Package org.apache.camel.builder.xml

Support for XPath based Expressions and Predicates as well as an XSLT processor


Interface Summary
ResultHandler A strategy for handling XSLT results
ResultHandlerFactory Factory for ResultHandler

Class Summary
DefaultNamespaceContext An implementation of NamespaceContext which uses a simple Map where the keys are the prefixes and the values are the URIs
DomResultHandler Uses DOM to handle results of the transformation
DomResultHandlerFactory Factory for DomResultHandler
MessageVariableResolver A variable resolver for XPath expressions which support properties on the messge, exchange as well as making system properties and environment properties available.
Namespaces A helper class for working with namespaces or creating namespace based expressions
StreamResultHandler Processes the XSLT result as a byte[]
StreamResultHandlerFactory Factory for StreamResultHandler
StringResultHandler Processes the XSLT result as a String
StringResultHandlerFactory Factory for StringResultHandler
XPathBuilder Creates an XPath expression builder which creates a nodeset result by default.
XsltBuilder Creates a Processor which performs an XSLT transformation of the IN message body

Exception Summary
InvalidXPathExpression An exception thrown if am XPath expression could not be parsed or evaluated

Package org.apache.camel.builder.xml Description

Support for XPath based Expressions and Predicates as well as an XSLT processor

Apache CAMEL