Class ProcessorDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware, org.apache.camel.LineNumberAware, Block, org.apache.camel.NamedNode, org.apache.camel.spi.HasCamelContext, org.apache.camel.spi.HasId, org.apache.camel.spi.IdAware
Direct Known Subclasses:
ChoiceDefinition, ExpressionNode, NoOutputDefinition, OnFallbackDefinition, OutputDefinition

public abstract class ProcessorDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>> extends OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<Type> implements Block
Base class for processor types that most XML types extend.
  • Field Details

    • disabled

      @Metadata(label="advanced", javaType="java.lang.Boolean") protected String disabled
    • inheritErrorHandler

      protected Boolean inheritErrorHandler
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessorDefinition

      protected ProcessorDefinition()
  • Method Details

    • getIndex

      public int getIndex()
      Gets the unique index number for when this ProcessorDefinition was created by its constructor.

      This can be used to know the order in which the definition was created when assembled as a route.

      the index number
    • getOutputs

      public abstract List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> getOutputs()
    • isTopLevelOnly

      public boolean isTopLevelOnly()
      Whether this definition can only be added as top-level directly on the route itself (such as onException,onCompletion,intercept, etc.)

      If trying to add a top-level only definition to a nested output would fail in the addOutput(ProcessorDefinition) method.

    • isAbstract

      public boolean isAbstract()
      Whether this model is abstract or not.

      An abstract model is something that is used for configuring cross cutting concerns such as error handling, transaction policies, interceptors etc.

      Regular definitions is what is part of the route, such as ToDefinition, WireTapDefinition and the likes.

      Will by default return false to indicate regular definition, so all the abstract definitions must override this method and return true instead.

      This information is used in camel-spring to let Camel work a bit on the model provided by JAXB from the Spring XML file. This is needed to handle those cross cutting concerns properly. The Java DSL does not have this issue as it can work this out directly using the fluent builder methods.

      true for abstract, otherwise false for regular.
    • isWrappingEntireOutput

      public boolean isWrappingEntireOutput()
      Whether this definition is wrapping the entire output.

      When a definition is wrapping the entire output, the check to ensure that a route definition is empty should be done on the wrapped output.

      true when wrapping the entire output.
    • addOutput

      public void addOutput(ProcessorDefinition<?> output)
      Description copied from interface: Block
      Adds the given definition as output to this block
      Specified by:
      addOutput in interface Block
      output - the processor definition
    • clearOutput

      public void clearOutput()
    • preCreateProcessor

      public void preCreateProcessor()
      Strategy to execute any custom logic before the Processor is created.
    • configureChild

      public void configureChild(ProcessorDefinition<?> output)
      Strategy for children to do any custom configuration
      output - the child to be added as output to this
    • to

      public Type to(@AsEndpointUri String uri)
      Sends the exchange to the given endpoint
      uri - the endpoint to send to
      the builder
    • toD

      public ToDynamicDefinition toD()
      Sends the exchange to the given dynamic endpoint
      the builder
    • toD

      public Type toD(@AsEndpointUri String uri)
      Sends the exchange to the given dynamic endpoint
      uri - the dynamic endpoint to send to (resolved using simple language by default)
      the builder
    • toD

      public Type toD(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder endpointProducerBuilder)
      Sends the exchange to the given dynamic endpoint
      endpointProducerBuilder - the dynamic endpoint to send to (resolved using simple language by default)
      the builder
    • toD

      public Type toD(@AsEndpointUri String uri, int cacheSize)
      Sends the exchange to the given dynamic endpoint
      uri - the dynamic endpoint to send to (resolved using simple language by default)
      cacheSize - sets the maximum size used by the ProducerCache which is used to cache and reuse producers.
      the builder
    • toD

      public Type toD(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder endpointProducerBuilder, int cacheSize)
      Sends the exchange to the given dynamic endpoint
      endpointProducerBuilder - the dynamic endpoint to send to (resolved using simple language by default)
      cacheSize - sets the maximum size used by the ProducerCache which is used to cache and reuse producers.
      the builder
    • toD

      public Type toD(@AsEndpointUri String uri, boolean ignoreInvalidEndpoint)
      Sends the exchange to the given dynamic endpoint
      uri - the dynamic endpoint to send to (resolved using simple language by default)
      ignoreInvalidEndpoint - ignore the invalidate endpoint exception when try to create a producer with that endpoint
      the builder
    • toD

      public Type toD(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder endpointProducerBuilder, boolean ignoreInvalidEndpoint)
      Sends the exchange to the given dynamic endpoint
      endpointProducerBuilder - the dynamic endpoint to send to (resolved using simple language by default)
      ignoreInvalidEndpoint - ignore the invalidate endpoint exception when try to create a producer with that endpoint
      the builder
    • toF

      public Type toF(@AsEndpointUri String uri, Object... args)
      Sends the exchange to the given endpoint
      uri - the String formatted endpoint uri to send to
      args - arguments for the string formatting of the uri
      the builder
    • serviceCall

      @Deprecated public ServiceCallDefinition serviceCall()
      Calls the service
      the builder
    • serviceCall

      @Deprecated public Type serviceCall(String name)
      Calls the service
      name - the service name
      the builder
    • serviceCall

      @Deprecated public Type serviceCall(String name, @AsEndpointUri String uri)
      Calls the service
      name - the service name
      uri - the endpoint uri to use for calling the service
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint)
      Sends the exchange to the given endpoint
      endpoint - the endpoint to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder endpoint)
      Sends the exchange to the given endpoint
      endpoint - the endpoint to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern pattern, @AsEndpointUri String uri)
      Sends the exchange with certain exchange pattern to the given endpoint

      Notice the existing MEP is preserved

      pattern - the pattern to use for the message exchange
      uri - the endpoint to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern pattern, org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint)
      Sends the exchange with certain exchange pattern to the given endpoint

      Notice the existing MEP is preserved

      pattern - the pattern to use for the message exchange
      endpoint - the endpoint to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern pattern, EndpointProducerBuilder endpoint)
      Sends the exchange with certain exchange pattern to the given endpoint

      Notice the existing MEP is preserved

      pattern - the pattern to use for the message exchange
      endpoint - the endpoint to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(@AsEndpointUri String... uris)
      Sends the exchange to a list of endpoints
      uris - list of endpoints to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(org.apache.camel.Endpoint... endpoints)
      Sends the exchange to a list of endpoints
      endpoints - list of endpoints to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder... endpoints)
      Sends the exchange to a list of endpoints
      endpoints - list of endpoints to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern pattern, @AsEndpointUri String... uris)
      Sends the exchange to a list of endpoints

