Class DefaultRouteContext

  extended by org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultRouteContext
All Implemented Interfaces:
RuntimeConfiguration, RouteContext

public class DefaultRouteContext
extends Object
implements RouteContext

The context used to activate new routing rules


Constructor Summary
DefaultRouteContext(CamelContext camelContext)
          Only used for lazy construction from inside ExpressionType
DefaultRouteContext(CamelContext camelContext, RouteDefinition route, FromDefinition from, Collection<Route> routes)
Method Summary
 void addEventDrivenProcessor(Processor processor)
          Adds an event driven processor
 void addInterceptStrategy(InterceptStrategy interceptStrategy)
          Adds a InterceptStrategy to this route context
 void commit()
          For completing the route creation, creating a single event driven route for the current from endpoint with any processors required
 int getAndIncrement(ProcessorDefinition<?> node)
          A private counter that increments, is used to as book keeping when building a route based on the model

We need this special book keeping be able to assign the correct ProcessorDefinition to the Channel

 CamelContext getCamelContext()
          Gets the camel context
 Long getDelayer()
          Gets the delay value
 Endpoint getEndpoint()
          Gets the endpoint
 FromDefinition getFrom()
          Gets the from type
 List<InterceptStrategy> getInterceptStrategies()
          This method retrieves the InterceptStrategy instances this route context.
 InterceptStrategy getManagedInterceptStrategy()
          Gets the special managed intercept strategy if any
 RouteDefinition getRoute()
          Get the route type
 List<RoutePolicy> getRoutePolicyList()
          Gets the route policy List
 ShutdownRoute getShutdownRoute()
          Gets the option to use when shutting down the route.
 ShutdownRunningTask getShutdownRunningTask()
          Gets the ShutdownRunningTask option in use when shutting down a route.
 Boolean isAllowUseOriginalMessage()
          Sets whether to allow access to the original message from Camel's error handler, or from UnitOfWork.getOriginalInMessage().
 Boolean isAutoStartup()
          Gets whether the object should automatically start when Camel starts.
 Boolean isHandleFault()
          Returns whether fault handling enabled
 Boolean isMessageHistory()
          Returns whether message history is enabled
 boolean isRouteAdded()
          Returns the isRouteAdded flag
 Boolean isStreamCaching()
          Returns whether stream cache is enabled
 Boolean isTracing()
          Returns whether tracing enabled
<T> T
lookup(String name, Class<T> type)
          lookup an object by name and type
<T> Map<String,T>
lookupByType(Class<T> type)
          lookup objects by type
<T> T
mandatoryLookup(String name, Class<T> type)
          lookup an object by name and type or throws NoSuchBeanException if not found.
 Endpoint resolveEndpoint(String uri)
          Resolves an endpoint from the URI
 Endpoint resolveEndpoint(String uri, String ref)
          Resolves an endpoint from either a URI or a named reference
 void setAllowUseOriginalMessage(Boolean allowUseOriginalMessage)
          Sets whether to allow access to the original message from Camel's error handler, or from UnitOfWork.getOriginalInMessage().
 void setAutoStartup(Boolean autoStartup)
          Sets whether the object should automatically start when Camel starts.
 void setDelayer(Long delay)
          Sets a delay value in millis that a message is delayed at every step it takes in the route path, slowing the process down to better observe what is occurring

Is disabled by default

 void setHandleFault(Boolean handleFault)
          Sets whether fault handling is enabled or not (default is disabled).
 void setInterceptStrategies(List<InterceptStrategy> interceptStrategies)
          This method sets the InterceptStrategy instances on this route context.
 void setIsRouteAdded(boolean routeAdded)
          If this flag is true, ProcessorDefinition.addRoutes(RouteContext, java.util.Collection) will not add processor to addEventDrivenProcessor to the RouteContext and it will prevent from adding an EventDrivenRoute.
 void setManagedInterceptStrategy(InterceptStrategy interceptStrategy)
          Sets a special intercept strategy for management.
 void setMessageHistory(Boolean messageHistory)
          Sets whether message history is enabled or not (default is enabled).
 void setRoutePolicyList(List<RoutePolicy> routePolicyList)
          Sets a custom route policy List
 void setShutdownRoute(ShutdownRoute shutdownRoute)
          Sets the ShutdownRoute option for routes.
 void setShutdownRunningTask(ShutdownRunningTask shutdownRunningTask)
          Sets the ShutdownRunningTask option to use when shutting down a route.
 void setStreamCaching(Boolean cache)
          Sets whether stream caching is enabled or not (default is disabled).
 void setTracing(Boolean tracing)
          Sets whether tracing is enabled or not (default is disabled).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultRouteContext(CamelContext camelContext,
                           RouteDefinition route,
                           FromDefinition from,
                           Collection<Route> routes)


public DefaultRouteContext(CamelContext camelContext)
Only used for lazy construction from inside ExpressionType

