Class RestDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware, org.apache.camel.LineNumberAware, org.apache.camel.NamedNode, org.apache.camel.spi.HasCamelContext, org.apache.camel.spi.HasId, org.apache.camel.spi.IdAware, org.apache.camel.spi.ResourceAware

@Metadata(label="rest") public class RestDefinition extends OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<RestDefinition> implements org.apache.camel.spi.ResourceAware
Defines a rest service using the rest-dsl
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RestDefinition

      public RestDefinition()
  • Method Details

    • getShortName

      public String getShortName()
      Specified by:
      getShortName in interface org.apache.camel.NamedNode
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Specified by:
      getLabel in interface org.apache.camel.NamedNode
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
    • setPath

      public void setPath(String path)
      Path of the rest service, such as "/foo"
    • getTag

      public String getTag()
    • setTag

      public void setTag(String tag)
      To configure a special tag for the operations within this rest definition.
    • getConsumes

      public String getConsumes()
    • setConsumes

      public void setConsumes(String consumes)
      To define the content type what the REST service consumes (accept as input), such as application/xml or application/json. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level
    • getProduces

      public String getProduces()
    • setProduces

      public void setProduces(String produces)
      To define the content type what the REST service produces (uses for output), such as application/xml or application/json This option will override what may be configured on a parent level
    • getDisabled

      public String getDisabled()
    • setDisabled

      public void setDisabled(String disabled)
      Whether to disable this REST service from the route during build time. Once an REST service has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.
    • getBindingMode

      public String getBindingMode()
    • setBindingMode

      public void setBindingMode(String bindingMode)
      Sets the binding mode to use. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level

      The default value is auto

    • getVerbs

      public List<VerbDefinition> getVerbs()
    • getSecurityDefinitions

      public RestSecuritiesDefinition getSecurityDefinitions()
    • setSecurityDefinitions

      public void setSecurityDefinitions(RestSecuritiesDefinition securityDefinitions)
      Sets the security definitions such as Basic, OAuth2 etc.
    • getSecurityRequirements

      public List<SecurityDefinition> getSecurityRequirements()
    • setSecurityRequirements

      public void setSecurityRequirements(List<SecurityDefinition> securityRequirements)
      Sets the security requirement(s) for all endpoints.
    • setVerbs

      public void setVerbs(List<VerbDefinition> verbs)
      The HTTP verbs this REST service accepts and uses
    • getSkipBindingOnErrorCode

      public String getSkipBindingOnErrorCode()
    • setSkipBindingOnErrorCode

      public void setSkipBindingOnErrorCode(String skipBindingOnErrorCode)
      Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level
    • getClientRequestValidation

      public String getClientRequestValidation()
    • setClientRequestValidation

      public void setClientRequestValidation(String clientRequestValidation)
      Whether to enable validation of the client request to check: 1) Content-Type header matches what the Rest DSL consumes; returns HTTP Status 415 if validation error. 2) Accept header matches what the Rest DSL produces; returns HTTP Status 406 if validation error. 3) Missing required data (query parameters, HTTP headers, body); returns HTTP Status 400 if validation error. 4) Parsing error of the message body (JSon, XML or Auto binding mode must be enabled); returns HTTP Status 400 if validation error.
    • getEnableCORS

      public String getEnableCORS()
    • setEnableCORS

      public void setEnableCORS(String enableCORS)
      Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level

      The default value is false.

    • getEnableNoContentResponse

      public String getEnableNoContentResponse()
    • setEnableNoContentResponse

      public void setEnableNoContentResponse(String enableNoContentResponse)
      Whether to return HTTP 204 with an empty body when a response contains an empty JSON object or XML root object.

      The default value is false.

    • getApiDocs

      public String getApiDocs()
    • setApiDocs

      public void setApiDocs(String apiDocs)
      Whether to include or exclude this rest operation in API documentation. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level.

      The default value is true.