      Notice the existing MEP is preserved

      pattern - the pattern to use for the message exchanges
      uris - list of endpoints to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern pattern, org.apache.camel.Endpoint... endpoints)
      Sends the exchange to a list of endpoints

      Notice the existing MEP is preserved

      pattern - the pattern to use for the message exchanges
      endpoints - list of endpoints to send to
      the builder
    • to

      public Type to(org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern pattern, @AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder... endpoints)
      Sends the exchange to a list of endpoints

      Notice the existing MEP is preserved

      pattern - the pattern to use for the message exchanges
      endpoints - list of endpoints to send to
      the builder
    • setExchangePattern

      public Type setExchangePattern(org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern exchangePattern)
      ExchangePattern: set the ExchangePattern into the Exchange.

      The pattern set on the Exchange will be changed from this point going foward.

      exchangePattern - instance of ExchangePattern
      the builder
    • setExchangePattern

      public Type setExchangePattern(String exchangePattern)
      ExchangePattern: set the ExchangePattern into the Exchange.

      The pattern set on the Exchange will be changed from this point going foward.

      exchangePattern - the exchange pattern
      the builder
    • id

      public Type id(String id)
      Sets the id of this node.

      Important: If you want to set the id of the route, then you must use routeId(String) instead.

      id in class OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>
      id - the id
      the builder
    • routeId

      public Type routeId(String id)
      Set the route id for this route.

      Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id. If you use the API from CamelContext or ModelCamelContext to add routes, then any new routes which has a route id that matches an old route, then the old route is replaced by the new route.

      id - the route id, should be unique
      the builder
    • routeGroup

      public Type routeGroup(String group)
      Set the route group for this route.
      group - the route group
      the builder
    • routeDescription

      public Type routeDescription(String description)
      Set the route description for this route
      description - the route description
      the builder
    • nodePrefixId

      public Type nodePrefixId(String prefixId)
      Sets a prefix to use for all node ids (not route id).
      prefixId - the prefix
      the builder
    • disabled

      public Type disabled()
      Disables this EIP from the route during build time. Once an EIP has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.
    • disabled

      public Type disabled(boolean disabled)
      Whether to disable this EIP from the route during build time. Once an EIP has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.
    • disabled

      public Type disabled(String disabled)
      Whether to disable this EIP from the route during build time. Once an EIP has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.
    • multicast

      public MulticastDefinition multicast()
      Multicast EIP: Multicasts messages to all its child outputs; so that each processor and destination gets a copy of the original message to avoid the processors interfering with each other.
      the builder
    • multicast

      public MulticastDefinition multicast(org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean parallelProcessing)
      Multicast EIP: Multicasts messages to all its child outputs; so that each processor and destination gets a copy of the original message to avoid the processors interfering with each other.
      aggregationStrategy - the strategy used to aggregate responses for every part
      parallelProcessing - if is true camel will fork thread to call the endpoint producer
      the builder
    • multicast

      public MulticastDefinition multicast(org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      Multicast EIP: Multicasts messages to all its child outputs; so that each processor and destination gets a copy of the original message to avoid the processors interfering with each other.
      aggregationStrategy - the strategy used to aggregate responses for every part
      the builder
    • step

      public StepDefinition step()
      Routes the message to a sequence of processors which is grouped together as one logical name.
      the builder
    • step

      public StepDefinition step(String id)
      Routes the message to a sequence of processors which is grouped together as one logical name.
      id - unique id of the step within the camel context
      the builder
    • pipeline

      public PipelineDefinition pipeline()
      Pipes and Filters EIP: Creates a Pipeline so that the message will get processed by each endpoint in turn and for request/response the output of one endpoint will be the input of the next endpoint
      the builder
    • pipeline

      public Type pipeline(@AsEndpointUri String... uris)
      Pipes and Filters EIP: Creates a Pipeline of the list of endpoints so that the message will get processed by each endpoint in turn and for request/response the output of one endpoint will be the input of the next endpoint
      uris - list of endpoints
      the builder
    • pipeline

      public Type pipeline(org.apache.camel.Endpoint... endpoints)
      Pipes and Filters EIP: Creates a Pipeline of the list of endpoints so that the message will get processed by each endpoint in turn and for request/response the output of one endpoint will be the input of the next endpoint
      endpoints - list of endpoints
      the builder
    • threads

      public ThreadsDefinition threads()
      Continues processing the Exchange using asynchronous routing engine.
      the builder
    • threads

      public ThreadsDefinition threads(int poolSize)
      Continues processing the Exchange using asynchronous routing engine.
      poolSize - the core pool size
      the builder
    • threads

      public ThreadsDefinition threads(int poolSize, int maxPoolSize)
      Continues processing the Exchange using asynchronous routing engine.
      poolSize - the core pool size
      maxPoolSize - the maximum pool size
      the builder
    • threads

      public ThreadsDefinition threads(int poolSize, int maxPoolSize, String threadName)
      Continues processing the Exchange using asynchronous routing engine.
      poolSize - the core pool size
      maxPoolSize - the maximum pool size
      threadName - the thread pool name
      the builder
    • end

      public ProcessorDefinition<?> end()
      Ends the current block
      the builder
    • endParent

      public ProcessorDefinition<?> endParent()
      Strategy to allow ProcessorDefinitions to have special logic when using end() in the DSL to return back to the intended parent.

      For example a content based router we return back to the ChoiceDefinition when we end() from a WhenDefinition.

      the end
    • endChoice

      public ChoiceDefinition endChoice()
      Ends the current block and returns back to the choice() DSL.

      Important: If you want to end the entire choice block, then use end() instead. The purpose of endChoice() is to return control back to the choice() DSL, so you can add subsequent when and otherwise to the choice. There can be situations where you would need to use endChoice() often when you add additional EIPs inside the when's, and the DSL looses scope when using a regular end(), and you would need to use this endChoice() to return back the scope to the choice() DSL.

