Class Sequence<E>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Sequence

        public Sequence​(SequenceElementComparator<E> comparator)
        Creates a new Sequence instance.
        comparator - a strategy for comparing elements of this sequence.
    • Method Detail

      • predecessor

        public E predecessor​(E e)
        Returns the immediate predecessor of the given element in this sequence or null if no predecessor exists.
        e - an element which is compared to elements of this sequence.
        an element of this sequence or null.
      • successor

        public E successor​(E e)
        Returns the immediate successor of the given element in this sequence or null if no successor exists.
        e - an element which is compared to elements of this sequence.
        an element of this sequence or null.
      • higher

        public E higher​(E e)
        Returns the next higher element in the sequence to the given element. If the given element doesn't exist or if it is the last element in the sequence null is returned. Please note that this method is provided for compatibility with Java 5 SE. On a Java 6 SE platform the same method implemented by the TreeSet class should be used for better performance.
        Specified by:
        higher in interface NavigableSet<E>
        higher in class TreeSet<E>
        e - an element which is compared to elements of this sequence.
        an element of this sequence or null.
      • lower

        public E lower​(E e)
        Returns the next lower element in the sequence to the given element. If the given element doesn't exist or if it is the first element in the sequence null is returned. Please note that this method is provided for compatibility with Java 5 SE. On a Java 6 SE platform the same method implemented by the TreeSet class should be used for better performance.
        Specified by:
        lower in interface NavigableSet<E>
        lower in class TreeSet<E>
        e - an element which is compared to elements of this sequence.
        an element of this sequence or null.