Uses of Class

Packages that use NotifyBuilder
org.apache.camel.builder The Camel Domain Specific Language for creating Routes, Predicates, Expressions and Error Handlers

Uses of NotifyBuilder in org.apache.camel.builder

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder that return NotifyBuilder
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.and()
          Prepares to append an additional expression using the and operator.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.create()
          Creates the expression this builder should use for matching.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.filter(Predicate predicate)
          Optionally a filter to only allow matching Exchange to be used for matching.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.from(String endpointUri)
          Optionally a from endpoint which means that this expression should only be based on Exchange which is originated from the particular endpoint(s).
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.fromRoute(String routeId)
          Optionally a from route which means that this expression should only be based on Exchange which is originated from the particular route(s).
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.not()
          Prepares to append an additional expression using the not operator.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.or()
          Prepares to append an additional expression using the or operator.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.wereSentTo(String endpointUri)
          Optionally a sent to endpoint which means that this expression should only be based on Exchange which has been sent to the given endpoint uri.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenAllDoneMatches(Predicate predicate)
          Sets a condition that all done Exchange should match the Predicate
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenAllReceivedMatches(Predicate predicate)
          Sets a condition that all received Exchange should match the Predicate
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenAnyDoneMatches(Predicate predicate)
          Sets a condition that any done Exchange should match the Predicate
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenAnyReceivedMatches(Predicate predicate)
          Sets a condition that any received Exchange should match the Predicate
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenBodiesDone(Object... bodies)
          Sets a condition that the bodies is expected to be done in the order as well.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenBodiesReceived(Object... bodies)
          Sets a condition that the bodies is expected to be received in the order as well.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenCompleted(int number)
          Sets a condition when number of Exchange has been completed.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenDone(int number)
          Sets a condition when number of Exchange is done being processed.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenDoneByIndex(int index)
          Sets a condition when tne n'th (by index) Exchange is done being processed.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenDoneNotSatisfied(MockEndpoint mock)
          Sets a condition when the provided mock is not satisfied based on Exchange being sent to it when they are done.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenDoneSatisfied(MockEndpoint mock)
          Sets a condition when the provided mock is satisfied based on Exchange being sent to it when they are done.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenExactBodiesDone(Object... bodies)
          Sets a condition that the bodies is expected to be done in the order as well.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenExactBodiesReceived(Object... bodies)
          Sets a condition that the bodies is expected to be received in the order as well.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenExactlyCompleted(int number)
          Sets a condition when number of Exchange has been completed.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenExactlyDone(int number)
          Sets a condition when number of Exchange is done being processed.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenExactlyFailed(int number)
          Sets a condition when number of Exchange has failed.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenFailed(int number)
          Sets a condition when number of Exchange has failed.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenReceived(int number)
          Sets a condition when number of Exchange has been received.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenReceivedNotSatisfied(MockEndpoint mock)
          Sets a condition when the provided mock is not satisfied based on Exchange being sent to it when they are received.
 NotifyBuilder NotifyBuilder.whenReceivedSatisfied(MockEndpoint mock)
          Sets a condition when the provided mock is satisfied based on Exchange being sent to it when they are received.

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder that return types with arguments of type NotifyBuilder
 ExpressionClauseSupport<NotifyBuilder> NotifyBuilder.filter()
          Optionally a filter to only allow matching Exchange to be used for matching.

Apache CAMEL