Uses of Class

Packages that use MulticastProcessor
org.apache.camel.component.seda The SEDA Component for asynchronous SEDA exchanges on a BlockingQueue within a single CamelContext 
org.apache.camel.processor A collection of Processor implementations which are used to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns 

Uses of MulticastProcessor in org.apache.camel.component.seda

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.seda that return MulticastProcessor
protected  MulticastProcessor SedaEndpoint.getConsumerMulticastProcessor()

Uses of MulticastProcessor in org.apache.camel.processor

Subclasses of MulticastProcessor in org.apache.camel.processor
 class Pipeline
          Creates a Pipeline pattern where the output of the previous step is sent as input to the next step, reusing the same message exchanges
 class RecipientListProcessor
          Implements a dynamic Recipient List pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on some dynamic expression.
 class Splitter
          Implements a dynamic Splitter pattern where an expression is evaluated to iterate through each of the parts of a message and then each part is then send to some endpoint.

Apache CAMEL