Package org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp

A number of JAXP related helper classes for converting to and from various JAXP related classes like Document and Source to be used by a TypeConverter


Class Summary
BytesSource A helper class which provides a JAXP Source from a byte[] which can be read as many times as required.
DomConverter Converts from some DOM types to Java types
StaxConverter A converter of StAX objects
StreamSourceConverter A converter from StreamSource objects
StringSource A helper class which provides a JAXP Source from a String which can be read as many times as required.
XmlConverter A helper class to transform to and from various JAXB types such as Source and Document

Package org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp Description

A number of JAXP related helper classes for converting to and from various JAXP related classes like Document and Source to be used by a TypeConverter

Apache CAMEL