Interface ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<?>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateDefinition, DelayDefinition, MulticastDefinition, OnCompletionDefinition, RecipientListDefinition, SplitDefinition, ThreadsDefinition, ThrottleDefinition, WireTapDefinition

public interface ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<?>>
Enables definitions to support concurrency using ExecutorService
  • Method Details

    • executorService

      Type executorService(ExecutorService executorService)
      Setting the executor service for executing
      executorService - the executor service
      the builder
    • executorService

      Type executorService(String executorService)
      Setting the executor service for executing
      executorService - reference for a ExecutorService to lookup in the Registry
      the builder
    • getExecutorServiceBean

      ExecutorService getExecutorServiceBean()
      Gets the executor service for executing
    • getExecutorServiceRef

      String getExecutorServiceRef()
      Gets a reference id to lookup the executor service from the registry