Interface ModelCamelContext

All Superinterfaces:
CamelContext, RuntimeConfiguration, Service, SuspendableService
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ModelCamelContext
extends CamelContext

Model level interface for the CamelContext

Method Summary
 void addRouteDefinition(RouteDefinition routeDefinition)
          Add a route definition to the context

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id.

 void addRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions)
          Adds a collection of route definitions to the context

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id.

 Map<String,DataFormatDefinition> getDataFormats()
          Gets the data formats that can be referenced in the routes.
 RouteDefinition getRouteDefinition(String id)
          Gets the route definition with the given id
 List<RouteDefinition> getRouteDefinitions()
          Returns a list of the current route definitions
 RoutesDefinition loadRoutesDefinition(InputStream is)
          Loads a collection of route definitions from the given InputStream.
 void removeRouteDefinition(RouteDefinition routeDefinition)
          Removes a route definition from the context - stopping any previously running routes if any of them are actively running
 void removeRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions)
          Removes a collection of route definitions from the context - stopping any previously running routes if any of them are actively running
 DataFormatDefinition resolveDataFormatDefinition(String name)
          Resolve a data format definition given its name
 void setDataFormats(Map<String,DataFormatDefinition> dataFormats)
          Sets the data formats that can be referenced in the routes.
 void startRoute(RouteDefinition route)
          Deprecated. favor using CamelContext.startRoute(String)
 void stopRoute(RouteDefinition route)
          Deprecated. favor using CamelContext.stopRoute(String)
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.CamelContext
addComponent, addEndpoint, addInterceptStrategy, addLifecycleStrategy, addRegisterEndpointCallback, addRoutes, addService, addStartupListener, createConsumerTemplate, createConsumerTemplate, createProducerTemplate, createProducerTemplate, disableJMX, getApplicationContextClassLoader, getClassResolver, getComponent, getComponent, getComponentNames, getDataFormatResolver, getDebugger, getDefaultBacklogTracer, getDefaultFactoryFinder, getDefaultTracer, getEndpoint, getEndpoint, getEndpointMap, getEndpoints, getErrorHandlerBuilder, getErrorHandlerExecutorService, getExecutorServiceManager, getExecutorServiceStrategy, getFactoryFinder, getInflightRepository, getInjector, getInterceptStrategies, getLanguageNames, getLifecycleStrategies, getManagementMBeanAssembler, getManagementName, getManagementNameStrategy, getManagementStrategy, getName, getNameStrategy, getNodeIdFactory, getPackageScanClassResolver, getProcessorFactory, getProducerServicePool, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyPrefixToken, getPropertySuffixToken, getRegistry, getRoute, getRoutes, getRouteStartupOrder, getRouteStatus, getShutdownStrategy, getStatus, getTypeConverter, getTypeConverterRegistry, getUptime, getUuidGenerator, getVersion, hasComponent, hasEndpoint, hasService, isLazyLoadTypeConverters, isStartingRoutes, isTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled, isUseBreadcrumb, isUseMDCLogging, removeComponent, removeEndpoints, removeRoute, removeService, resolveDataFormat, resolveLanguage, resolvePropertyPlaceholders, resumeRoute, setApplicationContextClassLoader, setClassResolver, setDataFormatResolver, setDebugger, setDefaultBacklogTracer, setDefaultTracer, setErrorHandlerBuilder, setExecutorServiceManager, setFactoryFinderResolver, setInflightRepository, setLazyLoadTypeConverters, setManagementNameStrategy, setManagementStrategy, setNameStrategy, setNodeIdFactory, setPackageScanClassResolver, setProcessorFactory, setProducerServicePool, setProperties, setShutdownStrategy, setTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled, setUseBreadcrumb, setUseMDCLogging, setUuidGenerator, shutdownRoute, shutdownRoute, startRoute, stopRoute, stopRoute, stopRoute, suspendRoute, suspendRoute
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.SuspendableService
isSuspended, resume, suspend
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.Service
start, stop
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.RuntimeConfiguration
getDelayer, getShutdownRoute, getShutdownRunningTask, isAutoStartup, isHandleFault, isStreamCaching, isTracing, setAutoStartup, setDelayer, setHandleFault, setShutdownRoute, setShutdownRunningTask, setStreamCaching, setTracing

Method Detail


List<RouteDefinition> getRouteDefinitions()
Returns a list of the current route definitions

Specified by:
getRouteDefinitions in interface CamelContext
list of the current route definitions


RouteDefinition getRouteDefinition(String id)
Gets the route definition with the given id

Specified by:
getRouteDefinition in interface CamelContext
id - id of the route
the route definition or null if not found


RoutesDefinition loadRoutesDefinition(InputStream is)
                                      throws Exception
Loads a collection of route definitions from the given InputStream.

Specified by:
loadRoutesDefinition in interface CamelContext
is - input stream with the route(s) definition to add
the route definitions
Exception - if the route definitions could not be loaded for whatever reason


void addRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions)
                         throws Exception
Adds a collection of route definitions to the context

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id. If you use the API from CamelContext or ModelCamelContext to add routes, then any new routes which has a route id that matches an old route, then the old route is replaced by the new route.

Specified by:
addRouteDefinitions in interface CamelContext
routeDefinitions - the route(s) definition to add
Exception - if the route definitions could not be created for whatever reason


void addRouteDefinition(RouteDefinition routeDefinition)
                        throws Exception
Add a route definition to the context

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id. If you use the API from CamelContext or ModelCamelContext to add routes, then any new routes which has a route id that matches an old route, then the old route is replaced by the new route.

Specified by:
addRouteDefinition in interface CamelContext
routeDefinition - the route definition to add
Exception - if the route definition could not be created for whatever reason


void removeRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions)
                            throws Exception
Removes a collection of route definitions from the context - stopping any previously running routes if any of them are actively running

Specified by:
removeRouteDefinitions in interface CamelContext
routeDefinitions - route(s) definitions to remove
Exception - if the route definitions could not be removed for whatever reason


void removeRouteDefinition(RouteDefinition routeDefinition)
                           throws Exception
Removes a route definition from the context - stopping any previously running routes if any of them are actively running

Specified by:
removeRouteDefinition in interface CamelContext
routeDefinition - route definition to remove
Exception - if the route definition could not be removed for whatever reason


void startRoute(RouteDefinition route)
                throws Exception
Deprecated. favor using CamelContext.startRoute(String)

Starts the given route if it has been previously stopped

Specified by:
startRoute in interface CamelContext
route - the route to start
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be started for whatever reason


void stopRoute(RouteDefinition route)
               throws Exception
Deprecated. favor using CamelContext.stopRoute(String)

Stops the given route.

Specified by:
stopRoute in interface CamelContext
route - the route to stop
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason


void setDataFormats(Map<String,DataFormatDefinition> dataFormats)
Sets the data formats that can be referenced in the routes.

Specified by:
setDataFormats in interface CamelContext
dataFormats - the data formats


Map<String,DataFormatDefinition> getDataFormats()
Gets the data formats that can be referenced in the routes.

Specified by:
getDataFormats in interface CamelContext
the data formats available


DataFormatDefinition resolveDataFormatDefinition(String name)
Resolve a data format definition given its name

Specified by:
resolveDataFormatDefinition in interface CamelContext
name - the data format definition name or a reference to it in the Registry
the resolved data format definition, or null if not found

Apache Camel