Package org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor

Helper classes for interceptors.


Interface Summary
TraceEventHandler A handler which reacts on trace events.
TraceEventMessage A trace event message that contains decomposed information about the traced Exchange at the point of interception.
TraceFormatter Formatter to format trace logs when tracing Exchange during routing.
TraceInterceptorFactory Factory to create the trace interceptor.

Class Summary
BacklogDebugger A Debugger that has easy debugging functionality which can be used from JMX with ManagedBacklogDebuggerMBean.
BacklogTracer A tracer used for message tracing, storing a copy of the message details in a backlog.
Debug A debug interceptor to notify Debugger with Exchanges being processed.
DefaultBacklogTracerEventMessage An event message holding the traced message by the BacklogTracer.
DefaultChannel DefaultChannel is the default Channel.
DefaultTraceEventMessage Default TraceEventMessage.
Delayer Deprecated. no longer in use, will be removed in next Camel release.
DelayInterceptor Deprecated. no longer in use, will be removed in next Camel release.
HandleFault InterceptStrategy implementation to handle faults as exceptions on a RouteContext
StreamCaching Deprecated. no longer in use, will be removed in next Camel release.
StreamCachingInterceptor Deprecated. no longer in use, will be removed in next Camel release.
TraceInterceptor An interceptor for debugging and tracing routes
Tracer An interceptor strategy for tracing routes

Package org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor Description

Helper classes for interceptors.

Apache Camel