Class ProcessorBuilder

  extended by org.apache.camel.builder.ProcessorBuilder

public final class ProcessorBuilder
extends Object

A builder of a number of different Processor implementations


Method Summary
static Processor removeFaultHeader(String name)
          Deprecated. will be removed in the near future. Instead use removeHeader(String)
static Processor removeHeader(String name)
          Removes the header on the message.
static Processor removeHeaders(String pattern)
          Removes the headers on the message
static Processor removeHeaders(String pattern, String... exceptionPatterns)
          Removes all headers on the message, except for the ones provided in the names parameter
static Processor removeProperty(String name)
          Removes the property on the exchange
static Processor setBody(Expression expression)
          Creates a processor which sets the body of the message to the value of the expression
static Processor setFaultBody(Expression expression)
          Creates a processor which sets the body of the FAULT message (FAULT must be OUT) to the value of the expression
static Processor setFaultHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the header on the FAULT message (FAULT must be OUT)
static Processor setHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the header on the message.
static Processor setOutBody(Expression expression)
          Deprecated. use setBody(org.apache.camel.Expression)
static Processor setOutHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Deprecated. use setHeader(String, org.apache.camel.Expression)
static Processor setProperty(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the property on the exchange
static Processor throwException(Exception ex)
          Throws an exception
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Processor setBody(Expression expression)
Creates a processor which sets the body of the message to the value of the expression


public static Processor setOutBody(Expression expression)
Deprecated. use setBody(org.apache.camel.Expression)

Creates a processor which sets the body of the OUT message to the value of the expression


public static Processor setFaultBody(Expression expression)
Creates a processor which sets the body of the FAULT message (FAULT must be OUT) to the value of the expression


public static Processor setHeader(String name,
                                  Expression expression)
Sets the header on the message.


public static Processor setOutHeader(String name,
                                                Expression expression)
Deprecated. use setHeader(String, org.apache.camel.Expression)

Sets the header on the OUT message


public static Processor setFaultHeader(String name,
                                       Expression expression)
Sets the header on the FAULT message (FAULT must be OUT)


public static Processor setProperty(String name,
                                    Expression expression)
Sets the property on the exchange


public static Processor removeHeader(String name)
Removes the header on the message.


public static Processor removeHeaders(String pattern)
Removes the headers on the message


public static Processor removeHeaders(String pattern,
                                      String... exceptionPatterns)
Removes all headers on the message, except for the ones provided in the names parameter


public static Processor removeFaultHeader(String name)
Deprecated. will be removed in the near future. Instead use removeHeader(String)

Removes the header on the FAULT message (FAULT must be OUT)


public static Processor removeProperty(String name)
Removes the property on the exchange


public static Processor throwException(Exception ex)
Throws an exception

Apache Camel