Package org.apache.camel.spi

Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies.


Interface Summary
BrowsableEndpoint An optional interface an Endpoint may choose to implement which allows it to expose a way of browsing the exchanges available.
ClassResolver A class resolver for loading classes in a loosly coupled manner to cater for different platforms such as standalone, web container, j2ee container and OSGi platforms.
ComponentResolver Represents a resolver of components from a URI to be able to auto-load them using some discovery mechanism like DefaultComponentResolver
DataFormat Represents a data format used to marshal objects to and from streams such as Java Serialization or using JAXB2 to encode/decode objects using XML or using SOAP encoding.
EndpointStrategy Endpoint strategy with callback invoked when an Endpoint is about to be registered to the endopoint registry in CamelContext.
ExceptionHandler A Strategy pattern for handling exceptions; particularly in asynchronous processes such as consumers
ExchangeConverter This converter is capable of converting from an exchange to another type
ExchangeFormatter A plugin used to turn an Exchange into a String representation usually to be used for logging or tracing purposes.
FactoryFinder Finder to find factories from the resource classpath, usually META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/.
FactoryFinderResolver Represents a resolver of FactoryFinder to
HeaderFilterStrategy Interface to allow plug-able implementation to filter header to and from Camel message.
HeaderFilterStrategyAware An interface to represent an object which can make use of injected HeaderFilterStrategy.
IdempotentRepository<E> Access to a repository of Message IDs to implement the Idempotent Consumer pattern.
Injector A pluggable strategy for creating and possibly dependency injecting objects which could be implemented using straight forward reflection or using Spring or Guice to perform dependency injection.
InstrumentationAgent Camel JMX service agent
InterceptStrategy The purpose of this interface is to allow an implementation to wrap processors in a route with interceptors.
Language Represents a language to be used for Expression or Predicate instances
LanguageResolver A pluggable strategy for resolving different languages in a loosely coupled manner
LifecycleStrategy Strategy for lifecycle notifications.
NamespaceAware Represents an object which is aware of the namespaces in which its used such as XPath and XQuery type expressions so that the current namespace context can be injected
PackageScanClassResolver A resolver that can find resources based on package scanning.
PackageScanFilter Filter that can be used with the PackageScanClassResolver resolver.
Policy A strategy capable of applying interceptors to a processor
Provider<T> A provider of newly constructed objects
Registry Represents a service registry which may be implemented via a Spring ApplicationContext, via JNDI, a simple Map or the OSGI Service Registry
RouteContext The context used to activate new routing rules
ServicePool<Key,Service> A service pool is like a connection pool but can pool any kind of objects.
Synchronization Provides a hook for custom Processor or Component instances to respond to completed or failed processing of an Exchange rather like Spring's TransactionSynchronization
TraceableUnitOfWork A Unit of work that is also traceable with the TraceInterceptor so we can trace the excact route path a given Exchange has been processed.
TransactedPolicy A marker for defining the policy to be used for applying transaction to routes.
TypeConverterAware An interface for an object which is interested in being injected with the root TypeConverter such as for implementing a fallback type converter
TypeConverterRegistry Registry for type converters.
UnitOfWork An object representing the unit of work processing an Exchange which allows the use of Synchronization hooks.

Enum Summary

Package org.apache.camel.spi Description

Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies.

Apache CAMEL