Package org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer

Various load balancer processors


Interface Summary
LoadBalancer A strategy for load balancing across a number of Processor instances

Class Summary
FailOverLoadBalancer This FailOverLoadBalancer will failover to use next processor when an exception occured
LoadBalancerConsumer Represents a consumer which on starting registers itself with a LoadBalancer and on closing unregisters itself with a load balancer
LoadBalancerSupport A default base class for a LoadBalancer implementation
QueueLoadBalancer A base class for LoadBalancer implementations which choose a single destination for each exchange (rather like JMS Queues)
RandomLoadBalancer Implements the random load balancing policy
RoundRobinLoadBalancer Implements the round robin load balancing policy
StickyLoadBalancer Implements a sticky load balancer using an Expression to calculate a correlation key to perform the sticky load balancing; rather like jsessionid in the web or JMSXGroupID in JMS.
TopicLoadBalancer A LoadBalancer implementations which sends to all destinations (rather like JMS Topics).

Package org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer Description

Various load balancer processors

Apache CAMEL