Uses of Class

Packages that use BindyType
org.apache.camel.builder The Camel Domain Specific Language for creating Routes, Predicates, Expressions and Error Handlers
org.apache.camel.model.dataformat The JAXB POJOs for the Data Formats used to marshal and unmarshal objects to and from streams inside components 

Uses of BindyType in org.apache.camel.builder

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder with parameters of type BindyType
 T DataFormatClause.bindy(BindyType type, Class<?> classType)
          Uses the Bindy data format
 T DataFormatClause.bindy(BindyType type, String... packages)
          Uses the Bindy data format

Uses of BindyType in org.apache.camel.model.dataformat

Methods in org.apache.camel.model.dataformat that return BindyType
 BindyType BindyDataFormat.getType()
static BindyType BindyType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static BindyType[] BindyType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.apache.camel.model.dataformat with parameters of type BindyType
 void BindyDataFormat.setType(BindyType type)

Apache CAMEL