Class ProcessorPollingConsumer

  extended by
      extended by org.apache.camel.impl.PollingConsumerSupport
          extended by org.apache.camel.impl.ProcessorPollingConsumer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Consumer, PollingConsumer, Service, ShutdownableService, StatefulService, SuspendableService

public class ProcessorPollingConsumer
extends PollingConsumerSupport

A simple implementation of PollingConsumer which just uses a Processor. This implementation does not support timeout based receive methods such as receive(long)


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.camel.impl.PollingConsumerSupport
Fields inherited from class
shutdown, shuttingdown, started, starting, stopped, stopping, suspended, suspending
Constructor Summary
ProcessorPollingConsumer(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
Method Summary
protected  void doStart()
          Implementations override this method to support customized start/stop.
protected  void doStop()
          Implementations override this method to support customized start/stop.
 Exchange receive()
          Waits until a message is available and then returns it.
 Exchange receive(long timeout)
          Attempts to receive a message exchange, waiting up to the given timeout to expire if a message is not yet available.
 Exchange receiveNoWait()
          Attempts to receive a message exchange immediately without waiting and returning null if a message exchange is not available yet.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.impl.PollingConsumerSupport
getEndpoint, getExceptionHandler, handleException, setExceptionHandler, toString
Methods inherited from class
doResume, doShutdown, doSuspend, getStatus, getVersion, isRunAllowed, isStarted, isStarting, isStopped, isStopping, isStoppingOrStopped, isSuspended, isSuspending, resume, shutdown, start, stop, suspend
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.Service
start, stop

Constructor Detail


public ProcessorPollingConsumer(Endpoint endpoint,
                                Processor processor)
Method Detail


protected void doStart()
                throws Exception
Description copied from class: ServiceSupport
Implementations override this method to support customized start/stop.

Important: See ServiceSupport.doStop() for more details.

Specified by:
doStart in class ServiceSupport
See Also:


protected void doStop()
               throws Exception
Description copied from class: ServiceSupport
Implementations override this method to support customized start/stop.

Important: Camel will invoke this ServiceSupport.doStop() method when the service is being stopped. This method will also be invoked if the service is still in uninitialized state (eg has not been started). The method is always called to allow the service to do custom logic when the service is being stopped, such as when CamelContext is shutting down.

Specified by:
doStop in class ServiceSupport
See Also:


public Exchange receive()
Description copied from interface: PollingConsumer
Waits until a message is available and then returns it. Warning that this method could block indefinitely if no messages are available.

Will return null if the consumer is not started

Important: See the class javadoc about the need for done the UnitOfWork on the returned Exchange

the message exchange received.


public Exchange receiveNoWait()
Description copied from interface: PollingConsumer
Attempts to receive a message exchange immediately without waiting and returning null if a message exchange is not available yet.

Important: See the class javadoc about the need for done the UnitOfWork on the returned Exchange

the message exchange if one is immediately available otherwise null


public Exchange receive(long timeout)
Description copied from interface: PollingConsumer
Attempts to receive a message exchange, waiting up to the given timeout to expire if a message is not yet available.

Important: See the class javadoc about the need for done the UnitOfWork on the returned Exchange

timeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a message before timing out and returning null
the message exchange if one iwas available within the timeout period, or null if the timeout expired

Apache Camel