Interface BrowsableEndpoint

All Superinterfaces:
Endpoint, IsSingleton, Service
All Known Implementing Classes:
BrowseEndpoint, DataSetEndpoint, FileEndpoint, GenericFileEndpoint, MockEndpoint, SedaEndpoint, TestEndpoint

public interface BrowsableEndpoint
extends Endpoint

An optional interface an Endpoint may choose to implement which allows it to expose a way of browsing the exchanges available.


Method Summary
 List<Exchange> getExchanges()
          Return the exchanges available on this endpoint
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.Endpoint
configureProperties, createConsumer, createExchange, createExchange, createExchange, createPollingConsumer, createProducer, getCamelContext, getEndpointConfiguration, getEndpointKey, getEndpointUri, isLenientProperties, setCamelContext
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.IsSingleton
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.Service
start, stop

Method Detail


List<Exchange> getExchanges()
Return the exchanges available on this endpoint

the exchanges on this endpoint

Apache Camel