Class MethodCallExpression

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.camel.Expression, org.apache.camel.ExpressionFactory, HasExpressionType, org.apache.camel.Predicate, org.apache.camel.PredicateFactory, org.apache.camel.spi.ExpressionFactoryAware, org.apache.camel.spi.PredicateFactoryAware

@Metadata(firstVersion="1.3.0", label="language,core,java", title="Bean Method") public class MethodCallExpression extends TypedExpressionDefinition
Calls a Java bean method.
  • Constructor Details

    • MethodCallExpression

      public MethodCallExpression()
    • MethodCallExpression

      public MethodCallExpression(String beanName)
    • MethodCallExpression

      public MethodCallExpression(String beanName, String method)
    • MethodCallExpression

      public MethodCallExpression(Object instance)
    • MethodCallExpression

      public MethodCallExpression(Object instance, String method)
    • MethodCallExpression

      public MethodCallExpression(Class<?> type)
    • MethodCallExpression

      public MethodCallExpression(Class<?> type, String method)
  • Method Details

    • getLanguage

      public String getLanguage()
      getLanguage in class ExpressionDefinition
    • getRef

      public String getRef()
    • setRef

      public void setRef(String ref)
      Reference to an existing bean (bean id) to lookup in the registry
    • getMethod

      public String getMethod()
    • setMethod

      public void setMethod(String method)
      Name of method to call
    • getBeanType

      public Class<?> getBeanType()
    • setBeanType

      public void setBeanType(Class<?> beanType)
    • getBeanTypeName

      public String getBeanTypeName()
    • setBeanTypeName

      public void setBeanTypeName(String beanTypeName)
      Class name (fully qualified) of the bean to use Will lookup in registry and if there is a single instance of the same type, then the existing bean is used, otherwise a new bean is created (requires a default no-arg constructor).
    • getScope

      public String getScope()
    • setScope

      public void setScope(String scope)
      Scope of bean. When using singleton scope (default) the bean is created or looked up only once and reused for the lifetime of the endpoint. The bean should be thread-safe in case concurrent threads is calling the bean at the same time. When using request scope the bean is created or looked up once per request (exchange). This can be used if you want to store state on a bean while processing a request and you want to call the same bean instance multiple times while processing the request. The bean does not have to be thread-safe as the instance is only called from the same request. When using prototype scope, then the bean will be looked up or created per call. However in case of lookup then this is delegated to the bean registry such as Spring or CDI (if in use), which depends on their configuration can act as either singleton or prototype scope. So when using prototype scope then this depends on the bean registry implementation.
    • getInstance

      public Object getInstance()
    • setInstance

      public void setInstance(Object instance)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class ExpressionDefinition