Uses of Interface

Packages that use Expression
org.apache.camel The core Camel API. 
org.apache.camel.builder The Camel Domain Specific Language for creating Routes, Predicates, Expressions and Error Handlers
org.apache.camel.builder.xml Support for XPath based Expressions and Predicates as well as an XSLT processor 
org.apache.camel.component.bean The Bean Component which will look up the bean name in the Spring ApplicationContext and use that to dispatch messages to a POJO 
org.apache.camel.component.file The File Component for working with file systems. 
org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy Strategies for the File Component. 
org.apache.camel.component.language The Language Component to send messages to language endpoints executing the script. 
org.apache.camel.component.mock The Mock Component which is used for testing of routing and mediation rules. 
org.apache.camel.converter A set of helper classes for converting from different types of Java object to be used by the Type Conversion Support 
org.apache.camel.impl Default implementation classes for Camel Core 
org.apache.camel.language.bean Camel Bean language. 
org.apache.camel.language.constant Camel Constant language. 
org.apache.camel.language.header Camel Header language. Camel Property language. 
org.apache.camel.language.ref Camel Ref language. 
org.apache.camel.language.simple Camel Simple language. 
org.apache.camel.language.simple.ast AST for the Camel Simple language. 
org.apache.camel.language.tokenizer Camel Tokenizer language. 
org.apache.camel.language.xpath Camel XPath language support. 
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 
org.apache.camel.model.language The JAXB POJOs for the Expression and Predicate plugins for the XML Configuration
org.apache.camel.processor A collection of Processor implementations which are used to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns 
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate Helper classes for the Aggregator pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent An implementation of the Idempotent Consumer pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer Various load balancer processors 
org.apache.camel.processor.resequencer Helper classes for the Resequencer pattern. 
org.apache.camel.spi Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies. Base classes that help to implement the camel API and are expected to be extended by the user 
org.apache.camel.util Utility classes used by the core of Camel. 

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel

Methods in org.apache.camel that return Expression
 Expression ExpressionEvaluationException.getExpression()
 Expression BinaryPredicate.getLeft()
          Gets the left hand side expression
 Expression BinaryPredicate.getRight()
          Gets the right hand side expression

Constructors in org.apache.camel with parameters of type Expression
ExpressionEvaluationException(Expression expression, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
ExpressionEvaluationException(Expression expression, String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.builder

Classes in org.apache.camel.builder that implement Expression
 class ExpressionClause<T>
          Represents an expression clause within the DSL which when the expression is complete the clause continues to another part of the DSL
 class SimpleBuilder
          Creates an Simple language builder.
 class ValueBuilder
          A builder of expressions or predicates based on values.

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder that return Expression
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.append(Expression left, Expression right)
          Appends the String evaluations of the two expressions together
protected  Expression ValueBuilder.asExpression(Object value)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.attachmentsExpression()
          Returns an expression for the inbound message attachments
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.attachmentValuesExpression()
          Returns an expression for the inbound message attachments
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression(Class<?> beanType, String methodName)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression(Object bean, String methodName)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression(String expression)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression(String beanRef, String methodName)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.bodyExpression()
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message body
<T> Expression
ExpressionBuilder.bodyExpression(Class<T> type)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message body converted to the given type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.bodyExpression(String name)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message body converted to the given type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.bodyOgnlExpression(String ognl)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message body invoking methods defined in a simple OGNL notation
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.bodyTypeExpression()
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message body type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.camelContextExpression()
          Returns an expression for the CamelContext
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.camelContextNameExpression()
          Returns an expression for the CamelContext name
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.camelContextPropertiesExpression()
          Returns an expression for the properties of the camel context
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.camelContextPropertyExpression(String propertyName)
          Returns an expression for the property value of the camel context with the given name
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.concatExpression(Collection<Expression> expressions)
          Returns an expression which returns the string concatenation value of the various expressions
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.concatExpression(Collection<Expression> expressions, String expression)
          Returns an expression which returns the string concatenation value of the various expressions
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.constantExpression(Object value)
          Returns an expression for the constant value
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.convertToExpression(Expression expression, Class<?> type)
          Returns an expression which converts the given expression to the given type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.convertToExpression(Expression expression, Expression type)
          Returns an expression which converts the given expression to the given type the type expression is evaluated to
protected  Expression ExpressionClauseSupport.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.dateExpression(String command, String pattern)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExceptionExpression()
          Returns an expression for an exception set on the exchange
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExceptionExpression(Class<Exception> type)
          Returns an expression for an exception set on the exchange

