Package org.apache.camel.impl.converter

Default implementation classes the Type Conversion Strategies


Class Summary
AnnotationTypeConverterLoader A class which will auto-discover Converter objects and methods to pre-load the TypeConverterRegistry of converters on startup.
ArrayTypeConverter A type converter which is used to convert to and from array types particularly for derived types of array component types and dealing with primitive array types.
AsyncProcessorTypeConverter A simple converter that can convert any Processor to an AsyncProcessor.
BaseTypeConverterRegistry Base implementation of a type converter registry used for type converters in Camel.
BaseTypeConverterRegistry.FallbackTypeConverter Represents a fallback type converter
BaseTypeConverterRegistry.TypeMapping Represents a mapping from one type (which can be null) to another
CachingInjector<T> A caching proxy
CorePackageScanClassResolver A ClassResolver which loads type converters from a hardcoded list of classes.
CoreTypeConverterLoader Will load all type converters from camel-core without classpath scanning, which makes it much faster.
DefaultTypeConverter Default implementation of a type converter registry used for type converters in Camel.
EnumTypeConverter A type converter which is used to convert from String to enum type
FutureTypeConverter Future type converter.
InstanceMethodFallbackTypeConverter A TypeConverter implementation which instantiates an object so that an instance method can be used as a fallback type converter
InstanceMethodTypeConverter A TypeConverter implementation which instantiates an object so that an instance method can be used as a type converter
LazyLoadingTypeConverter Deprecated. will be removed in a future Camel release.
PropertyEditorTypeConverter Deprecated. should be removed as it can cause side-effects when using 3rd party property editors
StaticMethodFallbackTypeConverter A TypeConverter implementation which invokes a static method as a fallback type converter from a type to another type
StaticMethodTypeConverter A TypeConverter implementation which invokes a static method to convert from a type to another type
ToStringTypeConverter A simple converter that can convert any object to a String type by using the toString() method of the object.

Package org.apache.camel.impl.converter Description

Default implementation classes the Type Conversion Strategies

Apache Camel