Class DefaultPropertiesParser

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
AugmentedPropertyNameAwarePropertiesParser, PropertiesParser

public class DefaultPropertiesParser
extends Object
implements AugmentedPropertyNameAwarePropertiesParser

A parser to parse a string which contains property placeholders


Field Summary
protected  org.slf4j.Logger log
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String parseProperty(String key, String value, Properties properties)
          While parsing the uri using parseUri each parsed property found invokes this callback.
 String parseUri(String text, Properties properties, String prefixToken, String suffixToken)
          Parses the string and replaces the property placeholders with values from the given properties.
 String parseUri(String text, Properties properties, String prefixToken, String suffixToken, String propertyPrefix, String propertySuffix, boolean fallbackToUnaugmentedProperty)
          Parses the string, applying the optional propertyPrefix and propertySuffix to the parsed property names, and replaces the property placeholders with values from the given properties.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final org.slf4j.Logger log
Constructor Detail


public DefaultPropertiesParser()
Method Detail


public String parseUri(String text,
                       Properties properties,
                       String prefixToken,
                       String suffixToken)
                throws IllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: PropertiesParser
Parses the string and replaces the property placeholders with values from the given properties.

Specified by:
parseUri in interface PropertiesParser
text - the text to be parsed
properties - the properties resolved which values should be looked up
prefixToken - the prefix token
suffixToken - the suffix token
the parsed text with replaced placeholders
IllegalArgumentException - if uri syntax is not valid or a property is not found


public String parseUri(String text,
                       Properties properties,
                       String prefixToken,
                       String suffixToken,
                       String propertyPrefix,
                       String propertySuffix,
                       boolean fallbackToUnaugmentedProperty)
                throws IllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: AugmentedPropertyNameAwarePropertiesParser
Parses the string, applying the optional propertyPrefix and propertySuffix to the parsed property names, and replaces the property placeholders with values from the given properties.

Specified by:
parseUri in interface AugmentedPropertyNameAwarePropertiesParser
text - the text to be parsed
properties - the properties resolved which values should be looked up
prefixToken - the prefix token
suffixToken - the suffix token
propertyPrefix - the optional property name prefix to augment parsed property names with
propertySuffix - the optional property name suffix to augment parsed property names with
fallbackToUnaugmentedProperty - flag indicating if the originally parsed property name should by used for resolution if there is no match to the augmented property name
the parsed text with replaced placeholders
IllegalArgumentException - if uri syntax is not valid or a property is not found


public String parseProperty(String key,
                            String value,
                            Properties properties)
Description copied from interface: PropertiesParser
While parsing the uri using parseUri each parsed property found invokes this callback.

This strategy method allows you to hook into the parsing and do custom lookup and return the actual value to use.

Specified by:
parseProperty in interface PropertiesParser
key - the key
value - the value
properties - the properties resolved which values should be looked up
the value to use

Apache Camel