Is used to get the caused exception that typically have been wrapped in some sort of Camel wrapper exception

static Expression ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExceptionMessageExpression()
          Returns an expression for an exception message set on the exchange
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExceptionOgnlExpression(String ognl)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges exception invoking methods defined in a simple OGNL notation
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExceptionStackTraceExpression()
          Returns an expression for an exception stacktrace set on the exchange
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExpression()
          Returns the expression for the exchange
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.exchangeIdExpression()
          Returns an Expression for the exchange id
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.exchangePatternExpression()
          Returns an expression for the exchange pattern
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.faultBodyExpression()
          Returns the expression for the fault messages body
<T> Expression
ExpressionBuilder.faultBodyExpression(Class<T> type)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges fault message body converted to the given type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileAbsoluteExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileAbsolutePathExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileExtensionExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileLastModifiedExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileNameExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileNameNoExtensionExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileOnlyNameExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileOnlyNameNoExtensionExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileParentExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.filePathExpression()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.fileSizeExpression()
 Expression ValueBuilder.getExpression()
 Expression ExpressionClauseSupport.getExpressionValue()
 Expression ExpressionClause.getExpressionValue()
 Expression BinaryPredicateSupport.getLeft()
 Expression BinaryPredicateSupport.getRight()
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.groupIteratorExpression(Expression expression, String token, int group)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.headerExpression(String headerName)
          Returns an expression for the header value with the given name

Will fallback and look in properties if not found in headers.

<T> Expression
ExpressionBuilder.headerExpression(String headerName, Class<T> type)
          Returns an expression for the header value with the given name converted to the given type

Will fallback and look in properties if not found in headers.

static Expression ExpressionBuilder.headerExpression(String headerName, String name)
          Returns an expression for the header value with the given name converted to the given type

Will fallback and look in properties if not found in headers.

static Expression ExpressionBuilder.headersExpression()
          Returns an expression for the inbound message headers
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.headersOgnlExpression(String ognl)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message header invoking methods defined in a simple OGNL notation
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.inMessageExpression()
          Returns the expression for the IN message
<T> Expression
ExpressionBuilder.mandatoryBodyExpression(Class<T> type)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message body converted to the given type.
<T> Expression
ExpressionBuilder.mandatoryBodyExpression(Class<T> type, boolean nullBodyAllowed)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message body converted to the given type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.mandatoryBodyExpression(String name)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges inbound message body converted to the given type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.messageIdExpression()
          Returns an Expression for the inbound message id
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.outBodyExpression()
          Returns the expression for the out messages body
<T> Expression
ExpressionBuilder.outBodyExpression(Class<T> type)
          Returns the expression for the exchanges outbound message body converted to the given type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.outHeaderExpression(String headerName)
          Returns an expression for the out header value with the given name

Will fallback and look in properties if not found in headers.

static Expression ExpressionBuilder.outHeadersExpression()
          Returns an expression for the outbound message headers
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.outMessageExpression()
          Returns the expression for the OUT message
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.prepend(Expression left, Expression right)
          Prepends the String evaluations of the two expressions together
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.propertiesComponentExpression(String key, String locations)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.propertiesExpression()
          Returns an expression for the properties of exchange
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.propertyExpression(String propertyName)
          Returns an expression for the property value of exchange with the given name
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.propertyOgnlExpression(String ognl)
          Returns an expression for the property value of exchange with the given name invoking methods defined in a simple OGNL notation
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.refExpression(String ref)
          Returns an expression for lookup a bean in the Registry
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.regexReplaceAll(Expression expression, String regex, Expression replacementExpression)
          Transforms the expression into a String then performs the regex replaceAll to transform the String and return the result
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.regexReplaceAll(Expression expression, String regex, String replacement)
          Transforms the expression into a String then performs the regex replaceAll to transform the String and return the result
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.regexTokenizeExpression(Expression expression, String regexTokenizer)
          Returns a tokenize expression which will tokenize the string with the given regex
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.registryExpression()
          Returns an expression for the Registry
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.simpleExpression(String expression)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.sortExpression(Expression expression, Comparator comparator)
          Returns a sort expression which will sort the expression with the given comparator.
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.systemEnvironmentExpression(String propertyName)
          Returns an expression for a system environment value with the given name
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.systemEnvironmentExpression(String propertyName, String defaultValue)
          Returns an expression for a system environment value with the given name
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.systemPropertyExpression(String propertyName)
          Returns an expression for a system property value with the given name
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.systemPropertyExpression(String propertyName, String defaultValue)
          Returns an expression for a system property value with the given name
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.threadNameExpression()
          Returns the expression for the current thread name
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.toExpression(String uri)
          Returns an expression processing the exchange to the given endpoint uri
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.tokenizeExpression(Expression expression, String token)
          Returns a tokenize expression which will tokenize the string with the given token
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.tokenizePairExpression(String startToken, String endToken, boolean includeTokens)
          Returns an TokenPairExpressionIterator expression
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.tokenizeXMLExpression(String tagName, String inheritNamespaceTagName)
          Returns an TokenXMLExpressionIterator expression
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.typeConverterExpression()
          Returns an expression for the type converter