Method Detail


public Endpoint getEndpoint()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Gets the endpoint

Specified by:
getEndpoint in interface RouteContext
the endpoint


public FromDefinition getFrom()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Gets the from type

Specified by:
getFrom in interface RouteContext
the from type


public RouteDefinition getRoute()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Get the route type

Specified by:
getRoute in interface RouteContext
the route type


public CamelContext getCamelContext()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Gets the camel context

Specified by:
getCamelContext in interface RouteContext
the camel context


public Endpoint resolveEndpoint(String uri)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Resolves an endpoint from the URI

Specified by:
resolveEndpoint in interface RouteContext
uri - the URI
the resolved endpoint


public Endpoint resolveEndpoint(String uri,
                                String ref)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Resolves an endpoint from either a URI or a named reference

Specified by:
resolveEndpoint in interface RouteContext
uri - the URI or
ref - the named reference
the resolved endpoint


public <T> T lookup(String name,
                    Class<T> type)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
lookup an object by name and type

Specified by:
lookup in interface RouteContext
name - the name to lookup
type - the expected type
the found object


public <T> Map<String,T> lookupByType(Class<T> type)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
lookup objects by type

Specified by:
lookupByType in interface RouteContext
type - the expected type
the found objects with the name as the key in the map. Returns an empty map if none found.


public <T> T mandatoryLookup(String name,
                             Class<T> type)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
lookup an object by name and type or throws NoSuchBeanException if not found.

Specified by:
mandatoryLookup in interface RouteContext
name - the name to lookup
type - the expected type
the found object


public void commit()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
For completing the route creation, creating a single event driven route for the current from endpoint with any processors required

Specified by:
commit in interface RouteContext


public void addEventDrivenProcessor(Processor processor)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Adds an event driven processor

Specified by:
addEventDrivenProcessor in interface RouteContext
processor - the processor


public List<InterceptStrategy> getInterceptStrategies()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
This method retrieves the InterceptStrategy instances this route context.

Specified by:
getInterceptStrategies in interface RouteContext
the strategy


public void setInterceptStrategies(List<InterceptStrategy> interceptStrategies)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
This method sets the InterceptStrategy instances on this route context.

Specified by:
setInterceptStrategies in interface RouteContext
interceptStrategies - the strategies


public void addInterceptStrategy(InterceptStrategy interceptStrategy)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Adds a InterceptStrategy to this route context

Specified by:
addInterceptStrategy in interface RouteContext
interceptStrategy - the strategy


public void setManagedInterceptStrategy(InterceptStrategy interceptStrategy)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Sets a special intercept strategy for management.

Is by default used to correlate managed performance counters with processors when the runtime route is being constructed

Specified by:
setManagedInterceptStrategy in interface RouteContext
interceptStrategy - the managed intercept strategy


public InterceptStrategy getManagedInterceptStrategy()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Gets the special managed intercept strategy if any

Specified by:
getManagedInterceptStrategy in interface RouteContext
the managed intercept strategy, or null if not managed


public boolean isRouteAdded()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Returns the isRouteAdded flag

Specified by:
isRouteAdded in interface RouteContext
the flag


public void setIsRouteAdded(boolean routeAdded)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
If this flag is true, ProcessorDefinition.addRoutes(RouteContext, java.util.Collection) will not add processor to addEventDrivenProcessor to the RouteContext and it will prevent from adding an EventDrivenRoute.

Specified by:
setIsRouteAdded in interface RouteContext
routeAdded - the flag


public void setTracing(Boolean tracing)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether tracing is enabled or not (default is disabled).

Specified by:
setTracing in interface RuntimeConfiguration
tracing - whether to enable tracing.


public Boolean isTracing()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Returns whether tracing enabled

Specified by:
isTracing in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if tracing is enabled


public void setMessageHistory(Boolean messageHistory)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether message history is enabled or not (default is enabled).

