Interface OptimisticLockingAwareAggregationStrategy

All Superinterfaces:

public interface OptimisticLockingAwareAggregationStrategy
extends AggregationStrategy

A specialized AggregationStrategy which gets a callback when the aggregated Exchange fails to add in the OptimisticLockingAggregationRepository because of an OptimisticLockingAggregationRepository.OptimisticLockingException.

Please note that when aggregating Exchange's to be careful not to modify and return the oldExchange from the AggregationStrategy.aggregate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange) method. If you are using the default MemoryAggregationRepository this will mean you have modified the value of an object already referenced/stored by the MemoryAggregationRepository. This makes it impossible for optimistic locking to work correctly with the MemoryAggregationRepository.

You should instead return either the new newExchange or a completely new instance of Exchange. This is due to the nature of how the underlying ConcurrentHashMap performs CAS operations on the value identity.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void onOptimisticLockFailure(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

Method Detail


void onOptimisticLockFailure(Exchange oldExchange,
                             Exchange newExchange)

Apache Camel