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder with parameters of type Expression
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.append(Expression left, Expression right)
          Appends the String evaluations of the two expressions together
protected  void ExpressionClauseSupport.configureExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.contains(Expression left, Expression right)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.convertToExpression(Expression expression, Class<?> type)
          Returns an expression which converts the given expression to the given type
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.convertToExpression(Expression expression, Expression type)
          Returns an expression which converts the given expression to the given type the type expression is evaluated to
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.endsWith(Expression left, Expression right)
 T ExpressionClauseSupport.expression(Expression expression)
          Specify an Expression instance
 T ExpressionClause.expression(Expression expression)
          Specify an Expression instance
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.groupIteratorExpression(Expression expression, String token, int group)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isEqualTo(Expression left, Expression right)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isGreaterThan(Expression left, Expression right)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Expression left, Expression right)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isInstanceOf(Expression expression, Class<?> type)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isLessThan(Expression left, Expression right)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isLessThanOrEqualTo(Expression left, Expression right)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isNotEqualTo(Expression left, Expression right)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isNotNull(Expression expression)
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.isNull(Expression expression)
 Predicate ValueBuilder.matches(Expression expression)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.prepend(Expression left, Expression right)
          Prepends the String evaluations of the two expressions together
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.regex(Expression expression, Pattern pattern)
          Returns a predicate which is true if the expression matches the given regular expression
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.regex(Expression expression, String regex)
          Returns a predicate which is true if the expression matches the given regular expression
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.regexReplaceAll(Expression expression, String regex, Expression replacementExpression)
          Transforms the expression into a String then performs the regex replaceAll to transform the String and return the result
 ValueBuilder BuilderSupport.regexReplaceAll(Expression content, String regex, Expression replacement)
          Returns an expression value builder that replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given replacement
static ValueBuilder Builder.regexReplaceAll(Expression content, String regex, Expression replacement)
          Returns an expression that replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given replacement
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.regexReplaceAll(Expression expression, String regex, String replacement)
          Transforms the expression into a String then performs the regex replaceAll to transform the String and return the result
 ValueBuilder BuilderSupport.regexReplaceAll(Expression content, String regex, String replacement)
          Returns an expression value builder that replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given replacement
static ValueBuilder Builder.regexReplaceAll(Expression content, String regex, String replacement)
          Returns an expression that replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given replacement
 ValueBuilder ValueBuilder.regexReplaceAll(String regex, Expression replacement)
          Replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given replacement
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.regexTokenizeExpression(Expression expression, String regexTokenizer)
          Returns a tokenize expression which will tokenize the string with the given regex
 DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.retryWhile(Expression retryWhile)
          Sets the retry while expression.
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setBody(Expression expression)
          Creates a processor which sets the body of the IN message to the value of the expression
 void ExpressionClauseSupport.setExpressionValue(Expression expressionValue)
protected  void ExpressionClause.setExpressionValue(Expression expressionValue)
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setFaultBody(Expression expression)
          Creates a processor which sets the body of the FAULT message to the value of the expression
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setFaultHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the header on the FAULT message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the header on the IN message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setOutBody(Expression expression)
          Creates a processor which sets the body of the OUT message to the value of the expression
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setOutHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the header on the OUT message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setProperty(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the property on the exchange
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.sortExpression(Expression expression, Comparator comparator)
          Returns a sort expression which will sort the expression with the given comparator.
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.startsWith(Expression left, Expression right)
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.tokenizeExpression(Expression expression, String token)
          Returns a tokenize expression which will tokenize the string with the given token
static Predicate PredicateBuilder.toPredicate(Expression expression)
          Converts the given expression into an Predicate

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.builder with type arguments of type Expression
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.concatExpression(Collection<Expression> expressions)
          Returns an expression which returns the string concatenation value of the various expressions
static Expression ExpressionBuilder.concatExpression(Collection<Expression> expressions, String expression)
          Returns an expression which returns the string concatenation value of the various expressions

Constructors in org.apache.camel.builder with parameters of type Expression
BinaryPredicateSupport(Expression left, Expression right)
ValueBuilder(Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.builder.xml

Classes in org.apache.camel.builder.xml that implement Expression
 class XPathBuilder
          Creates an XPath expression builder which creates a nodeset result by default.

