Class UriComponentConfiguration

  extended by org.apache.camel.impl.ComponentConfigurationSupport
      extended by org.apache.camel.impl.UriComponentConfiguration
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UriComponentConfiguration
extends ComponentConfigurationSupport

Implements EndpointConfiguration for Endpoint implementations which are annotated with UriEndpoint to use the UriParam and UriParams annotations to denote its parameters which can be specified via URI query parameters.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.camel.impl.ComponentConfigurationSupport
Constructor Summary
UriComponentConfiguration(Component component, Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass)
UriComponentConfiguration(Component component, Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass, SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> parameterConfigurationMap)
UriComponentConfiguration(UriEndpointComponent component)
Method Summary
 CamelContext getCamelContext()
 Class<? extends Endpoint> getEndpointClass()
 Object getEndpointParameter(Endpoint endpoint, String name)
          Gets the named URI parameter value on the given endpoint
 SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> getParameterConfigurationMap()
          Returns the sorted map of all the parameter names to their ParameterConfiguration objects
 boolean isStrictOnParameterNames()
 void setEndpointParameter(Endpoint endpoint, String name, Object value)
          Sets the named URI query parameter value on the given endpoint
 void setStrictOnParameterNames(boolean strictOnParameterNames)
          Strict mode is enabled by default but if disabled then invalid parameter names will not result in exceptions but we will just log warnings about their use
protected  void unknownPropertyName(String name)
protected  void validatePropertyName(String name)
          Allow implementations to validate whether a property name is valid and either throw an exception or log a warning of an unknown property being used
protected  Object validatePropertyValue(String name, Object value)
          Allow implementations to validate whether a property name is valid and either throw an exception or log a warning of an unknown property being used and to convert the given value to the correct type before updating the value.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.impl.ComponentConfigurationSupport
completeEndpointPath, configureEndpoint, createEndpoint, createParameterJsonSchema, getBaseUri, getParameter, getParameterConfiguration, getParameters, getUriString, setBaseUri, setParameter, setParameters, setUriString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UriComponentConfiguration(Component component,
                                 Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass,
                                 SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> parameterConfigurationMap)


public UriComponentConfiguration(Component component,
                                 Class<? extends Endpoint> endpointClass)


public UriComponentConfiguration(UriEndpointComponent component)
Method Detail


public Object getEndpointParameter(Endpoint endpoint,
                                   String name)
                            throws RuntimeCamelException
Description copied from interface: ComponentConfiguration
Gets the named URI parameter value on the given endpoint

endpoint - the endpoint instance
name - the name of the URI query parameter
the value of the parameter
RuntimeCamelException - if the parameter name does not exist on the endpoint


public void setEndpointParameter(Endpoint endpoint,
                                 String name,
                                 Object value)
                          throws RuntimeCamelException
Description copied from interface: ComponentConfiguration
Sets the named URI query parameter value on the given endpoint

endpoint - the endpoint instance
name - the name of the URI query parameter
value - the new value of the URI query parameter


public CamelContext getCamelContext()


public Class<? extends Endpoint> getEndpointClass()


public boolean isStrictOnParameterNames()


public void setStrictOnParameterNames(boolean strictOnParameterNames)
Strict mode is enabled by default but if disabled then invalid parameter names will not result in exceptions but we will just log warnings about their use

strictOnParameterNames - whether to throw exceptions if invalid parameter names are used or not


public SortedMap<String,ParameterConfiguration> getParameterConfigurationMap()
Description copied from interface: ComponentConfiguration
Returns the sorted map of all the parameter names to their ParameterConfiguration objects


protected void validatePropertyName(String name)
Description copied from class: ComponentConfigurationSupport
Allow implementations to validate whether a property name is valid and either throw an exception or log a warning of an unknown property being used

validatePropertyName in class ComponentConfigurationSupport


protected Object validatePropertyValue(String name,
                                       Object value)
Description copied from class: ComponentConfigurationSupport
Allow implementations to validate whether a property name is valid and either throw an exception or log a warning of an unknown property being used and to convert the given value to the correct type before updating the value.

validatePropertyValue in class ComponentConfigurationSupport


protected void unknownPropertyName(String name)

Apache Camel