Class BaseSimpleParser

  extended by org.apache.camel.language.simple.BaseSimpleParser
Direct Known Subclasses:
SimpleExpressionParser, SimplePredicateParser

public abstract class BaseSimpleParser
extends Object

Base class for Simple language parser.

This parser is based on the principles of a recursive descent parser.

Field Summary
protected  boolean allowEscape
protected  String expression
protected  int index
protected  List<SimpleNode> nodes
protected  int previousIndex
protected  SimpleToken token
protected  List<SimpleToken> tokens
Constructor Summary
protected BaseSimpleParser(String expression, boolean allowEscape)
Method Summary
protected  boolean accept(TokenType accept)
          Accept the given token.
protected  void clear()
          Clears the parser state, which means it can be used for parsing a new input.
protected  void expect(TokenType expect)
          Expect a given token
protected  void expectAndAcceptMore(TokenType expect)
          Expect and accept a given number of tokens in sequence.
protected  void nextToken()
          Advances the parser position to the next known SimpleToken in the input.
protected  void nextToken(TokenType... filter)
          Advances the parser position to the next known SimpleToken in the input.
protected  void prepareBlocks()
          Prepares blocks, such as functions, single or double quoted texts.
protected  void prepareUnaryExpressions()
          Prepares unary expressions.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final String expression


protected final List<SimpleToken> tokens


protected final List<SimpleNode> nodes


protected SimpleToken token


protected int previousIndex


protected int index


protected boolean allowEscape
Constructor Detail


protected BaseSimpleParser(String expression,
                           boolean allowEscape)
Method Detail


protected void nextToken()
Advances the parser position to the next known SimpleToken in the input.


protected void nextToken(TokenType... filter)
Advances the parser position to the next known SimpleToken in the input.

filter - filter for accepted token types


protected void clear()
Clears the parser state, which means it can be used for parsing a new input.


protected void prepareBlocks()
Prepares blocks, such as functions, single or double quoted texts.

This process prepares the Blocks in the AST. This is done by linking child nodes which are within the start and end of the blocks, as child to the given block. This is done to have the AST graph updated and prepared properly.

So when the AST node is later used to create the Predicates or Expressions to be used by Camel then the AST graph has a linked and prepared graph of nodes which represent the input expression.


protected void prepareUnaryExpressions()
Prepares unary expressions.

This process prepares the unary expressions in the AST. This is done by linking the unary operator with the left hand side node, to have the AST graph updated and prepared properly.

So when the AST node is later used to create the Predicates or Expressions to be used by Camel then the AST graph has a linked and prepared graph of nodes which represent the input expression.


protected boolean accept(TokenType accept)
Accept the given token.

This is to be used by the grammar to accept tokens and then continue parsing using the grammar, such as a function grammar.

accept - the token
true if accepted, false otherwise.


protected void expect(TokenType expect)
               throws SimpleParserException
Expect a given token

expect - the token to expect
SimpleParserException - is thrown if the token is not as expected


protected void expectAndAcceptMore(TokenType expect)
Expect and accept a given number of tokens in sequence.

This is used to accept whitespace or string literals.

expect - the token to accept

Apache Camel