the tag name of the child nodes to tokenize
      inheritNamespaceTagName - optional parent or root tag name that contains namespace(s) to inherit
      group - to group by the given number
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xtokenize

      public T xtokenize(String path, char mode, namespaces, int group)
      Evaluates an XML token expression on the message body with XML content
      path - the xpath like path notation specifying the child nodes to tokenize
      mode - one of 'i', 'w', or 'u' to inject the namespaces to the token, to wrap the token with its ancestor contet, or to unwrap to its element child
      namespaces - the namespace map to the namespace bindings
      group - to group by the given number
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text)
      Evaluates an XPath expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text, String headerName)
      Evaluates an XPath expression on the supplied header name's contents
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates an XPath expression with the specified result type
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text, Class<?> resultType, String headerName)
      Evaluates an XPath expression with the specified result type on the supplied header name's contents
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text, Class<?> resultType, namespaces)
      Evaluates an XPath expression with the specified result type and set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text, Class<?> resultType, namespaces, String headerName)
      Evaluates an XPath expression with the specified result type and set of namespace prefixes and URIs on the supplied header name's contents
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text, Class<?> resultType, Map<String,String> namespaces)
      Evaluates an XPath expression with the specified result type and set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text, namespaces)
      Evaluates an XPath expression with the specified set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xpath

      public T xpath(String text, Map<String,String> namespaces)
      Evaluates an XPath expression with the specified set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text, String headerName)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text, Class<?> resultType)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression with the specified result type
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text, Class<?> resultType, String headerName)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression with the specified result type
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text, Class<?> resultType, namespaces)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression with the specified result type and set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text, Class<?> resultType, namespaces, String headerName)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression with the specified result type and set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      headerName - the name of the header to apply the expression to
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text, Class<?> resultType, Map<String,String> namespaces)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression with the specified result type and set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      resultType - the return type expected by the expression
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text, namespaces)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression with the specified set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • xquery

      public T xquery(String text, Map<String,String> namespaces)
      Evaluates an XQuery expression with the specified set of namespace prefixes and URIs
      text - the expression to be evaluated
      namespaces - the namespace prefix and URIs to use
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • language

      public T language(String language, String expression)
      Evaluates a given language name with the expression text
      language - the name of the language
      expression - the expression in the given language
      the builder to continue processing the DSL
    • getExpressionValue

      public org.apache.camel.Expression getExpressionValue()
    • setExpressionValue

      public void setExpressionValue(org.apache.camel.Expression expressionValue)
    • getExpressionType

      public org.apache.camel.ExpressionFactory getExpressionType()
    • setExpressionType

      public void setExpressionType(org.apache.camel.ExpressionFactory expressionType)
    • getExpressionFactory

      public org.apache.camel.ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory()
      Specified by:
      getExpressionFactory in interface org.apache.camel.spi.ExpressionFactoryAware
    • getPredicateType

      public org.apache.camel.PredicateFactory getPredicateType()
    • setPredicateType

      public void setPredicateType(org.apache.camel.PredicateFactory predicateType)
    • getPredicateFactory

      public org.apache.camel.PredicateFactory getPredicateFactory()
      Specified by:
      getPredicateFactory in interface org.apache.camel.spi.PredicateFactoryAware
    • createExpression

      protected org.apache.camel.Expression createExpression(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext)
    • configureExpression

      protected void configureExpression(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext, org.apache.camel.Expression expression)