      For more details and examples see also this FAQ: Why can I not use when or otherwise in a Java Camel route .

      the choice builder
    • endDoTry

      public TryDefinition endDoTry()
      Ends the current block and returns back to the doTry() DSL.
      the builder
    • endDoCatch

      public CatchDefinition endDoCatch()
      Ends the current block and returns back to the doCatch() DSL.
      the builder
    • endCircuitBreaker

      public CircuitBreakerDefinition endCircuitBreaker()
      Ends the current block and returns back to the circuitBreaker() DSL.
      the builder
    • idempotentConsumer

      public ExpressionClause<IdempotentConsumerDefinition> idempotentConsumer()
      Idempotent consumer EIP: Creates an IdempotentConsumer using a fluent builder.
    • idempotentConsumer

      public IdempotentConsumerDefinition idempotentConsumer(org.apache.camel.Expression messageIdExpression)
      Idempotent consumer EIP: Creates an IdempotentConsumer to avoid duplicate messages
      messageIdExpression - expression to test of duplicate messages
      the builder
    • idempotentConsumer

      public IdempotentConsumerDefinition idempotentConsumer(org.apache.camel.Expression messageIdExpression, org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository idempotentRepository)
      Idempotent consumer EIP: Creates an IdempotentConsumer to avoid duplicate messages
      messageIdExpression - expression to test of duplicate messages
      idempotentRepository - the repository to use for duplicate check
      the builder
    • filter

      @AsPredicate public ExpressionClause<? extends FilterDefinition> filter()
      Message Filter EIP: Creates a predicate expression which only if it is true then the exchange is forwarded to the destination
      the clause used to create the filter expression
    • filter

      public FilterDefinition filter(@AsPredicate org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate)
      Message Filter EIP: Creates a predicate which is applied and only if it is true then the exchange is forwarded to the destination
      predicate - predicate to use
      the builder
    • filter

      public FilterDefinition filter(@AsPredicate ExpressionDefinition expression)
      Message Filter EIP: Creates a predicate expression which only if it is true then the exchange is forwarded to the destination
      expression - the predicate expression to use
      the builder
    • filter

      public FilterDefinition filter(String language, @AsPredicate String expression)
      Message Filter EIP: Creates a predicate language expression which only if it is true then the exchange is forwarded to the destination
      language - language for expression
      expression - the expression
      the builder
    • validate

      public ValidateDefinition validate(@AsPredicate org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Creates a validation expression which only if it is true then the exchange is forwarded to the destination. Otherwise a PredicateValidationException is thrown.
      expression - the expression
      the builder
    • validate

      public ValidateDefinition validate(@AsPredicate org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate)
      Creates a validation expression which only if it is true then the exchange is forwarded to the destination. Otherwise a PredicateValidationException is thrown.
      predicate - the predicate
      the builder
    • validate

      @AsPredicate public ExpressionClause<ValidateDefinition> validate()
      Creates a validation expression which only if it is true then the exchange is forwarded to the destination. Otherwise a PredicateValidationException is thrown.
      the builder
    • circuitBreaker

      public CircuitBreakerDefinition circuitBreaker()
      Creates a Circuit Breaker EIP.

      This requires having an implementation on the classpath such as camel-microprofile-fault-tolerance.

      the builder
    • kamelet

      public KameletDefinition kamelet(String name)
      Creates a Kamelet EIP.

      This requires having camel-kamelet on the classpath.

      the builder
    • loadBalance

      public LoadBalanceDefinition loadBalance()
      Load Balancer EIP: Creates a loadbalance
      the builder
    • loadBalance

      public LoadBalanceDefinition loadBalance(org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer loadBalancer)
      Load Balancer EIP: Creates a loadbalance
      loadBalancer - a custom load balancer to use
      the builder
    • log

      public Type log(String message)
      Creates a log message to be logged at INFO level.
      message - the log message (you can use simple language syntax)
      the builder
    • log

      public Type log(org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel loggingLevel, String message)
      Creates a log message to be logged at the given level.
      loggingLevel - the logging level to use
      message - the log message (you can use simple language syntax)
      the builder
    • log

      public Type log(org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel loggingLevel, String logName, String message)
      Creates a log message to be logged at the given level and name.
      loggingLevel - the logging level to use
      logName - the log name to use
      message - the log message (you can use simple language syntax)
      the builder
    • log

      public Type log(org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel loggingLevel, org.slf4j.Logger logger, String message)
      Creates a log message to be logged at the given level using provided logger.
      loggingLevel - the logging level to use
      logger - the logger to use
      message - the log message (you can use simple language syntax)
      the builder
    • log

      public Type log(org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel loggingLevel, String logName, String marker, String message)
      Creates a log message to be logged at the given level and name.
      loggingLevel - the logging level to use
      logName - the log name to use
      marker - log marker name
      message - the log message (you can use simple language syntax)
      the builder
    • log

      public Type log(org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel loggingLevel, org.slf4j.Logger logger, String marker, String message)
      Creates a log message to be logged at the given level using provided logger.
      loggingLevel - the logging level to use
      logger - the logger to use
      marker - log marker name
      message - the log message (you can use simple language syntax)
      the builder
    • choice

      public ChoiceDefinition choice()
      Content Based Router EIP: Creates a choice of one or more predicates with an otherwise clause
      the builder for a choice expression
    • doTry

      public TryDefinition doTry()
      Creates a try/catch block
      the builder for a tryBlock expression
    • recipientList

      public RecipientListDefinition<Type> recipientList(@AsEndpointUri org.apache.camel.Expression recipients)
      Recipient List EIP: Creates a dynamic recipient list allowing you to route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients.

      Will use comma as default delimiter.

      recipients - expression to decide the destinations
      the builder
    • recipientList

      public RecipientListDefinition<Type> recipientList(@AsEndpointUri org.apache.camel.Expression recipients, String delimiter)
      Recipient List EIP: Creates a dynamic recipient list allowing you to route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients
      recipients - expression to decide the destinations
      delimiter - a custom delimiter to use
      the builder
    • recipientList

      @AsEndpointUri public ExpressionClause<RecipientListDefinition<Type>> recipientList(String delimiter)
      Recipient List EIP: Creates a dynamic recipient list allowing you to route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients
      delimiter - a custom delimiter to use
      the builder
    • recipientList

      @AsEndpointUri public ExpressionClause<RecipientListDefinition<Type>> recipientList()
      Recipient List EIP: Creates a dynamic recipient list allowing you to route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients
      the expression clause to configure the expression to decide the destinations
    • routingSlip

      public RoutingSlipDefinition<Type> routingSlip(@AsEndpointUri org.apache.camel.Expression expression, String uriDelimiter)
      Routing Slip EIP: Creates a routing slip allowing you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.

