Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 

Uses of ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition in org.apache.camel.model

Classes in org.apache.camel.model that implement ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition
 class AggregateDefinition
          Represents an XML <aggregate/> element
 class DelayDefinition
          Represents an XML <delay/> element
 class MulticastDefinition
          Represents an XML <multicast/> element
 class OnCompletionDefinition
          Represents an XML <onCompletion/> element
 class RecipientListDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>
          Represents an XML <recipientList/> element
 class SplitDefinition
          Represents an XML <split/> element
 class ThreadsDefinition
          Represents an XML <threads/> element
 class ThrottleDefinition
          Represents an XML <throttle/> element
 class WireTapDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition<Type>>
          Represents an XML <wireTap/> element

Methods in org.apache.camel.model with parameters of type ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition
static ExecutorService ProcessorDefinitionHelper.getConfiguredExecutorService(RouteContext routeContext, String name, ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition<?> definition, boolean useDefault)
          Will lookup and get the configured ExecutorService from the given definition.
static ScheduledExecutorService ProcessorDefinitionHelper.getConfiguredScheduledExecutorService(RouteContext routeContext, String name, ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition<?> definition, boolean useDefault)
          Will lookup and get the configured ScheduledExecutorService from the given definition.
static boolean ProcessorDefinitionHelper.willCreateNewThreadPool(RouteContext routeContext, ExecutorServiceAwareDefinition<?> definition, boolean useDefault)
          Determines whether a new thread pool will be created or not.

Apache CAMEL