Uses of Class

Packages that use FilterParameters.Patterns
org.apache.camel.util.jsse A collection of utility classes for configuring a JSSE SSLContext and other JSSE classes. 

Uses of FilterParameters.Patterns in org.apache.camel.util.jsse

Methods in org.apache.camel.util.jsse that return FilterParameters.Patterns
 FilterParameters.Patterns FilterParameters.getPatterns()
          Returns an immutable collection of compiled filter patterns based on the state of this instance at the time of invocation.

Methods in org.apache.camel.util.jsse with parameters of type FilterParameters.Patterns
protected  Collection<String> BaseSSLContextParameters.filter(Collection<String> explicitValues, Collection<String> availableValues, Collection<String> currentValues, FilterParameters.Patterns patterns, FilterParameters.Patterns defaultPatterns, boolean applyDefaults)
          Filters the values in availableValues returning only the values that are explicitly listed in explicitValues (returns them regardless of if they appear in availableValues or not) if explicitValues is not null or according to the following rules: Match the include patterns in patterns and don't match the exclude patterns in patterns if patterns is not null. Match the include patterns in defaultPatterns and don't match the exclude patterns in defaultPatterns if patterns is null and applyDefaults is true. Are provided in currentValues if if patterns is null and applyDefaults is false.

Apache CAMEL