      The route slip will be evaluated once, use dynamicRouter() if you need even more dynamic routing.

      expression - to decide the destinations
      uriDelimiter - is the delimiter that will be used to split up the list of URIs in the routing slip.
      the builder
    • routingSlip

      public RoutingSlipDefinition<Type> routingSlip(@AsEndpointUri org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Routing Slip EIP: Creates a routing slip allowing you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.

      The list of URIs will be split based on the default delimiter RoutingSlipDefinition.DEFAULT_DELIMITER

      The route slip will be evaluated once, use dynamicRouter() if you need even more dynamic routing.

      expression - to decide the destinations
      the builder
    • routingSlip

      Routing Slip EIP: Creates a routing slip allowing you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.

      The list of URIs will be split based on the default delimiter RoutingSlipDefinition.DEFAULT_DELIMITER

      The route slip will be evaluated once, use dynamicRouter() if you need even more dynamic routing.

      the expression clause to configure the expression to decide the destinations
    • dynamicRouter

      public DynamicRouterDefinition<Type> dynamicRouter(@AsEndpointUri org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Dynamic Router EIP: Creates a dynamic router allowing you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.

      Important: The expression will be invoked repeatedly until it returns null, so be sure it does that, otherwise it will be invoked endlessly.

      expression - to decide the destinations, which will be invoked repeatedly until it evaluates null to indicate no more destinations.
      the builder
    • dynamicRouter

      @AsEndpointUri public ExpressionClause<DynamicRouterDefinition<Type>> dynamicRouter()
      Dynamic Router EIP: Creates a dynamic router allowing you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.

      Important: The expression will be invoked repeatedly until it returns null, so be sure it does that, otherwise it will be invoked endlessly.

      the expression clause to configure the expression to decide the destinations, which will be invoked repeatedly until it evaluates null to indicate no more destinations.
    • sample

      public SamplingDefinition sample()
      Sampling Throttler Creates a sampling throttler allowing you to extract a sample of exchanges from the traffic on a route. It is configured with a sampling period, during which only a single exchange is allowed to pass through. All other exchanges will be stopped.

      Default period is one second.

      the builder
    • sample

      public SamplingDefinition sample(Duration samplePeriod)
      Sampling Throttler Creates a sampling throttler allowing you to extract a sample of exchanges from the traffic through a route. It is configured with a sampling period during which only a single exchange is allowed to pass through. All other exchanges will be stopped.
      samplePeriod - this is the sample interval, only one exchange is allowed through in this interval
      the builder
    • sample

      public SamplingDefinition sample(String samplePeriod)
      Sampling Throttler Creates a sampling throttler allowing you to extract a sample of exchanges from the traffic through a route. It is configured with a sampling period during which only a single exchange is allowed to pass through. All other exchanges will be stopped.
      samplePeriod - this is the sample interval, only one exchange is allowed through in this interval
      the builder
    • sample

      public SamplingDefinition sample(long messageFrequency)
      Sampling Throttler Creates a sampling throttler allowing you to extract a sample of exchanges from the traffic through a route. It is configured with a sampling message frequency during which only a single exchange is allowed to pass through. All other exchanges will be stopped.
      messageFrequency - this is the sample message frequency, only one exchange is allowed through for this many messages received
      the builder
    • split

      Splitter EIP: Creates a splitter allowing you split a message into a number of pieces and process them individually.

      This splitter responds with the original input message. You can use a custom AggregationStrategy to control what to respond from the splitter.

      the expression clause builder for the expression on which to split
    • split

      public SplitDefinition split(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Splitter EIP: Creates a splitter allowing you split a message into a number of pieces and process them individually.

      This splitter responds with the original input message. You can use a custom AggregationStrategy to control what to respond from the splitter.

      expression - the expression on which to split the message
      the builder
    • split

      public SplitDefinition split(org.apache.camel.Expression expression, String delimiter)
      Splitter EIP: Creates a splitter allowing you split a message into a number of pieces and process them individually.

      This splitter responds with the original input message. You can use a custom AggregationStrategy to control what to respond from the splitter.

      expression - the expression on which to split the message
      delimiter - a custom delimiter to use
      the builder
    • split

      public SplitDefinition split(org.apache.camel.Expression expression, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      Splitter EIP: Creates a splitter allowing you split a message into a number of pieces and process them individually.

      The splitter responds with the answer produced by the given AggregationStrategy.

      expression - the expression on which to split
      aggregationStrategy - the strategy used to aggregate responses for every part
      the builder
    • resequence

      public ExpressionClause<ResequenceDefinition> resequence()
      Resequencer EIP: Creates a resequencer allowing you to reorganize messages based on some comparator.
      the expression clause for the expressions on which to compare messages in order
    • resequence

      public ResequenceDefinition resequence(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Resequencer EIP: Creates a resequencer allowing you to reorganize messages based on some comparator.
      expression - the expression on which to compare messages in order
      the builder
    • aggregate

      Aggregator EIP: Creates an aggregator allowing you to combine a number of messages together into a single message.
      the expression clause to be used as builder to configure the correlation expression
    • aggregate

      public ExpressionClause<AggregateDefinition> aggregate(org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      Aggregator EIP: Creates an aggregator allowing you to combine a number of messages together into a single message.
      aggregationStrategy - the strategy used for the aggregation
      the expression clause to be used as builder to configure the correlation expression
    • aggregate

      public AggregateDefinition aggregate(org.apache.camel.Expression correlationExpression)
      Aggregator EIP: Creates an aggregator allowing you to combine a number of messages together into a single message.
      correlationExpression - the expression used to calculate the correlation key. For a JMS message this could be the expression header("JMSDestination") or header("JMSCorrelationID")
      the builder
    • aggregate

      public AggregateDefinition aggregate(org.apache.camel.Expression correlationExpression, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      Aggregator EIP: Creates an aggregator allowing you to combine a number of messages together into a single message.
      correlationExpression - the expression used to calculate the correlation key. For a JMS message this could be the expression header("JMSDestination") or header("JMSCorrelationID")
      aggregationStrategy - the strategy used for the aggregation
      the builder
    • delay

      public DelayDefinition delay(org.apache.camel.Expression delay)
      Delayer EIP: Creates a delayer allowing you to delay the delivery of messages to some destination.
      delay - an expression to calculate the delay time in millis
      the builder
    • delay

      Delayer EIP: Creates a delayer allowing you to delay the delivery of messages to some destination.
      the expression clause to create the expression
    • delay

      public DelayDefinition delay(long delay)
      Delayer EIP: Creates a delayer allowing you to delay the delivery of messages to some destination.
      delay - the delay in millis
      the builder
    • throttle

      Throttler EIP: Creates a throttler using a fluent builder.
      the builder
    • throttle

      public ThrottleDefinition throttle(long maximumRequestCount)
      Throttler EIP: Creates a throttler allowing you to ensure that a specific endpoint does not get overloaded, or that we don't exceed an agreed SLA with some external service.