Specified by:
setMessageHistory in interface RuntimeConfiguration
messageHistory - whether message history is enabled


public Boolean isMessageHistory()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Returns whether message history is enabled

Specified by:
isMessageHistory in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if message history is enabled


public void setStreamCaching(Boolean cache)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether stream caching is enabled or not (default is disabled).

Specified by:
setStreamCaching in interface RuntimeConfiguration
cache - whether stream caching is enabled or not


public Boolean isStreamCaching()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Returns whether stream cache is enabled

Specified by:
isStreamCaching in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if stream cache is enabled


public void setHandleFault(Boolean handleFault)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether fault handling is enabled or not (default is disabled).

Specified by:
setHandleFault in interface RuntimeConfiguration
handleFault - whether to enable fault handling.


public Boolean isHandleFault()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Returns whether fault handling enabled

Specified by:
isHandleFault in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if fault handling is enabled


public void setDelayer(Long delay)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets a delay value in millis that a message is delayed at every step it takes in the route path, slowing the process down to better observe what is occurring

Is disabled by default

Specified by:
setDelayer in interface RuntimeConfiguration
delay - delay in millis


public Long getDelayer()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Gets the delay value

Specified by:
getDelayer in interface RuntimeConfiguration
delay in millis, or null if disabled


public void setAutoStartup(Boolean autoStartup)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether the object should automatically start when Camel starts.

Important: Currently only routes can be disabled, as CamelContexts are always started.
Note: When setting auto startup false on CamelContext then that takes precedence and no routes is started. You would need to start CamelContext explicit using the CamelContext.start() method, to start the context and the routes.

Default is true to always start up.

Specified by:
setAutoStartup in interface RuntimeConfiguration
autoStartup - whether to start up automatically.


public Boolean isAutoStartup()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Gets whether the object should automatically start when Camel starts.

Important: Currently only routes can be disabled, as CamelContexts are always started.
Default is true to always start up.

Specified by:
isAutoStartup in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if object should automatically start


public void setShutdownRoute(ShutdownRoute shutdownRoute)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets the ShutdownRoute option for routes.

Specified by:
setShutdownRoute in interface RuntimeConfiguration
shutdownRoute - the option to use.


public void setAllowUseOriginalMessage(Boolean allowUseOriginalMessage)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether to allow access to the original message from Camel's error handler, or from UnitOfWork.getOriginalInMessage().

Turning this off can optimize performance, as defensive copy of the original message is not needed.

Specified by:
setAllowUseOriginalMessage in interface RuntimeConfiguration
allowUseOriginalMessage - the option to use.


public Boolean isAllowUseOriginalMessage()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether to allow access to the original message from Camel's error handler, or from UnitOfWork.getOriginalInMessage().

Turning this off can optimize performance, as defensive copy of the original message is not needed.

Specified by:
isAllowUseOriginalMessage in interface RuntimeConfiguration
the option


public ShutdownRoute getShutdownRoute()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Gets the option to use when shutting down the route.

Specified by:
getShutdownRoute in interface RuntimeConfiguration
the option


public void setShutdownRunningTask(ShutdownRunningTask shutdownRunningTask)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets the ShutdownRunningTask option to use when shutting down a route.

Specified by:
setShutdownRunningTask in interface RuntimeConfiguration
shutdownRunningTask - the option to use.


public ShutdownRunningTask getShutdownRunningTask()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Gets the ShutdownRunningTask option in use when shutting down a route.

Specified by:
getShutdownRunningTask in interface RuntimeConfiguration
the option


public int getAndIncrement(ProcessorDefinition<?> node)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
A private counter that increments, is used to as book keeping when building a route based on the model

We need this special book keeping be able to assign the correct ProcessorDefinition to the Channel

Specified by:
getAndIncrement in interface RouteContext
node - the current node
the current count


public void setRoutePolicyList(List<RoutePolicy> routePolicyList)
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Sets a custom route policy List

Specified by:
setRoutePolicyList in interface RouteContext
routePolicyList - the custom route policy list


public List<RoutePolicy> getRoutePolicyList()
Description copied from interface: RouteContext
Gets the route policy List

Specified by:
getRoutePolicyList in interface RouteContext
the route policy list if any

Apache Camel