
Base classes that help to implement the camel API and are expected to be extended by the user


Class Summary
DefaultTimeoutMap<K,V> Default implementation of the TimeoutMap.
EventNotifierSupport Base class to extend for custom EventNotifier implementations.
ExpressionAdapter A helper class for developers wishing to implement an Expression using Java code with a minimum amount of code to write so that the developer only needs to implement one of the ExpressionAdapter.evaluate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, Class) or ExpressionSupport.evaluate(org.apache.camel.Exchange) methods.
ExpressionSupport A useful base class for Predicate and Expression implementations
LifecycleStrategySupport A useful base class for LifecycleStrategy implementations.
ServiceSupport A useful base class which ensures that a service is only initialized once and provides some helper methods for enquiring of its status.
SynchronizationAdapter Simple Synchronization adapter with empty methods for easier overriding of single methods.
TimeoutMapEntry<K,V> Represents an entry in a TimeoutMap
TimerListenerManager A TimerListener manager which triggers the TimerListener listeners once every second.
TokenPairExpressionIterator Expression to walk a Message body using an Iterator, which grabs the content between a start and end token.
TokenXMLPairExpressionIterator Expression to walk a Message XML body using an Iterator, which grabs the content between a XML start and end token.
TypeConverterSupport Base class for TypeConverter implementations.

Package Description

Base classes that help to implement the camel API and are expected to be extended by the user

Apache CAMEL