      Will default use a time period of 1 second, so setting the maximumRequestCount to eg 10 will default ensure at most 10 messages per second.

      maximumRequestCount - the maximum messages
      the builder
    • throttle

      public ThrottleDefinition throttle(org.apache.camel.Expression maximumRequestCount)
      Throttler EIP: Creates a throttler allowing you to ensure that a specific endpoint does not get overloaded, or that we don't exceed an agreed SLA with some external service.

      Will default use a time period of 1 second, so setting the maximumRequestCount to eg 10 will default ensure at most 10 messages per second.

      maximumRequestCount - an expression to calculate the maximum request count
      the builder
    • throttle

      public ThrottleDefinition throttle(org.apache.camel.Expression maximumRequestCount, long correlationExpressionKey)
      Throttler EIP: Creates a throttler allowing you to ensure that a specific endpoint does not get overloaded, or that we don't exceed an agreed SLA with some external service. Here another parameter correlationExpressionKey is introduced for the functionality which will throttle based on the key expression to group exchanges. This will make key-based throttling instead of overall throttling.

      Will default use a time period of 1 second, so setting the maximumRequestCount to eg 10 will default ensure at most 10 messages per second.

      maximumRequestCount - an expression to calculate the maximum request count
      correlationExpressionKey - is a correlation key that can throttle by the given key instead of overall throttling
      the builder
    • throttle

      public ThrottleDefinition throttle(org.apache.camel.Expression maximumRequestCount, org.apache.camel.Expression correlationExpressionKey)
      Throttler EIP: Creates a throttler allowing you to ensure that a specific endpoint does not get overloaded, or that we don't exceed an agreed SLA with some external service. Here another parameter correlationExpressionKey is introduced for the functionality which will throttle based on the key expression to group exchanges. This will make key-based throttling instead of overall throttling.

      Will default use a time period of 1 second, so setting the maximumRequestCount to eg 10 will default ensure at most 10 messages per second.

      maximumRequestCount - an expression to calculate the maximum request count
      correlationExpressionKey - is a correlation key as an expression that can throttle by the given key instead of overall throttling
      the builder
    • loop

      Loop EIP: Creates a loop allowing to process the a message a number of times and possibly process them in a different way. Useful mostly for testing.
      the clause used to create the loop expression
    • loop

      public LoopDefinition loop(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Loop EIP: Creates a loop allowing to process the a message a number of times and possibly process them in a different way.
      expression - the loop expression
      the builder
    • loopDoWhile

      public LoopDefinition loopDoWhile(@AsPredicate org.apache.camel.Predicate predicate)
      Loop EIP: Creates a while loop allowing to process the a message while the predicate matches and possibly process them in a different way.
      predicate - the while loop predicate
      the builder
    • loopDoWhile

      public ExpressionClause<LoopDefinition> loopDoWhile()
      Loop EIP: Creates a loop allowing to process the a message a number of times and possibly process them in a different way using a fluent builder.
      the builder
    • loop

      public LoopDefinition loop(int count)
      Loop EIP: Creates a loop allowing to process the a message a number of times and possibly process them in a different way.
      count - the number of times
      the builder
    • throwException

      public Type throwException(Exception exception)
      Sets the exception on the Exchange
      exception - the exception to throw
      the builder
    • throwException

      public Type throwException(Class<? extends Exception> type, String message)
      Sets the exception on the Exchange
      type - the exception class to use
      message - the given message as caused message (supports simple language)
      the builder
    • markRollbackOnly

      public Type markRollbackOnly()
      Marks the exchange for rollback only.

      Does not set any exception as opposed to rollback() methods.

      the builder
      See Also:
    • markRollbackOnlyLast

      public Type markRollbackOnlyLast()
      Marks the exchange for rollback only, but only for the last (current) transaction.

      A last rollback is used when you have nested transactions and only want the last local transaction to rollback, where as the outer transaction can still be completed

      Does not set any exception as opposed to rollback() methods.

      the builder
      See Also:
    • rollback

      public Type rollback()
      Marks the exchange for rollback only and sets an exception with a default message.

      This is done by setting a RollbackExchangeException on the Exchange and mark it for rollback.

      the builder
      See Also:
    • rollback

      public Type rollback(String message)
      Marks the exchange for rollback and sets an exception with the provided message.

      This is done by setting a RollbackExchangeException on the Exchange and mark it for rollback.

      message - an optional message used for logging purpose why the rollback was triggered
      the builder
      See Also:
    • wireTap

      public WireTapDefinition<Type> wireTap(org.apache.camel.Endpoint endpoint)
      WireTap EIP: Sends messages to all its child outputs; so that each processor and destination gets a copy of the original message to avoid the processors interfering with each other using ExchangePattern.InOnly.
      endpoint - the endpoint to wiretap to
      the builder
    • wireTap

      public WireTapDefinition<Type> wireTap(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder endpoint)
      WireTap EIP: Sends messages to all its child outputs; so that each processor and destination gets a copy of the original message to avoid the processors interfering with each other using ExchangePattern.InOnly.
      endpoint - the endpoint to wiretap to
      the builder
    • wireTap

      public WireTapDefinition<Type> wireTap(@AsEndpointUri String uri)
      WireTap EIP: Sends messages to all its child outputs; so that each processor and destination gets a copy of the original message to avoid the processors interfering with each other using ExchangePattern.InOnly.
      uri - the dynamic endpoint to wiretap to (resolved using simple language by default)
      the builder
    • startupOrder

      public Type startupOrder(int startupOrder)
    • stop

      public Type stop()
      Stops continue routing the current Exchange and marks it as completed.
      the builder
    • onException

      public OnExceptionDefinition onException(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionType)
      Exception clause for catching certain exceptions and handling them.
      exceptionType - the exception to catch
      the exception builder to configure
    • onException

      public OnExceptionDefinition onException(Class<? extends Throwable>... exceptions)
      Exception clause for catching certain exceptions and handling them.
      exceptions - list of exceptions to catch
      the exception builder to configure
    • policy

      public PolicyDefinition policy(org.apache.camel.spi.Policy policy)
      Apply a Policy.

