Uses of Class

Packages that use ResequenceDefinition
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 

Uses of ResequenceDefinition in org.apache.camel.model

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return ResequenceDefinition
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.allowDuplicates()
          Enables duplicates for the batch resequencer mode
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.batch()
          Configures the batch-based resequencing algorithm using the default configuration.
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.batch(BatchResequencerConfig config)
          Configures the batch-based resequencing algorithm using the given BatchResequencerConfig.
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.capacity(int capacity)
          Sets the capacity for the stream resequencer
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.comparator(ExpressionResultComparator comparator)
          Sets the comparator to use for stream resequencer
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.ignoreInvalidExchanges()
          If an incoming Exchange is invalid, then it will be ignored.
 ResequenceDefinition ProcessorDefinition.resequence(Expression expression)
          Resequencer EIP: Creates a resequencer allowing you to reorganize messages based on some comparator.
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.reverse()
          Enables reverse mode for the batch resequencer mode.
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.size(int batchSize)
          Sets the in batch size for number of exchanges received
          Configures the stream-based resequencing algorithm using the default configuration.
 ResequenceDefinition config)
          Configures the stream-based resequencing algorithm using the given StreamResequencerConfig.
 ResequenceDefinition ResequenceDefinition.timeout(long timeout)
          Sets the timeout

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return types with arguments of type ResequenceDefinition
 ExpressionClause<ResequenceDefinition> ProcessorDefinition.resequence()
          Resequencer EIP: Creates a resequencer allowing you to reorganize messages based on some comparator.

Apache CAMEL