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.component.bean

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.bean that return Expression
 Expression XPathAnnotationExpressionFactory.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Annotation annotation, LanguageAnnotation languageAnnotation, Class<?> expressionReturnType)
 Expression DefaultAnnotationExpressionFactory.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Annotation annotation, LanguageAnnotation languageAnnotation, Class<?> expressionReturnType)
 Expression BeanAnnotationExpressionFactory.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Annotation annotation, LanguageAnnotation languageAnnotation, Class<?> expressionReturnType)
 Expression AnnotationExpressionFactory.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Annotation annotation, LanguageAnnotation languageAnnotation, Class<?> expressionReturnType)
protected  Expression MethodInfo.createParametersExpression()
 Expression ParameterMappingStrategy.getDefaultParameterTypeExpression(Class<?> parameterType)
          Gets an expression used for evaluation with the current Exchange and its result is used as parameter value for the given type
 Expression DefaultParameterMappingStrategy.getDefaultParameterTypeExpression(Class<?> parameterType)
 Expression ParameterInfo.getExpression()
 Expression MethodInfo.getParametersExpression()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.bean with parameters of type Expression
 void DefaultParameterMappingStrategy.addParameterMapping(Class<?> parameterType, Expression expression)
          Adds a default parameter type mapping to an expression
 void ParameterInfo.setExpression(Expression expression)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.bean with parameters of type Expression
ParameterInfo(int index, Class<?> type, Annotation[] annotations, Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.component.file

Fields in org.apache.camel.component.file declared as Expression
protected  Expression GenericFileEndpoint.fileName
protected  Expression GenericFileEndpoint.move
protected  Expression GenericFileEndpoint.moveExisting
protected  Expression GenericFileEndpoint.moveFailed
protected  Expression GenericFileEndpoint.preMove
protected  Expression GenericFileEndpoint.tempFileName

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file that return Expression
 Expression GenericFileEndpoint.getFileName()
 Expression GenericFileEndpoint.getMove()
 Expression GenericFileEndpoint.getMoveExisting()
 Expression GenericFileEndpoint.getMoveFailed()
 Expression GenericFileEndpoint.getPreMove()
 Expression GenericFileEndpoint.getTempFileName()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file with parameters of type Expression
 void GenericFileEndpoint.setFileName(Expression fileName)
 void GenericFileEndpoint.setMove(Expression move)
 void GenericFileEndpoint.setMoveExisting(Expression moveExisting)
 void GenericFileEndpoint.setMoveFailed(Expression moveFailed)
 void GenericFileEndpoint.setPreMove(Expression preMove)
 void GenericFileEndpoint.setTempFileName(Expression tempFileName)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy that return Expression
 Expression GenericFileExpressionRenamer.getExpression()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy with parameters of type Expression
 void GenericFileExpressionRenamer.setExpression(Expression expression)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy with parameters of type Expression
GenericFileExpressionRenamer(Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.component.language

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.language that return Expression
 Expression LanguageEndpoint.getExpression()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.language with parameters of type Expression
 void LanguageEndpoint.setExpression(Expression expression)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.language with parameters of type Expression
LanguageEndpoint(String endpointUri, Component component, Language language, Expression expression, String resourceUri)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.component.mock

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.mock that implement Expression
 class AssertionClause.PredicateValueBuilder
          Public class needed for fluent builders

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mock with parameters of type Expression
 void MockEndpoint.assertMessagesAscending(Expression expression)
          Asserts that the messages have ascending values of the given expression
 void MockEndpoint.assertMessagesDescending(Expression expression)
          Asserts that the messages have descending values of the given expression
protected  void MockEndpoint.assertMessagesSorted(Expression expression, boolean ascending)
 void MockEndpoint.assertNoDuplicates(Expression expression)
 void MockEndpoint.expectsAscending(Expression expression)
          Adds an expectation that messages received should have ascending values of the given expression such as a user generated counter value
 void MockEndpoint.expectsDescending(Expression expression)
          Adds an expectation that messages received should have descending values of the given expression such as a user generated counter value
 void MockEndpoint.expectsNoDuplicates(Expression expression)
          Adds an expectation that no duplicate messages should be received using the expression to determine the message ID
 ValueBuilder AssertionClause.expression(Expression expression)
 void MockEndpoint.returnReplyBody(Expression expression)
          Set the expression which value will be set to the message body
 void MockEndpoint.returnReplyHeader(String headerName, Expression expression)
          Set the expression which value will be set to the message header

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.mock with parameters of type Expression
AssertionClause.PredicateValueBuilder(Expression expression)
TimeClause(Expression left, Expression right)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.converter