      Policy can be used for transactional policies.

      policy - the policy to apply
      the policy builder to configure
    • policy

      public PolicyDefinition policy(String ref)
      Apply a Policy.

      Policy can be used for transactional policies.

      ref - reference to lookup a policy in the registry
      the policy builder to configure
    • transacted

      public TransactedDefinition transacted()
      Marks this route as transacted and uses the default transacted policy found in the registry.
      the policy builder to configure
    • transacted

      public TransactedDefinition transacted(String ref)
      Marks this route as transacted.
      ref - reference to lookup a transacted policy in the registry
      the policy builder to configure
    • saga

      public SagaDefinition saga()
      Marks this route as participating in a saga.
      the saga definition
    • process

      public Type process(org.apache.camel.Processor processor)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds the custom processor to this destination which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      processor - the custom Processor
      the builder
    • process

      public Type process(String ref)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds the custom processor reference to this destination which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      ref - reference to a Processor to lookup in the registry
      the builder
    • process

      Message Translator EIP: Adds the custom processor using a fluent builder to this destination which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Object bean)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      bean - the bean to invoke, or a reference to a bean if the type is a String
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Supplier<Object> bean)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      bean - the bean to invoke, or a reference to a bean if the type is a String
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Object bean, String method)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      bean - the bean to invoke (if String then a reference to a bean, prefix with type: to specify FQN java class)
      method - the method name to invoke on the bean (can be used to avoid ambiguity)
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Supplier<Object> bean, String method)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      bean - the bean to invoke, or a reference to a bean if the type is a String
      method - the method name to invoke on the bean (can be used to avoid ambiguity)
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Supplier<Object> bean, String method, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      bean - the bean to invoke, or a reference to a bean if the type is a String
      method - the method name to invoke on the bean (can be used to avoid ambiguity)
      scope - bean scope to use (singleton, request, prototype)
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Object bean, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      bean - the bean to invoke, or a reference to a bean if the type is a String
      scope - bean scope to use (singleton, request, prototype)
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Object bean, String method, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      bean - the bean to invoke, or a reference to a bean if the type is a String
      method - the method name to invoke on the bean (can be used to avoid ambiguity)
      scope - bean scope to use (singleton, request, prototype)
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Class<?> beanType)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      beanType - the bean class, Camel will instantiate an object at runtime
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Class<?> beanType, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      beanType - the bean class, Camel will instantiate an object at runtime
      scope - bean scope to use (singleton, request, prototype)
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Class<?> beanType, String method)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      beanType - the bean class, Camel will instantiate an object at runtime
      method - the method name to invoke on the bean (can be used to avoid ambiguity)
      the builder
    • bean

      public Type bean(Class<?> beanType, String method, org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a bean which is invoked which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
      beanType - the bean class, Camel will instantiate an object at runtime
      method - the method name to invoke on the bean (can be used to avoid ambiguity)
      scope - bean scope to use (singleton, request, prototype)
      the builder
    • setBody

      Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the IN message
      a expression builder clause to set the body
    • setBody

      public Type setBody(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the IN message
      expression - the expression used to set the body
      the builder
    • setBody

      public <Result> Type setBody(Function<org.apache.camel.Exchange,Result> function)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the IN message
      function - the function that provides a value to the IN message body
      the builder
    • transform

      public Type transform(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the OUT message
      expression - the expression used to set the body
      the builder
    • transform

      public Type transform(org.apache.camel.spi.DataType fromType, org.apache.camel.spi.DataType toType)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the OUT message according to a data type transformation.
      fromType - the data type representing the input of the transformation
      toType - the data type representing the output of the transformation.
      the builder
    • transform

      public Type transform(org.apache.camel.spi.DataType toType)
      Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the OUT message according to a data type transformation.
      toType - the data type representing the output of the transformation.
      the builder
    • transform

      Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the OUT message
      a expression builder clause to set the body
    • script

      public Type script(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Executes a script (do not change the message body).
      expression - the expression used as the script.
      the builder
    • script

      Executes a script (do not change the message body).
      a expression builder clause to use as script.
    • setHeader

      public ExpressionClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> setHeader(String name)
      Adds a processor which sets the header on the IN message
      name - the header name
      a expression builder clause to set the header
    • setHeader

      public Type setHeader(String name, org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Adds a processor which sets the header on the IN message
      name - the header name
      expression - the expression used to set the header
      the builder
    • setHeader

      public Type setHeader(String name, Supplier<Object> supplier)
      Adds a processor which sets the header on the IN message
      name - the header name
      supplier - the supplier used to set the header
      the builder
    • setProperty

      public Type setProperty(String name, org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Adds a processor which sets the exchange property
      name - the property name
      expression - the expression used to set the property
      the builder
    • setProperty

      public Type setProperty(String name, Supplier<Object> supplier)
      Adds a processor which sets the exchange property
      name - the property name
      supplier - the supplier used to set the property
      the builder
    • setProperty

      public ExpressionClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> setProperty(String name)
      Adds a processor which sets the exchange property
      name - the property name
      a expression builder clause to set the property
    • removeHeader

      public Type removeHeader(String name)
      Adds a processor which removes the header on the IN message
      name - the header name
      the builder
    • removeHeaders

      public Type removeHeaders(String pattern)
      Adds a processor which removes the headers on the IN message
      pattern - a pattern to match header names to be removed
      the builder
    • removeHeaders

      public Type removeHeaders(String pattern, String... excludePatterns)
      Adds a processor which removes the headers on the IN message
      pattern - a pattern to match header names to be removed
      excludePatterns - one or more pattern of header names that should be excluded (= preserved)
      the builder
    • removeProperty

      public Type removeProperty(String name)
      Adds a processor which removes the exchange property
      name - the property name
      the builder
    • removeProperties

      public Type removeProperties(String pattern)
      Adds a processor which removes the properties in the exchange
      pattern - a pattern to match properties names to be removed
      the builder
    • removeProperties

