Interface GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
FileChangedExclusiveReadLockStrategy, FileLockExclusiveReadLockStrategy, FileRenameExclusiveReadLockStrategy, GenericFileRenameExclusiveReadLockStrategy, MarkerFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy

public interface GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy<T>

Strategy for acquiring exclusive read locks for files to be consumed. After granting the read lock it is released, we just want to make sure that when we start consuming the file its not currently in progress of being written by third party.

Camel supports out of the box the following strategies:

Method Summary
 boolean acquireExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFile<T> file, Exchange exchange)
          Acquires exclusive read lock to the file.
 void prepareOnStartup(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint)
          Allows custom logic to be run on startup preparing the strategy, such as removing old lock files etc.
 void releaseExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFile<T> file, Exchange exchange)
          Releases the exclusive read lock granted by the acquireExclusiveReadLock method.
 void setCheckInterval(long checkInterval)
          Sets the check interval period.
 void setReadLockLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel readLockLoggingLevel)
          Sets logging level used when a read lock could not be acquired.
 void setTimeout(long timeout)
          Sets an optional timeout period.

Method Detail


void prepareOnStartup(GenericFileOperations<T> operations,
                      GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint)
                      throws Exception
Allows custom logic to be run on startup preparing the strategy, such as removing old lock files etc.

operations - generic file operations
endpoint - the endpoint
Exception - can be thrown in case of errors


boolean acquireExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<T> operations,
                                 GenericFile<T> file,
                                 Exchange exchange)
                                 throws Exception
Acquires exclusive read lock to the file.

operations - generic file operations
file - the file
exchange - the exchange
true if read lock was acquired. If false Camel will skip the file and try it on the next poll
Exception - can be thrown in case of errors


void releaseExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<T> operations,
                              GenericFile<T> file,
                              Exchange exchange)
                              throws Exception
Releases the exclusive read lock granted by the acquireExclusiveReadLock method.

operations - generic file operations
file - the file
exchange - the exchange
Exception - can be thrown in case of errors


void setTimeout(long timeout)
Sets an optional timeout period.

If the readlock could not be granted within the time period then the wait is stopped and the acquireExclusiveReadLock method returns false.

timeout - period in millis


void setCheckInterval(long checkInterval)
Sets the check interval period.

The check interval is used for sleeping between attempts to acquire read lock. Setting a high value allows to cater for slow writes in case the producer of the file is slow.

The default period is 1000 millis.

checkInterval - interval in millis


void setReadLockLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel readLockLoggingLevel)
Sets logging level used when a read lock could not be acquired.

Logging level used when a read lock could not be acquired.

The default logging level is WARN

readLockLoggingLevel - LoggingLevel

Apache Camel