Methods in org.apache.camel.converter with parameters of type Expression
static Processor CamelConverter.toProcessor(Expression expresion)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.impl

Constructors in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Expression
DefaultRouteNode(ProcessorDefinition<?> processorDefinition, Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.language.bean

Classes in org.apache.camel.language.bean that implement Expression
 class BeanExpression
          Evaluates an expression using a bean method invocation

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.bean that return Expression
static Expression BeanLanguage.bean(Class<?> beanType, String method)
          Creates the expression for invoking the bean type.
static Expression BeanLanguage.bean(Object bean, String method)
          Creates the expression for invoking the bean type.
static Expression BeanLanguage.bean(String expression)
          Creates the expression based on the string syntax.
 Expression BeanLanguage.createExpression(Object bean, String method)
 Expression BeanLanguage.createExpression(String expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.language.constant

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.constant that return Expression
static Expression ConstantLanguage.constant(Object value)
 Expression ConstantLanguage.createExpression(String expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.language.header

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.header that return Expression
 Expression HeaderLanguage.createExpression(String expression)
static Expression HeaderLanguage.header(String headerName)

Uses of Expression in

Methods in that return Expression
 Expression PropertyLanguage.createExpression(String expression)
static Expression propertyName)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.language.ref

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.ref that return Expression
 Expression RefLanguage.createExpression(String expression)
static Expression RefLanguage.ref(Object value)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.language.simple

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.simple that return Expression
 Expression SimpleLanguage.createExpression(String expression)
protected  Expression SimpleExpressionParser.doParseExpression()
 Expression SimpleExpressionParser.parseExpression()
static Expression SimpleBackwardsCompatibleParser.parseExpression(String expression, boolean allowEscape)
static Expression SimpleLanguage.simple(String expression)
static Expression SimpleLanguage.simple(String expression, Class<?> resultType)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.language.simple.ast

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.simple.ast that return Expression
 Expression UnaryExpression.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression SingleQuoteStart.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression SingleQuoteEnd.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression SimpleNode.createExpression(String expression)
          Creates a Camel Expression based on this model.
 Expression SimpleFunctionStart.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression SimpleFunctionExpression.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression SimpleFunctionEnd.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression NullExpression.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression LogicalExpression.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression LiteralExpression.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression DoubleQuoteStart.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression DoubleQuoteEnd.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression CompositeNodes.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression BinaryExpression.createExpression(String expression)
 Expression SimpleFunctionExpression.createExpression(String expression, boolean strict)
          Creates a Camel Expression based on this model.

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.language.tokenizer

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.tokenizer that return Expression
 Expression TokenizeLanguage.createExpression()
          Creates a tokenize expression.
 Expression TokenizeLanguage.createExpression(String expression)
static Expression TokenizeLanguage.tokenize(String token)
static Expression TokenizeLanguage.tokenize(String token, boolean regex)
static Expression TokenizeLanguage.tokenize(String headerName, String token)
static Expression TokenizeLanguage.tokenize(String headerName, String token, boolean regex)
static Expression TokenizeLanguage.tokenizePair(String startToken, String endToken, boolean includeTokens)
static Expression TokenizeLanguage.tokenizeXML(String tagName, String inheritNamespaceTagName)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.language.xpath

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.xpath that return Expression
 Expression XPathLanguage.createExpression(String expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.model

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return Expression
 Expression ExpressionSubElementDefinition.createExpression(RouteContext routeContext)
 Expression ExpressionSubElementDefinition.getExpression()

