Class UriEndpointComponent

  extended by
      extended by org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultComponent
          extended by org.apache.camel.impl.UriEndpointComponent
All Implemented Interfaces:
CamelContextAware, Component, Service, ShutdownableService, StatefulService, SuspendableService
Direct Known Subclasses:
BeanComponent, SedaComponent, TimerComponent

public abstract class UriEndpointComponent
extends DefaultComponent

A component implementation for endpoints which are annotated with UriEndpoint to describe their configurable parameters via annotations

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
shutdown, shuttingdown, started, starting, stopped, stopping, suspended, suspending
Constructor Summary
UriEndpointComponent(CamelContext context, Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass)
UriEndpointComponent(Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass)
Method Summary
 ComponentConfiguration createComponentConfiguration()
          Creates a configuration helper object for a component that lets you configure the various URI and parameter values; then create the full URI for it, create a new Endpoint from it or configure an existing Endpoint from the values.
static SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> createParameterConfigurationMap(Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass)
          Returns a newly created sorted map, indexed by name of all the parameter configurations of the given endpoint class using introspection for the various annotations like UriEndpoint, UriParam, UriParams
 Class<? extends Endpoint> getEndpointClass()
 SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> getParameterConfigurationMap()
          Returns the sorted map of all the URI query parameter names to their ParameterConfiguration objects
protected static void populateParameterConfigurationMap(SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> parameterMap, Class<?> aClass, String prefix)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultComponent
afterConfiguration, createConfiguration, createEndpoint, createEndpoint, doStart, doStop, getAndRemoveParameter, getAndRemoveParameter, getCamelContext, ifStartsWithReturnRemainder, preProcessUri, resolveAndRemoveReferenceListParameter, resolveAndRemoveReferenceListParameter, resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter, resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter, setCamelContext, setProperties, useIntrospectionOnEndpoint, useRawUri, validateParameters, validateURI
Methods inherited from class
doResume, doShutdown, doSuspend, getStatus, getVersion, isRunAllowed, isStarted, isStarting, isStopped, isStopping, isStoppingOrStopped, isSuspended, isSuspending, resume, shutdown, start, stop, suspend
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UriEndpointComponent(Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass)


public UriEndpointComponent(CamelContext context,
                            Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass)
Method Detail


public ComponentConfiguration createComponentConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Component
Creates a configuration helper object for a component that lets you configure the various URI and parameter values; then create the full URI for it, create a new Endpoint from it or configure an existing Endpoint from the values. This method is intended to be used in cases where there is not yet a full URI to configure an endpoint yet; but rather there are a number of parameters to configure to then build up a new URI or directly create an Endpoint from the parameter values.

Specified by:
createComponentConfiguration in interface Component
createComponentConfiguration in class DefaultComponent


public static SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> createParameterConfigurationMap(Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass)
Returns a newly created sorted map, indexed by name of all the parameter configurations of the given endpoint class using introspection for the various annotations like UriEndpoint, UriParam, UriParams


protected static void populateParameterConfigurationMap(SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> parameterMap,
                                                        Class<?> aClass,
                                                        String prefix)


public Class<? extends Endpoint> getEndpointClass()


public SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> getParameterConfigurationMap()
Returns the sorted map of all the URI query parameter names to their ParameterConfiguration objects

Apache Camel