    • getResource

      public org.apache.camel.spi.Resource getResource()
      Specified by:
      getResource in interface org.apache.camel.spi.ResourceAware
    • setResource

      public void setResource(org.apache.camel.spi.Resource resource)
      Specified by:
      setResource in interface org.apache.camel.spi.ResourceAware
    • path

      public RestDefinition path(String path)
      To set the base path of this REST service
    • disabled

      public RestDefinition disabled()
      Disables this REST service from the route during build time. Once an REST service has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.
    • disabled

      public RestDefinition disabled(boolean disabled)
      Whether to disable this REST service from the route during build time. Once an REST service has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.
    • disabled

      public RestDefinition disabled(String disabled)
      Whether to disable this REST service from the route during build time. Once an REST service has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.
    • tag

      public RestDefinition tag(String tag)
      To set the tag to use of this REST service
    • get

      public RestDefinition get()
    • get

      public RestDefinition get(String uri)
    • post

      public RestDefinition post()
    • post

      public RestDefinition post(String uri)
    • put

      public RestDefinition put()
    • put

      public RestDefinition put(String uri)
    • patch

      public RestDefinition patch()
    • patch

      public RestDefinition patch(String uri)
    • delete

      public RestDefinition delete()
    • delete

      public RestDefinition delete(String uri)
    • head

      public RestDefinition head()
    • head

      public RestDefinition head(String uri)
    • verb

      public RestDefinition verb(String verb)
    • verb

      public RestDefinition verb(String verb, String uri)
    • id

      public RestDefinition id(String id)
      Description copied from class: OptionalIdentifiedDefinition
      Sets the id of this node.

      Important: If you want to set the id of the route, then you must use routeId(String) instead.

      id in class OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<RestDefinition>
      id - the id
      the builder
    • routeId

      public RestDefinition routeId(String routeId)
    • deprecated

      public RestDefinition deprecated()
    • description

      public RestDefinition description(String description)
      Description copied from class: OptionalIdentifiedDefinition
      Sets the description of this node
      description in class OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<RestDefinition>
      description - sets the text description, use null to not set a text
      the builder
    • consumes

      public RestDefinition consumes(String mediaType)
    • param

      public ParamDefinition param()
    • param

      public RestDefinition param(ParamDefinition param)
    • params

      public RestDefinition params(List<ParamDefinition> params)
    • param

      public ParamDefinition param(VerbDefinition verb)
    • responseMessage

      public RestDefinition responseMessage(ResponseMessageDefinition msg)
    • responseMessage

      public ResponseMessageDefinition responseMessage()
    • responseMessage

      public ResponseMessageDefinition responseMessage(VerbDefinition verb)
    • responseMessages

      public RestDefinition responseMessages(List<ResponseMessageDefinition> msgs)
    • responseMessage

      public RestDefinition responseMessage(int code, String message)
    • responseMessage

      public RestDefinition responseMessage(String code, String message)
    • securityDefinitions

      public RestSecuritiesDefinition securityDefinitions()
      To configure security definitions.
    • produces

      public RestDefinition produces(String mediaType)
    • type

      public RestDefinition type(Class<?> classType)
    • outType

      public RestDefinition outType(Class<?> classType)
    • bindingMode

      public RestDefinition bindingMode(RestBindingMode mode)
    • bindingMode

      public RestDefinition bindingMode(String mode)
    • skipBindingOnErrorCode

      public RestDefinition skipBindingOnErrorCode(boolean skipBindingOnErrorCode)
    • clientRequestValidation

      public RestDefinition clientRequestValidation(boolean clientRequestValidation)
    • enableCORS

      public RestDefinition enableCORS(boolean enableCORS)
    • enableNoContentResponse

      public RestDefinition enableNoContentResponse(boolean enableNoContentResponse)
    • apiDocs

      public RestDefinition apiDocs(Boolean apiDocs)
      Include or exclude the current Rest Definition in API documentation.

      The default value is true.

    • security

      public RestDefinition security(String key)
      Sets the security setting for this verb.
    • security

      public RestDefinition security(String key, String scopes)
      Sets the security setting for this verb.
    • to

      public RestDefinition to(String uri)
      The Camel endpoint this REST service will call, such as a direct endpoint to link to an existing route that handles this REST call.
      uri - the uri of the endpoint
      this builder
    • buildFromUri

      public String buildFromUri(VerbDefinition verb)
      Build the from endpoint uri for the verb
    • asRouteDefinition

      public List<RouteDefinition> asRouteDefinition(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext)
      Transforms this REST definition into a list of RouteDefinition which Camel routing engine can add and run. This allows us to define REST services using this REST DSL and turn those into regular Camel routes.
      camelContext - The Camel context
    • validateUniquePaths

      protected void validateUniquePaths(List<VerbDefinition> verbs)
    • validateUniqueDirects

      protected void validateUniqueDirects(List<VerbDefinition> verbs)
    • asTypeName

      protected String asTypeName(Class<?> classType)
    • asRouteApiDefinition

      public static RouteDefinition asRouteApiDefinition(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext, org.apache.camel.spi.RestConfiguration configuration)
      Transforms the rest api configuration into a RouteDefinition which Camel routing engine uses to service the rest api docs.