Methods in org.apache.camel.model with parameters of type Expression
 AggregateDefinition ProcessorDefinition.aggregate(Expression correlationExpression)
          Aggregator EIP: Creates an aggregator allowing you to combine a number of messages together into a single message.
 AggregateDefinition ProcessorDefinition.aggregate(Expression correlationExpression, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
          Aggregator EIP: Creates an aggregator allowing you to combine a number of messages together into a single message.
 AggregateDefinition AggregateDefinition.completionSize(Expression completionSize)
          Sets the completion size, which is the number of aggregated exchanges which would cause the aggregate to consider the group as complete and send out the aggregated exchange.
 AggregateDefinition AggregateDefinition.completionTimeout(Expression completionTimeout)
          Sets the completion timeout, which would cause the aggregate to consider the group as complete and send out the aggregated exchange.
 OnExceptionDefinition OnExceptionDefinition.continued(Expression continued)
          Sets whether the exchange should be marked as handled or not.
 DelayDefinition ProcessorDefinition.delay(Expression delay)
          Delayer EIP: Creates a delayer allowing you to delay the delivery of messages to some destination.
 DynamicRouterDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.dynamicRouter(Expression expression)
          Dynamic Router EIP: Creates a dynamic router allowing you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.
 TryDefinition TryDefinition.handled(Expression handled)
          Deprecated. will be removed in Camel 3.0. Instead of using handled(false) you can re-throw the exception from a Processor or use the ProcessorDefinition.throwException(Exception)
 OnExceptionDefinition OnExceptionDefinition.handled(Expression handled)
          Sets whether the exchange should be marked as handled or not.
 CatchDefinition CatchDefinition.handled(Expression handled)
          Deprecated. will be removed in Camel 3.0. Instead of using handled(false) you can re-throw the exception from a Processor or use the ProcessorDefinition.throwException(Exception)
 IdempotentConsumerDefinition ProcessorDefinition.idempotentConsumer(Expression messageIdExpression)
          Idempotent consumer EIP: Creates an IdempotentConsumer to avoid duplicate messages
 IdempotentConsumerDefinition ProcessorDefinition.idempotentConsumer(Expression messageIdExpression, IdempotentRepository<?> idempotentRepository)
          Idempotent consumer EIP: Creates an IdempotentConsumer to avoid duplicate messages
 LoopDefinition ProcessorDefinition.loop(Expression expression)
          Loop EIP: Creates a loop allowing to process the a message a number of times and possibly process them in a different way.
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.newExchange(Expression expression)
          Deprecated. will be removed in Camel 3.0 Instead use WireTapDefinition.newExchangeBody(org.apache.camel.Expression)
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.newExchangeBody(Expression expression)
          Sends a new Exchange, instead of tapping an existing, using ExchangePattern.InOnly
 WireTapDefinition<Type> WireTapDefinition.newExchangeHeader(String headerName, Expression expression)
          Sets a header on the new Exchange, instead of tapping an existing, using ExchangePattern.InOnly.
 RecipientListDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.recipientList(Expression recipients)
          Recipient List EIP: Creates a dynamic recipient list allowing you to route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients.
 RecipientListDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.recipientList(Expression recipients, String delimiter)
          Recipient List EIP: Creates a dynamic recipient list allowing you to route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients
 ResequenceDefinition ProcessorDefinition.resequence(Expression expression)
          Resequencer EIP: Creates a resequencer allowing you to reorganize messages based on some comparator.
 RoutingSlipDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.routingSlip(Expression expression)
          Routing Slip EIP: Creates a routing slip allowing you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.
 RoutingSlipDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.routingSlip(Expression expression, String uriDelimiter)
          Routing Slip EIP: Creates a routing slip allowing you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.
 Type ProcessorDefinition.setBody(Expression expression)
          Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the IN message
 void LoopDefinition.setExpression(Expression expr)
 void ExpressionSubElementDefinition.setExpression(Expression expression)
 Type ProcessorDefinition.setFaultBody(Expression expression)
          Adds a processor which sets the body on the FAULT message
 Type ProcessorDefinition.setFaultHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Deprecated. use ProcessorDefinition.setHeader(String, org.apache.camel.Expression)
 Type ProcessorDefinition.setHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Adds a processor which sets the header on the IN message
 void WireTapDefinition.setNewExchangeExpression(Expression expression)
 Type ProcessorDefinition.setOutHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Deprecated. use ProcessorDefinition.setHeader(String, org.apache.camel.Expression)
 Type ProcessorDefinition.setProperty(String name, Expression expression)
          Adds a processor which sets the exchange property
 Type ProcessorDefinition.sort(Expression expression)
          Sorts the expression using a default sorting based on toString representation.
<T> Type
ProcessorDefinition.sort(Expression expression, Comparator<T> comparator)
          Sorts the expression using the given comparator
 SplitDefinition ProcessorDefinition.split(Expression expression)
          Splitter EIP: Creates a splitter allowing you split a message into a number of pieces and process them individually.
 SplitDefinition ProcessorDefinition.split(Expression expression, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
          Splitter EIP: Creates a splitter allowing you split a message into a number of pieces and process them individually.
 LoadBalanceDefinition LoadBalanceDefinition.sticky(Expression correlationExpression)
          Uses sticky load balancer
 ThrottleDefinition ProcessorDefinition.throttle(Expression maximumRequestCount)
          Throttler EIP: Creates a throttler allowing you to ensure that a specific endpoint does not get overloaded, or that we don't exceed an agreed SLA with some external service.
static ExpressionDefinition ExpressionNodeHelper.toExpressionDefinition(Expression expression)
          Determines which ExpressionDefinition describes the given expression best possible.
 Type ProcessorDefinition.transform(Expression expression)
          Message Translator EIP: Adds a processor which sets the body on the OUT message
 ValidateDefinition ProcessorDefinition.validate(Expression expression)
          Creates a validation expression which only if it is true then the exchange is forwarded to the destination.
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, boolean copy, Expression body)
          Deprecated. use the fluent builder from WireTapDefinition, will be removed in Camel 3.0
 WireTapDefinition<Type> ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, Expression body)
          Deprecated. use the fluent builder from WireTapDefinition, will be removed in Camel 3.0

