Uses of Class

Packages that use IdentifiedType
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 
org.apache.camel.model.dataformat The JAXB POJOs for the Data Formats used to marshal and unmarshal objects to and from streams inside components 
org.apache.camel.model.loadbalancer The JAXB POJOs for the Load Balancer EIP pattern for the XML Configuration

Uses of IdentifiedType in org.apache.camel.model

Subclasses of IdentifiedType in org.apache.camel.model
 class DataFormatDefinition
          Represents the base XML type for DataFormat.
 class LoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <loadBalancer/> element
 class RouteBuilderDefinition
          Represents an XML <routeBuilderRef/> element

Uses of IdentifiedType in org.apache.camel.model.dataformat

Subclasses of IdentifiedType in org.apache.camel.model.dataformat
 class AvroDataFormat
          Represents a avro DataFormat DataFormat
 class BeanioDataFormat
          Represents the BeanIO DataFormat
 class BindyDataFormat
          Represents the Bindy DataFormat
 class CastorDataFormat
          Represents a Castor DataFormat.
 class CryptoDataFormat
 class CsvDataFormat
          Represents a CSV (Comma Separated Values) DataFormat
 class CustomDataFormat
          Represents the custom DataFormat to lookup using a reference
 class FlatpackDataFormat
          Represents a Flatpack DataFormat.
 class GzipDataFormat
          Represents the GZip DataFormat
 class HL7DataFormat
          Represents a HL7 DataFormat.
 class JaxbDataFormat
          Represents the JAXB2 XML DataFormat
 class JibxDataFormat
          Represents the JiBX XML DataFormat
 class JsonDataFormat
          Represents the Json DataFormat
 class PGPDataFormat
          Represents a pgp DataFormat.
 class ProtobufDataFormat
          Represents a protobuf DataFormat DataFormat
 class RssDataFormat
          Represents the RSS DataFormat.
 class SerializationDataFormat
          Represents the Java Serialization DataFormat
 class SoapJaxbDataFormat
 class StringDataFormat
          Represents the String (text based) DataFormat
 class SyslogDataFormat
          Represents a Syslog DataFormat.
 class TidyMarkupDataFormat
          Represents a wellformed HTML document (XML well Formed) DataFormat
 class XMLBeansDataFormat
          Represents the XMLBeans XML DataFormat
 class XmlJsonDataFormat
          Represents a XML-JSON DataFormat.
 class XMLSecurityDataFormat
          Represents as XML Security Encrypter/Decrypter DataFormat
 class XStreamDataFormat
          Represents the XStream XML DataFormat
 class ZipDataFormat
          Represents the ZIP XML DataFormat

Uses of IdentifiedType in org.apache.camel.model.loadbalancer

Subclasses of IdentifiedType in org.apache.camel.model.loadbalancer
 class CustomLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <customLoadBalancer/> element
 class FailoverLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <failover/> element
 class RandomLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <random/> element
 class RoundRobinLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <roundRobin/> element
 class StickyLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <sticky/> element
 class TopicLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <topic/> element
 class WeightedLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <weighted/> element

Apache CAMEL