Interface Synchronization

All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericFileOnCompletion, IdempotentOnCompletion, SynchronizationAdapter

public interface Synchronization

Provides a hook for custom Processor or Component instances to respond to completed or failed processing of an Exchange rather like Spring's TransactionSynchronization

$Revision: 774252 $

Method Summary
 void onComplete(Exchange exchange)
          Called when the processing of the message exchange is complete
 void onFailure(Exchange exchange)
          Called when the processing of the message exchange has failed for some reason.

Method Detail


void onComplete(Exchange exchange)
Called when the processing of the message exchange is complete

exchange - the exchange being processed


void onFailure(Exchange exchange)
Called when the processing of the message exchange has failed for some reason. The exception which caused the problem is in Exchange.getException() and there could be a fault message via Exchange#getFault()

exchange - the exchange being processed

Apache CAMEL