      public Type removeProperties(String pattern, String... excludePatterns)
      Adds a processor which removes the properties in the exchange
      pattern - a pattern to match properties names to be removed
      excludePatterns - one or more pattern of properties names that should be excluded (= preserved)
      the builder
    • convertBodyTo

      public Type convertBodyTo(Class<?> type)
      Converts the IN message body to the specified type
      type - the type to convert to
      the builder
    • convertBodyTo

      public Type convertBodyTo(Class<?> type, boolean mandatory)
      Converts the IN message body to the specified type
      type - the type to convert to
      mandatory - whether to use mandatory type conversion or not
      the builder
    • convertBodyTo

      public Type convertBodyTo(Class<?> type, String charset)
      Converts the IN message body to the specified type
      type - the type to convert to
      charset - the charset to use by type converters (not all converters support specific charset)
      the builder
    • sort

      public Type sort(org.apache.camel.Expression expression)
      Sorts the expression using a default sorting based on toString representation.
      expression - the expression, must be convertable to List
      the builder
    • sort

      public <T> Type sort(org.apache.camel.Expression expression, Comparator<T> comparator)
      Sorts the expression using the given comparator
      expression - the expression, must be convertable to List
      comparator - the comparator to use for sorting
      the builder
    • sort

      public <T> ExpressionClause<SortDefinition<T>> sort()
      Sorts the expression
      the builder
    • claimCheck

      public ClaimCheckDefinition claimCheck()
      The Claim Check EIP allows you to replace message content with a claim check (a unique key), which can be used to retrieve the message content at a later time.
    • claimCheck

      public Type claimCheck(ClaimCheckOperation operation)
      The Claim Check EIP allows you to replace message content with a claim check (a unique key), which can be used to retrieve the message content at a later time.
      operation - the claim check operation to use.
    • claimCheck

      public Type claimCheck(ClaimCheckOperation operation, String key)
      The Claim Check EIP allows you to replace message content with a claim check (a unique key), which can be used to retrieve the message content at a later time.
      operation - the claim check operation to use.
      key - the unique key to use for the get and set operations, can be null for push/pop operations
    • claimCheck

      public Type claimCheck(ClaimCheckOperation operation, String key, String filter)
      The Claim Check EIP allows you to replace message content with a claim check (a unique key), which can be used to retrieve the message content at a later time.
      operation - the claim check operation to use.
      key - the unique key to use for the get and set operations, can be null for push/pop operations
      filter - describes what data to include/exclude when merging data back when using get or pop operations.
    • enrich

      public Type enrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.

      The difference between this and pollEnrich(String) is that this uses a producer to obatin the additional data, where as pollEnrich uses a polling consumer.

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrich

      public Type enrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.
      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrich

      public Type enrich(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder resourceUri)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.

      The difference between this and pollEnrich(String) is that this uses a producer to obatin the additional data, where as pollEnrich uses a polling consumer.

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrich

      public Type enrich(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder resourceUri, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.
      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> enrichWith(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder.
               .body(String.class, (o, n) -> n + o);
      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> enrichWith(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder.
    • enrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> enrichWith(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, boolean aggregateOnException, boolean shareUnitOfWork)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder.
    • enrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> enrichWith(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder resourceUri)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder.
               .body(String.class, (o, n) -> n + o);
      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> enrichWith(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder resourceUri, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder.
    • enrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> enrichWith(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder resourceUri, boolean aggregateOnException, boolean shareUnitOfWork)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder.
    • enrich

      public Type enrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.
      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrich

      public Type enrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean aggregateOnException, boolean shareUnitOfWork)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.
      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      shareUnitOfWork - whether to share unit of work
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrich

      public Type enrich(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder resourceUri, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.
      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrich

      public Type enrich(@AsEndpointUri EndpointProducerBuilder resourceUri, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean aggregateOnException, boolean shareUnitOfWork)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.
      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      shareUnitOfWork - whether to share unit of work
      the builder
      See Also:
      • Enricher
    • enrich

      @AsEndpointUri public ExpressionClause<EnrichDefinition> enrich()
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri.

      The difference between this and pollEnrich(String) is that this uses a producer to obtain the additional data, where as pollEnrich uses a polling consumer.

      a expression builder clause to set the expression to use for computing the endpoint to use
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      This method will block until data is available, use the method with timeout if you do not want to risk waiting a long time before data is available from the resourceUri.

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      This method will block until data is available, use the method with timeout if you do not want to risk waiting a long time before data is available from the resourceUri.

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, long timeout, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, long timeout, String aggregationStrategyRef)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategyRef - Reference of aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      This method will block until data is available, use the method with timeout if you do not want to risk waiting a long time before data is available from the resourceUri.

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      This method will block until data is available, use the method with timeout if you do not want to risk waiting a long time before data is available from the resourceUri.

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri, long timeout, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri, long timeout, String aggregationStrategyRef)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategyRef - Reference of aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> pollEnrichWith(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.
    • pollEnrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> pollEnrichWith(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, long timeout)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.
    • pollEnrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> pollEnrichWith(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, long timeout, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.
    • pollEnrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> pollEnrichWith(EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.
    • pollEnrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> pollEnrichWith(EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri, long timeout)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.
    • pollEnrichWith

      public EnrichClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> pollEnrichWith(EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri, long timeout, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri and with an aggregation strategy created using a fluent builder using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, long timeout, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, long timeout, String aggregationStrategyRef, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategyRef - Reference of aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri String resourceUri, long timeout)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri, long timeout, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri, long timeout, String aggregationStrategyRef, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategyRef - Reference of aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri EndpointConsumerBuilder resourceUri, long timeout)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      resourceUri - URI of resource endpoint for obtaining additional data.
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri org.apache.camel.Expression expression, long timeout, String aggregationStrategyRef, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      expression - to use an expression to dynamically compute the endpoint to poll from
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategyRef - Reference of aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      public Type pollEnrich(@AsEndpointUri org.apache.camel.Expression expression, long timeout, org.apache.camel.AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean aggregateOnException)
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      expression - to use an expression to dynamically compute the endpoint to poll from
      timeout - timeout in millis to wait at most for data to be available.
      aggregationStrategy - aggregation strategy to aggregate input data and additional data.
      aggregateOnException - whether to call AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) if an exception was thrown.
      the builder
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • pollEnrich

      @AsEndpointUri public ExpressionClause<PollEnrichDefinition> pollEnrich()
      The Content Enricher EIP enriches an exchange with additional data obtained from a resourceUri using a PollingConsumer to poll the endpoint.

