Class DataFormatClause<T extends ProcessorDefinition>

  extended by org.apache.camel.builder.DataFormatClause<T>

public class DataFormatClause<T extends ProcessorDefinition>
extends Object

An expression for constructing the different possible DataFormat options.

$Revision: 790882 $

Nested Class Summary
static class DataFormatClause.Operation
          DataFormat operations.
Constructor Summary
DataFormatClause(T processorType, DataFormatClause.Operation operation)
Method Summary
 T artixDS()
          Uses the Artix Data Services data format for dealing with lots of different message formats such as SWIFT etc.
 T artixDS(ArtixDSContentType contentType)
          Uses the Artix Data Services data format with the specified content type for marshalling and unmarshalling messages
 T artixDS(Class<?> dataObjectType)
          Uses the Artix Data Services data format with the specified type of ComplexDataObject for marshalling and unmarshalling messages using the dataObject's default Source and Sink.
 T artixDS(Class<?> elementType, ArtixDSContentType contentType)
          Uses the Artix Data Services data format with the specified type of ComplexDataObject for marshalling and unmarshalling messages using the dataObject's default Source and Sink.
 T bindy(BindyType type, String... packages)
          Uses the Bindy data format
 T csv()
          Uses the CSV data format
 T gzip()
          Uses the GZIP deflater data format
 T hl7()
          Uses the HL7 data format
 T jaxb()
          Uses the JAXB data format
 T jaxb(boolean prettyPrint)
          Uses the JAXB data format turning pretty printing on or off
 T json()
          Uses the JSON data format using the XStream json library
 T json(JsonLibrary library)
          Uses the JSON data format
 T json(JsonLibrary type, Class<?> unmarshalType)
          Uses the JSON data format
 T rss()
          Uses the RSS data format
 T secureXML()
          Uses the XML Security data format
 T secureXML(String secureTag, boolean secureTagContents)
          Uses the XML Security data format
 T secureXML(String secureTag, boolean secureTagContents, String passPhrase)
          Uses the XML Security data format
 T secureXML(String secureTag, boolean secureTagContents, String passPhrase, String xmlCipherAlgorithm)
          Uses the XML Security data format
 T serialization()
          Uses the Java Serialization data format
 T string()
          Uses the String data format
 T string(String charset)
          Uses the String data format supporting encoding using given charset
 T tidyMarkup()
          Return TidyMarkup in the default format as Node
 T tidyMarkup(Class<?> dataObjectType)
          Return WellFormed HTML (an XML Document) either String or Node
 T xmlBeans()
          Uses the JAXB data format
 T xstream()
          Uses the XStream data format
 T zip()
          Uses the ZIP deflater data format
 T zip(int compressionLevel)
          Uses the ZIP deflater data format
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DataFormatClause(T processorType,
                        DataFormatClause.Operation operation)
Method Detail


public T artixDS()
Uses the Artix Data Services data format for dealing with lots of different message formats such as SWIFT etc.


public T artixDS(Class<?> dataObjectType)
Uses the Artix Data Services data format with the specified type of ComplexDataObject for marshalling and unmarshalling messages using the dataObject's default Source and Sink.


public T artixDS(Class<?> elementType,
                 ArtixDSContentType contentType)
Uses the Artix Data Services data format with the specified type of ComplexDataObject for marshalling and unmarshalling messages using the dataObject's default Source and Sink.


public T artixDS(ArtixDSContentType contentType)
Uses the Artix Data Services data format with the specified content type for marshalling and unmarshalling messages


public T bindy(BindyType type,
               String... packages)
Uses the Bindy data format

type - the type of bindy data format to use
packages - packages to scan for Bindy annotated POJO classes


public T csv()
Uses the CSV data format


public T hl7()
Uses the HL7 data format


public T jaxb()
Uses the JAXB data format


public T jaxb(boolean prettyPrint)
Uses the JAXB data format turning pretty printing on or off


public T rss()
Uses the RSS data format


public T serialization()
Uses the Java Serialization data format


public T string()
Uses the String data format


public T string(String charset)
Uses the String data format supporting encoding using given charset


public T xmlBeans()
Uses the JAXB data format


public T tidyMarkup(Class<?> dataObjectType)
Return WellFormed HTML (an XML Document) either String or Node


public T tidyMarkup()
Return TidyMarkup in the default format as Node


public T xstream()
Uses the XStream data format


public T json()
Uses the JSON data format using the XStream json library


public T json(JsonLibrary library)
Uses the JSON data format

library - the json library to use


public T json(JsonLibrary type,
              Class<?> unmarshalType)
Uses the JSON data format

type - the json type to use
unmarshalType - unmarshal type for json jackson type


public T secureXML()
Uses the XML Security data format


public T secureXML(String secureTag,
                   boolean secureTagContents)
Uses the XML Security data format


public T secureXML(String secureTag,
                   boolean secureTagContents,
                   String passPhrase)
Uses the XML Security data format


public T secureXML(String secureTag,
                   boolean secureTagContents,
                   String passPhrase,
                   String xmlCipherAlgorithm)
Uses the XML Security data format


public T zip()
Uses the ZIP deflater data format


public T zip(int compressionLevel)
Uses the ZIP deflater data format


public T gzip()
Uses the GZIP deflater data format

Apache CAMEL