Constructors in org.apache.camel.model with parameters of type Expression
AggregateDefinition(Expression correlationExpression)
AggregateDefinition(Expression correlationExpression, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
DelayDefinition(Expression delay)
DynamicRouterDefinition(Expression expression)
ExpressionNode(Expression expression)
ExpressionSubElementDefinition(Expression expression)
IdempotentConsumerDefinition(Expression messageIdExpression, IdempotentRepository<?> idempotentRepository)
LoopDefinition(Expression expression)
NoOutputExpressionNode(Expression expression)
RecipientListDefinition(Expression expression)
RoutingSlipDefinition(Expression expression)
RoutingSlipDefinition(Expression expression, String uriDelimiter)
SetBodyDefinition(Expression expression)
SetFaultBodyDefinition(Expression expression)
SetHeaderDefinition(String headerName, Expression expression)
SetOutHeaderDefinition(String headerName, Expression expression)
SetPropertyDefinition(String propertyName, Expression expression)
SortDefinition(Expression expression)
SortDefinition(Expression expression, Comparator<? super T> comparator)
SplitDefinition(Expression expression)
ThrottleDefinition(Expression maximumRequestsPerPeriod)
TransformDefinition(Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.model.language

Classes in org.apache.camel.model.language that implement Expression
 class ConstantExpression
          For expressions and predicates using a constant
 class ELExpression
          For EL expressions and predicates
 class ExpressionDefinition
          A useful base class for an expression
 class GroovyExpression
          For Groovy expressions and predicates
 class HeaderExpression
          An expression which extracts the named header
 class JavaScriptExpression
          For JavaScript expressions and predicates
 class JXPathExpression
          For JXPath expressions and predicates
 class LanguageExpression
          Represents a parameterised language expression which can support any language at runtime using the language attribute.
 class MethodCallExpression
          For expressions and predicates using the bean language
 class MvelExpression
          For MVEL expressions and predicates
 class NamespaceAwareExpression
          A useful base class for any expression which may be namespace or XML content aware such as XPathExpression or XQueryExpression
 class OgnlExpression
          For OGNL expressions and predicates
 class PhpExpression
          For PHP expressions and predicates
 class PropertyExpression
          An expression which extracts the named exchange property
 class PythonExpression
          For Python expressions and predicates
 class RefExpression
          For expressions and predicates using a reference to an existing Expression or Predicate to lookup from the Registry.
 class RubyExpression
          For Ruby expressions and predicates
 class SimpleExpression
          For expressions and predicates using the simple language
 class SpELExpression
          For Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expressions and predicates
 class SqlExpression
          For SQL expressions and predicates
 class TokenizerExpression
          For expressions and predicates using a body or header tokenizer.
 class XPathExpression
          For XPath expressions and predicates
 class XQueryExpression
          For XQuery expressions and predicates

Methods in org.apache.camel.model.language that return Expression
 Expression XQueryExpression.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext)
 Expression XPathExpression.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext)
 Expression TokenizerExpression.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext)
 Expression SimpleExpression.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext)
 Expression MethodCallExpression.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext)
 Expression ExpressionDefinition.createExpression(CamelContext camelContext)
 Expression ExpressionDefinition.createExpression(RouteContext routeContext)
 Expression ExpressionDefinition.getExpressionValue()

Methods in org.apache.camel.model.language with parameters of type Expression
protected  void XQueryExpression.configureExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression)
protected  void XPathExpression.configureExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression)
protected  void NamespaceAwareExpression.configureExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression)
protected  void JXPathExpression.configureExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression)
protected  void ExpressionDefinition.configureExpression(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression)
protected  void ExpressionDefinition.setExpressionValue(Expression expressionValue)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.model.language with parameters of type Expression
ExpressionDefinition(Expression expression)
SimpleExpression(Expression expression)
XPathExpression(Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.processor

Fields in org.apache.camel.processor declared as Expression
protected  Expression RoutingSlip.expression

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor that return Expression
 Expression Delayer.getDelay()
 Expression Splitter.getExpression()
 Expression LoopProcessor.getExpression()
 Expression Throttler.getMaximumRequestsPerPeriodExpression()
 Expression WireTapProcessor.getNewExchangeExpression()