      The difference between this and enrich(String) is that this uses a consumer to obtain the additional data, where as enrich uses a producer.

      The timeout controls which operation to use on PollingConsumer. If timeout is negative, we use receive. If timeout is 0 then we use receiveNoWait otherwise we use receive(timeout).

      a expression builder clause to set the expression to use for computing the endpoint to poll from
      See Also:
      • PollEnricher
    • onCompletion

      public OnCompletionDefinition onCompletion()
      Adds a onCompletion Synchronization hook that invoke this route as a callback when the Exchange has finished being processed. The hook invoke callbacks for either onComplete or onFailure.

      Will by default always trigger when the Exchange is complete (either with success or failed).
      You can limit the callback to either onComplete or onFailure but invoking the nested builder method.

      For onFailure the caused exception is stored as a property on the Exchange with the key Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT.

      the builder
    • unmarshal

      DataFormat: Unmarshals the in body using a DataFormat expression to define the format of the input message and the output will be set on the out message body.
      the expression to create the DataFormat
    • unmarshal

      public Type unmarshal(DataFormatDefinition dataFormatType)
      DataFormat: Unmarshals the in body using the specified DataFormat and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataFormatType - the dataformat
      the builder
    • unmarshal

      public Type unmarshal(DataFormatDefinition dataFormatType, boolean allowNullBody)
      DataFormat: Unmarshals the in body using the specified DataFormat and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataFormatType - the dataformat
      allowNullBody - true if null is allowed as value of a body to unmarshall, false otherwise
      the builder
    • unmarshal

      public Type unmarshal(org.apache.camel.spi.DataFormat dataFormat)
      DataFormat: Unmarshals the in body using the specified DataFormat and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataFormat - the dataformat
      the builder
    • unmarshal

      public Type unmarshal(org.apache.camel.spi.DataFormat dataFormat, boolean allowNullBody)
      DataFormat: Unmarshals the in body using the specified DataFormat and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataFormat - the dataformat
      allowNullBody - true if null is allowed as value of a body to unmarshall, false otherwise
      the builder
    • unmarshal

      public Type unmarshal(String dataTypeRef)
      DataFormat: Unmarshals the in body using the specified DataFormat reference in the Registry and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataTypeRef - reference to a DataFormat to lookup in the registry
      the builder
    • unmarshal

      public Type unmarshal(String dataTypeRef, boolean allowNullBody)
      DataFormat: Unmarshals the in body using the specified DataFormat reference in the Registry and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataTypeRef - reference to a DataFormat to lookup in the registry
      the builder
    • marshal

      DataFormat: Marshals the in body using a DataFormat expression to define the format of the output which will be added to the out body.
      the expression to create the DataFormat
    • marshal

      public Type marshal(DataFormatDefinition dataFormatType)
      DataFormat: Marshals the in body using the specified DataFormat and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataFormatType - the dataformat
      the builder
    • marshal

      public Type marshal(org.apache.camel.spi.DataFormat dataFormat)
      DataFormat: Marshals the in body using the specified DataFormat and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataFormat - the dataformat
      the builder
    • marshal

      public Type marshal(String dataTypeRef)
      DataFormat: Marshals the in body the specified DataFormat reference in the Registry and sets the output on the out message body.
      dataTypeRef - reference to a DataFormat to lookup in the registry
      the builder
    • inheritErrorHandler

      public Type inheritErrorHandler(boolean inheritErrorHandler)
      Sets whether or not to inherit the configured error handler.
      The default value is true.

      You can use this to disable using the inherited error handler for a given DSL such as a load balancer where you want to use a custom error handler strategy.

      inheritErrorHandler - whether to not to inherit the error handler for this node
      the builder
    • resumable

      public ResumableDefinition resumable()
      This defines the route as resumable, which allows the route to work with the endpoints and components to manage the state of consumers and resume upon restart.
      the builder
    • resumable

      public Type resumable(org.apache.camel.resume.ResumeStrategy resumeStrategy)
      This defines the route as resumable, which allows the route to work with the endpoints and components to manage the state of consumers and resume upon restart.
      resumeStrategy - the resume strategy
      the builder
    • resumable

      public Type resumable(String resumeStrategy)
      This defines the route as resumable, which allows the route to work with the endpoints and components to manage the state of consumers and resume upon restart.
      resumeStrategy - the resume strategy
      the builder
    • pausable

      public PausableDefinition pausable()
      This enables pausable consumers, which allows the consumer to pause work until a certain condition allows it to resume operation
      the builder
    • pausable

      public Type pausable(org.apache.camel.resume.ConsumerListener consumerListener, Predicate<?> untilCheck)
      This enables pausable consumers, which allows the consumer to pause work until a certain condition allows it to resume operation
      consumerListener - the consumer listener to use for consumer events
      the builder
    • pausable

      public Type pausable(String consumerListenerRef, Predicate<?> untilCheck)
      This enables pausable consumers, which allows the consumer to pause work until a certain condition allows it to resume operation
      consumerListenerRef - the resume strategy
      the builder
    • pausable

      public Type pausable(String consumerListenerRef, String untilCheck)
      This enables pausable consumers, which allows the consumer to pause work until a certain condition allows it to resume operation
      consumerListenerRef - the resume strategy
      the builder
    • getParent

      public ProcessorDefinition<?> getParent()
      Specified by:
      getParent in interface org.apache.camel.NamedNode
      getParent in class OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>
    • setParent

      public void setParent(ProcessorDefinition<?> parent)
    • getRouteConfiguration

      public RouteConfigurationDefinition getRouteConfiguration()
    • setRouteConfiguration

      public void setRouteConfiguration(RouteConfigurationDefinition routeConfiguration)
    • getInterceptStrategies

      public List<org.apache.camel.spi.InterceptStrategy> getInterceptStrategies()
    • addInterceptStrategy

      public void addInterceptStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.InterceptStrategy strategy)
    • isInheritErrorHandler

      public Boolean isInheritErrorHandler()
    • setInheritErrorHandler

      public void setInheritErrorHandler(Boolean inheritErrorHandler)
    • getDisabled

      public String getDisabled()
    • setDisabled

      public void setDisabled(String disabled)
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Returns a label to describe this node such as the expression if some kind of expression node
      Specified by:
      getLabel in interface org.apache.camel.NamedNode