Uses of Class

Packages that use InterceptDefinition
org.apache.camel.builder The Camel Domain Specific Language for creating Routes, Predicates, Expressions and Error Handlers
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 
org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor Helper classes for interceptors. 

Uses of InterceptDefinition in org.apache.camel.builder

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder that return InterceptDefinition
 InterceptDefinition RouteBuilder.intercept()
          Adds a route for an interceptor that intercepts every processing step.

Uses of InterceptDefinition in org.apache.camel.model

Subclasses of InterceptDefinition in org.apache.camel.model
 class InterceptFromDefinition
          Represents an XML <interceptFrom/> element

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return InterceptDefinition
 InterceptDefinition RoutesDefinition.intercept()
          Creates and adds an interceptor that is triggered on every step in the route processing.
 InterceptDefinition InterceptDefinition.when(Predicate predicate)
          Applies this interceptor only if the given predicate is true

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return types with arguments of type InterceptDefinition
 List<InterceptDefinition> RoutesDefinition.getIntercepts()

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.model with type arguments of type InterceptDefinition
static void RouteDefinitionHelper.prepareRoute(ModelCamelContext context, RouteDefinition route, List<OnExceptionDefinition> onExceptions, List<InterceptDefinition> intercepts, List<InterceptFromDefinition> interceptFromDefinitions, List<InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition> interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions, List<OnCompletionDefinition> onCompletions)
          Prepares the route which supports context scoped features such as onException, interceptors and onCompletions

This method does not mark the route as prepared afterwards.

 void RoutesDefinition.setIntercepts(List<InterceptDefinition> intercepts)

Uses of InterceptDefinition in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor with parameters of type InterceptDefinition
protected  void TraceInterceptor.traceIntercept(InterceptDefinition intercept, TracedRouteNodes traced, Exchange exchange)

Apache CAMEL