Class ResequencerEngine<E>

  • public class ResequencerEngine<E>
    extends Object
    Resequences elements based on a given SequenceElementComparator. This resequencer is designed for resequencing element streams. Stream-based resequencing has the advantage that the number of elements to be resequenced need not be known in advance. Resequenced elements are delivered via a SequenceSender.

    The resequencer's behaviour for a given comparator is controlled by the timeout property. This is the timeout (in milliseconds) for a given element managed by this resequencer. An out-of-sequence element can only be marked as ready-for-delivery if it either times out or if it has an immediate predecessor (in that case it is in-sequence). If an immediate predecessor of a waiting element arrives the timeout task for the waiting element will be cancelled (which marks it as ready-for-delivery).

    If the maximum out-of-sequence time difference between elements within a stream is known, the timeout value should be set to this value. In this case it is guaranteed that all elements of a stream will be delivered in sequence via the SequenceSender. The lower the timeout value is compared to the out-of-sequence time difference between elements within a stream the higher the probability is for out-of-sequence elements delivered by this resequencer. Delivery of elements must be explicitly triggered by applications using the deliver() or deliverNext() methods. Only elements that are ready-for-delivery are delivered by these methods. The longer an application waits to trigger a delivery the more elements may become ready-for-delivery.

    The resequencer remembers the last-delivered element. If an element arrives which is the immediate successor of the last-delivered element it is ready-for-delivery immediately. After delivery the last-delivered element is adjusted accordingly. If the last-delivered element is null i.e. the resequencer was newly created the first arriving element needs timeout milliseconds in any case for becoming ready-for-delivery.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResequencerEngine

        public ResequencerEngine​(SequenceElementComparator<E> comparator)
        Creates a new resequencer instance with a default timeout of 2000 milliseconds.
        comparator - a sequence element comparator.
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Stops this resequencer (i.e. this resequencer's Timer instance).
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of elements currently maintained by this resequencer.
        the number of elements currently maintained by this resequencer.
      • getTimeout

        public long getTimeout()
        Returns this resequencer's timeout value.
        the timeout in milliseconds.
      • setTimeout

        public void setTimeout​(long timeout)
        Sets this sequencer's timeout value.
        timeout - the timeout in milliseconds.
      • getRejectOld

        public Boolean getRejectOld()
      • setRejectOld

        public void setRejectOld​(Boolean rejectOld)
      • getSequenceSender

        public SequenceSender<E> getSequenceSender()
        Returns the sequence sender.
        the sequence sender.
      • setSequenceSender

        public void setSequenceSender​(SequenceSender<E> sequenceSender)
        Sets the sequence sender.
        sequenceSender - a sequence element sender.
      • insert

        public void insert​(E o)
        Inserts the given element into this resequencer. If the element is not ready for immediate delivery and has no immediate presecessor then it is scheduled for timing out. After being timed out it is ready for delivery.
        o - an element.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the element cannot be used with this resequencer engine
      • deliverNext

        public boolean deliverNext()
                            throws Exception
        Attempts to deliver a single element from the head of the resequencer queue (sequence). Only elements which have not been scheduled for timing out or which already timed out can be delivered. Elements are delivered via SequenceSender.sendElement(Object).
        true if the element has been delivered false otherwise.
        Exception - thrown by SequenceSender.sendElement(Object).