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type Expression
protected static Set<Exchange> Resequencer.createSet(Expression expression, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean reverse)
 void Delayer.setDelay(Expression delay)
 void Throttler.setMaximumRequestsPerPeriodExpression(Expression maxRequestsPerPeriodExpression)
          Sets the maximum number of requests per time period expression
 void WireTapProcessor.setNewExchangeExpression(Expression newExchangeExpression)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type Expression
BatchProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Collection<Exchange> collection, Expression expression)
Delayer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Expression delay, ScheduledExecutorService executorService, boolean shutdownExecutorService)
DynamicRouter(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression, String uriDelimiter)
EvaluateExpressionProcessor(Expression expression)
LogProcessor(Expression expression, CamelLogger logger)
LoopProcessor(Processor processor, Expression expression, boolean copy)
RecipientList(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression)
RecipientList(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression, String delimiter)
Resequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Expression expression)
Resequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Expression expression, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean reverse)
Resequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Set<Exchange> collection, Expression expression)
RoutingSlip(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression, String uriDelimiter)
SetBodyProcessor(Expression expression)
SortProcessor(Expression expression, Comparator<? super T> comparator)
Splitter(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression, Processor destination, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
Splitter(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression, Processor destination, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean parallelProcessing, ExecutorService executorService, boolean shutdownExecutorService, boolean streaming, boolean stopOnException, long timeout, Processor onPrepare, boolean useSubUnitOfWork)
Throttler(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Expression maxRequestsPerPeriodExpression, long timePeriodMillis, ScheduledExecutorService executorService, boolean shutdownExecutorService)
TransformProcessor(Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate that return Expression
 Expression AggregateProcessor.getCompletionSizeExpression()
 Expression AggregateProcessor.getCompletionTimeoutExpression()

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate with parameters of type Expression
 void AggregateProcessor.setCompletionSizeExpression(Expression completionSizeExpression)
 void AggregateProcessor.setCompletionTimeoutExpression(Expression completionTimeoutExpression)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate with parameters of type Expression
AggregateProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Expression correlationExpression, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, ExecutorService executorService, boolean shutdownExecutorService)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent that return Expression
 Expression NoMessageIdException.getExpression()
          The expression which was used
 Expression IdempotentConsumer.getMessageIdExpression()

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent with parameters of type Expression
IdempotentConsumer(Expression messageIdExpression, IdempotentRepository<String> idempotentRepository, boolean eager, boolean skipDuplicate, boolean removeOnFailure, Processor processor)
NoMessageIdException(Exchange exchange, Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer that return Expression
 Expression StickyLoadBalancer.getCorrelationExpression()

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer with parameters of type Expression
StickyLoadBalancer(Expression correlationExpression)
StickyLoadBalancer(Expression correlationExpression, QueueLoadBalancer loadBalancer)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.processor.resequencer

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.resequencer with parameters of type Expression
 void ExpressionResultComparator.setExpression(Expression expression)
          Set the expression sed for comparing Exchanges.
 void DefaultExchangeComparator.setExpression(Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.spi

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi that return Expression
 Expression Language.createExpression(String expression)
          Creates an expression based on the given string input

Uses of Expression in

Classes in that implement Expression
 class ExpressionAdapter
          A helper class for developers wishing to implement an Expression using Java code with a minimum amount of code to write so that the developer only needs to implement one of the ExpressionAdapter.evaluate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, Class) or ExpressionSupport.evaluate(org.apache.camel.Exchange) methods.
 class ExpressionSupport
          A useful base class for Predicate and Expression implementations
 class TokenPairExpressionIterator
          Expression to walk a Message body using an Iterator, which grabs the content between a start and end token.
 class TokenXMLExpressionIterator
          Expression to walk a Message XML body using an Iterator, which grabs the content between a XML start and end token, where the end token corresponds implicitly to either the end tag or the self-closing start tag.
 class TokenXMLPairExpressionIterator
          Deprecated. use TokenXMLExpressionIterator instead.

Uses of Expression in org.apache.camel.util

Classes in org.apache.camel.util that implement Expression
 class PredicateToExpressionAdapter

Methods in org.apache.camel.util that return Expression
static Expression PredicateToExpressionAdapter.toExpression(Predicate predicate)
          Converts the given predicate into an Expression

Methods in org.apache.camel.util with parameters of type Expression
static Predicate ExpressionToPredicateAdapter.toPredicate(Expression expression)
          Converts the given expression into an Predicate

Constructors in org.apache.camel.util with parameters of type Expression
ExpressionComparator(Expression expression)
ExpressionToPredicateAdapter(Expression expression)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.camel.util with type arguments of type Expression
ExpressionListComparator(List<Expression> expressions)

Apache CAMEL